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Posts posted by sylverd

  1. Q4. (Ephesians 2:6) What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in "the heavenly realms"? What does this say about God's grace? What does this say about our spiritual authority? How should this knowledge affect our prayers and our boldness?

    Our table or place is set when we leave this earthly world and bodies and take on our true form (spirit). God's grace is the ultimate love. It is God's unmerited favor, we need to do nothing to receive it!! We truly have spiritual and physical authority because God says so. We only have to believe it and then act upon it and it shall be! It should affect us greatly because we have the one who created it all telling us we have the power through him, given by him all we have to do is act on it! This pleases God greatly!!

  2. Q3. (Ephesians 1:4-5) In verses 4 and 5, which words describe God's motivation and character? Which verbs describe what has happened to us in Christ?

    God's love for us describes his motivation to do what he did for us: sending His only begotten son to take on the burden of all of our sins!! This also describes his character!! God IS love! The word "be" says it all! we are (to Be) in Him: this encompasses all in all----everything God created is our inheritance and we have authority over Amen!

  3. Q2. (Ephesians 2:1-3) Few people would knowingly follow Satan. How can people unwittingly follow Satan? In what sense are we responsible for unwitting rebellion against God? How can God, in all fairness, blame us?

    To participate in wrong, or to follow Satan as you put it comes for me when I am down, or feeling depressed. Of course these feelings are straight from Satan. Even though these feelings are not sin so to speak they open the door for temptation to come into your life. We are responsible for our rebellion whether it is intentional or unintentional. For me personally, I have never (to my knowledge) intentionally sinned, so I dont know what that would be like. Usually if you are walking with God, and sin creeps into your life it is because you have let your guard down. We must always remained equipped to resist temptation and that is done by staying in the word and using the word of God against satan!

  4. Q1. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

    When one is dead nothing workds! No feeling no sense of belonging: stagnant. Those of my friends who do not have a personal relationship with God, I subtly invite them to get to know Christ as their personal friend, confidant, love of their life: a life line. I certainly do not want anyone even my enemies to be dead in Christ and be judged accordingly. I want them to be fulfilled in His joy! There is nothing out in the world that can compare to that!!!!!!

  5. Q3. (Ephesians 1:11-12) According to verses 11 and 12, what is God's purpose for our lives? What do we need to do to fulfill this purpose? How does this purpose relate to Matthew 5:13-16?

    God's purpose for our lives is to be vessels of praise unto Him that we live our lives in a way that is pleasing to him I know for my self I want to make God proud of me I want him to see me and say job well done i am pleased I strive to be a woman after God's own heart just as david was in the bible. Matthew 4:13-16 so relates because it is saying the same thing We are to let our light shine before or in front of others so that they can see our goodnes our compassion our love toward them and our circumstance. This draws themm into wanting to know that goodness and this glorifys God

  6. Q2. (Ephesians 1:9-10) What is the significance that all things will be brought under one head -- Christ himself? How does this relate to the Creator? What does it say about unity? Extra Credit: How does this verse relate to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28?

    The significance is that God is creator of all things. Not just the beleiver is brought under his authority but those who do not believe will find out just how and who created this universe and all that are contained in it and will be judged accordingly. It is so incredible I can scarcely take it all in but the word states that Christ has all authority which has been given to him by his Father God and in the end days Christ will have dominion and authority to destroy all that has not fallen in line with the Father. After he has put every thing into order (God is a God of order) then God will take over the reigns and be our all in all!!!

  7. Q1. (Ephesians 1:7) In what sense have you been "redeemed" from slavery? What do you think your life up to now would have been like if you hadn't been redeemed? What would your future be like without redemption, do you think?

    I have been redeemed by Christ's willingness to put himself on the cross and die for all of my sins!!!! I was once a slave to bondage unable to set my own self free from my lying fornication and all else but God gave me a way out and his name is Wonderful Counselor Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ my saviour!!!! I would have been a total mess up unable to get my self right without Gods loving concern for my life and what it would be like without him in my life To be born and then die in utter hell is what my life would have been and would be without Christ redeeming grace in my life!!

