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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Cindy Chan

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Posts posted by Cindy Chan

  1. Q2. Was Rebekah a spiritual woman, that is, interested in spiritual things? Was Isaac a spiritual man? Which do you think was the more spiritually sensitive? What evidence of spirituality do you see in Jacob? In Esau?

    Rebekah was a spiritual woman, she was in tune with God. When she felt the babies jostling within her, she prayed to God for guidance. Her relationship with God enabled her to hear what the Lord God said,

  2. Esau had been blessed as the firstborn, but he gave up his birthright without taking consideration of what will happen in the future. Besides, this is a sign that Esau is an impatient, reckless person. The birthright represented his special relationship with his father, but when he sold his birthright, it was as though he abandoned his relationship with his father. As for Jacob, though he was a shrewd man, he was patient and laid strategy in order to attain what he desired, in this case, the birthright of the firstborn. He was smart and quick to act when the right opportunity turned up.


  3. Hi all,

    I'm Cindy from Malaysia, turning 28 this year end. I'm serving in Sacred Heart Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu. Few years back I started developing a personal relationship with Jesus and the more I want to know Him, the more He reveals Himself to me, through prayer and the Scriptures. This is my first online bible study with JesusWalk. I hope that I can learn from all of you here, and thank you all for being a part of my spiritual journey.

    God bless and thank you to Pastor Ralph too.

    In Christ,


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