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Posts posted by dgc1957

  1. These names come from the prophecies about Jesus from the Old Testament. The scriptures from Genesis tells us about Jacob. From his son Judah would come the Messiah. Judah was pictured as a lion's cub or crouching lion. Isaiah tells us the Messiah would come from the Root of Jessie, Davids father. Jesus would be called "the Lion of the tribe of Judah" and "the Root of David".

  2. That statement brings sorrow to me because of what Jesus had to suffer. It brings me tremendous joy because of what His sacrifice did for me. Jesus became the sacrificial lamb that was slaughtered, He shed His blood for the forgiveness of my sins. In Exodus 24, Moses sprinkled blood on the people and said, "This is the blood of the covenant which the Lord has made with you according to all these words." In Matthew 26, Jesus revealed that He was the blood of that covenant. What joy that brings my heart. The fulfillment of God's Word.

  3. The Passover meal was truly a meal with different courses, interspersed with three cups of wine. The scriptures read were very specific,they are full in praises of our God. I find it interesting that in those scriptures read, there is the urging of the Gentiles to praise God in Ps.177 and the rejection of Jesus as the chief cornerstone in Ps. 118:22.

    Our partaking of the Lord's Supper is so abbreviated now. Probably because we do it more often than once a year.

  4. We are the slave, enslaved to sin and God pays (and has already paid the ransom with Jesus's death)the ransom. Satan tempts us into sin, but he does not make us sin. We sin out of choice. He is the author of sin, but we have to take responsibility for our actions. I have never thought about this subject of who the ransom is given when we are freed and why it is not addressed in the Bible. In the Old Testament when sacrifices were made for the forgiveness of sin, they would be given by the people to God. Would it make sense that when God pays the ransom, it is given to us in the form of the redemption that we are given?

  5. Once we are redeemed, we have a new heart and our old ways we put away, because all things are new. We are transformed by the blood of Jesus. That has got to make a difference in how we do everything. I believe that we have to remind ourselves where we came from, before Christ. When we will daily look at what Christ has done in us and is continuing to do in us, we will daily live our lives glorifying Him.

  6. God set a standard for us to go by when He gave us the Ten Commandments. It was immediately realized that man could not live up to that standard. Many years later God allowed Jesus to live on this earth and die as a substitution for us, so that when we as believers die, we can go to heaven and live with Him. Man has to take on(believe) that substitutionary death was for them before God will allow us to recieve His eternal life. I believe that God did things in this order so that we would exhibit our free will in this choice.

  7. There has to be a penalty for it. If we were living before Christ, we would have to have known that it was us or the unblemished animal for forgivness. Now we have to see that it is us with eternal punishment or for us to choose Jesus as our Savior as our forgivness.

    God demands holiness in our lives for Him to be able to look upon us, His nature demands it. Our nature is not able to supply that requirement. So we have to depend on Jesus.

  8. Confession or acknowledgement of sin is a necessary part of the sacrifice.

    A sacrificial animal is costly to the sinner. Nothing free here.

    There is a close identification between the sinner and the sacrifice. The imparting of sin by the laying on of hands suggests that the animal becomes a substitute for the sinner.

    Killing the animal is very personal. It is not done for the sinner by a third party but by the sinner himself.

    We still need to confess, acknowledge what we have done wrong. Remember the cost that Jesus took on Himself to pay for

    our sins, and especially have a repentant heart. We do not have to lay our hands on a sacrificial animal and kill him,

    but we have to acknowledge that Jesus was that for us.

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