  8. Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us?

    It is beautiful because although we were created perfect our sins took us away from God and God being a just and compassionate God gave us his only beloved son to bring us back to him. We now have the same rights and inheritance as our brother Christ Jesus and I just find that amazing that someone could love me that much!!

  9. Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

    Holy means cleansed of all unrighteousness things that make us unclean or keep us away from Gods grace Thank God that he loved us enough to want to bring us back unto himself by providing a way of escape through our Lord and savior Jesus! Without him we would totally be lost and unable to return to God because of our mistakes and wrongdoings But Through believing in Jesus we are given a second chance to walk in the way the God created us to be without blemish perfect in the eyes of our father God!!!! Thank you Lord

  10. Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

    For me there is nothing scary about predestination I receive it and the plan that God has for my life. It is comforting for me to know that God thought enough about me to want only the good things in my life and when I am in tune with Him I receive only the very best that he has to offer in my life! Prsising God is what brings him satisfaction He is pleased to know that we acknowledge that he is leading us and we are grateful for it.

  11. Q1. (Philemon 12) Why does Paul send Onesimus back to Philemon where he can lose his freedom again? Why is it necessary for Paul to do this? Why is it necessary for Onesimus to do this?

    I believe to reconcile the two together. We dont know if he lost his freedom or gained it! We surely know he gained his freedom thru Christ Jesus! Although it is a possibility that Philemon may have very well have physically kept him as a slave we certainly know his spirit was free indeed! The necessity arises from both men, Onesimus and Paul relying on the everlasting love of Christ and knowing love conquers all!!

  12. Q4. (Colossians 4:17) Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you describe Archippus? In what ways does he remind you of yourself?

    Maybe he needed encouragement, or a fire lit under him again. Many times we are ignited by God's words and call on our lives and then the pressures and responsibilites of life get in the way. We need to be relit so to speak, to recharge our batteries so that we can move forward with what it is the Lord has called us to do. "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Amen

  13. Q1. (Colossians 4:2) What guidelines does Paul give us to form our praying habits? If you put these into practice fully, how would they affect your prayer life? What problems would they help correct?

    We are to be persistent and thankful and alert. I agree that when we thank God for all that He has done it does put our faith into action. It confirms that God is listening to us and has nothing but our concerns and needs in mind. Knowing this makes us stronger in our faith and allows us to fully commit to serving our Heavenly Father. When we do not recognize God's love for us or allow the enemy to intercede our thoughts we become depressed and troubled keeping us from the good things God has to offer us and wants to give us.

  14. Q2. (Colossians 3:20-21) In what way does obedience prepare a child for everyday life in the future? For spiritual life in the future? What can fathers do to keep from discouraging their children?

    Obedience shows that you have love and admiration for the person who is admonishing you. A child loves their parents and want to please them parents have the resposibility of guiding a child so that they are raised to know how to love and show that love to others this above all pleases God. A child who is shown this grows up knowing who God is and wanting to follow his practices and maintain the very virtue that their parents instilled in them. A father and mother should guide their children and admonish without breaking their spirit instill in them a sense of selfworth that will remain with them a lifetime

  15. Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14) Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? Why are they so important to the church? Why are they so important to non-Christians? Why are they so important in our homes?

    Love forgiveness, forberance, humility, compassions these are all so important and relative in our lives because it is what sustain us in this sinful world! And as a sinner now redeemed by the blood I know all too well that these gifts (and they are gifts because we surly could not conjure these emotions on our own!) bring us closer to our Heavenly Father. They keep us in His love when others hurt us or say unkind things to make us feel unworthy.... We as followers of Christ are to edify other followers of Christ so that we may remain lifted in our day to day lives and when this happens its like a ripple effect it causes others to respond in a kinder and compassionate manner! I have tried it and it truly works! Sometimes in our day to day lives we are so busy we forget that even a kind smile to a stranger can make all the difference! Try it. I do When I am at a store for instance I will go out of my way to try and bring a smile to someone I meet on the steet by just smiling, and they are so taken aback that someone they dont know even took the time to say hello let alone smile they cant help but to return the kindness! And to top it off it feels so good! It is a shame that people are so caught up in life that they dont even have time to say hello or smile but I promise you next time you're somewhere try it you will find it works! After all God made us and deep down we all just want to be loved and be shown love and we as followers of Christ are the ones to get the ball rolling for His glory!!

  16. Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into?

    Jesus said in Mt. 12:34 that "out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks"....The tongue exposes what is hidden in our hearts....if evil, the tongue speaks evil; if pure, the tongue speaks praise, worship, encouragement, scripture stored up as treasure, and wholesome uplifting conversation, loving and kind words. Words can sound good but be meant to manipulate, control, hide true motives, promote evil agendas,....I can't help but think of this verse when I listen to politicians who are not statesmen/women commited to the good of the nation, but are trying to gain or hold onto power.

    Since we're works in progress going from glory to glory, there are parts not yet healed, regenerated, made new or which have not yet been brought to our attention as needing cleansing....and these come out in conversation, or bursts of anger when provoked.

    In what ways do they damage us and others?

    Proverbs 18:21 says "The power of life and death are in the tongue".....when the tongue spews forth words of death (malice, hatred, slander, gossip, vicious criticism, they bring "death" to the hearer. Words can "kill" relationships, marriages, strangers....whomever hears them. They can be apologized for, but not retrieved once spoken. It's been said it takes one hundred positive remarks to reduce the stigma of one negative and damaging one. Words of death damage the one who speaks them when that person's true condition is exposed, and never puts one in a positive light. Those words stay connected to the one who speaks them, like the stench of cigar smoke clings to the drapes....

    A loved one humiliated me last night in front of dear friends by speaking cruel words. The friends were embarrassed for me, and I was stunned by the uncalled for remarks. Though an apology was given and I've forgiven, the sting is still with me this morning....It knocked the life right out of me and I've been weepy and confused today, wondering what on earth was in that one's mind to do such a thing, when love is also professed from the same mouth. A great picture of the question, "How can the same fountain spew forth both pure and salty water?" I'm feeling "the damage", mentioned in the question.

    How can we break free of the sins of the tongue?

    A verse I've memorized is Ps. 39:1 "I will muzzle my mouth as with a bridle".....it comes to mind when I'm tempted to speak the negative words, and reminds me (most of the time) to ask the Lord to take control of my mouth. James said in 3:8 "The human tongue can be tamed by no man." Only the Lord has the power to do that, and requires our submission to Him and the desire and committment to have it tamed....a lifetime process.

    JanMary My heart goes out to you! I have had similar experiences....do not focus on the why as this will keep you in a mode of unforgiveness..sometimes even when we say we forgive, we can not help but to remember the damage of what others have done or said to us....for me when I have been hurt by someone I love, I ask God to forgive them but I then ask God for the strength to renew my thoughts and by faith give me the ability to lay down my resentment and hurt toward that person and find healing. God Bless you my sister and know that you are worthy of all of God's precious gifts and I can tell by your words on this page that you are a loving and righteous woman! Thank you for sharing you have touched me today when I needed to be lifted up!

  17. Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? In what ways do they damage us and others? How can we break free of sins of the tongue?

    beause we get laxidazical when talking to others and they use this type of language. We sometimes do not correlate our speech in relationship to God we tend to seperate it. The tongue is to edify and not condemn when we use the latter it damages our spirit and thought process and keeps us always tied up in knots. But when we use the tongue to edify it brings forth a great peace and contement in our selves and draws us closer to our heavenly father! Breaking free of the sins of the tongue is something we must work out daily and once we begin to make the conscious effort we will become victorious!

  18. Q2. (Colossians 3:5) Why is sexual l u s t so difficult for people, especially males? Though we cannot deny that we are sexual beings, how can we keep sexual desire from controlling us and causing us to sin?

    Like any desire or urge that gets in the way of our relationship with Christ we must pray and meditate on the love of God. Paul reminds us that we must work out our salvation through prayer and supplication on a daily basis. When the urges occur seek out God and he will make a way out for us!

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