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Posts posted by pbrown952

  1. The law was impossible for people to fulfill. The significance of nailing all our sins to the cross is that Jesus took all our sins upon Himself and died in our place to take our punishment . This also paved the way for us to go directly to God to confess our sins and to receive his forgiveness. When we ask for forgiveness, God is merciful to forgive and this wipes our slate clean. However, we still have to bear the consequences for our sins for eg if a person steals he would have to spend time in prison. In place of the law, the Holy Spirit becomes our guide. When we sin, the Holy Spirit will convict us. We can never be perfect but wth the Holy Spirit leading and guiding us, we grow in obedience to the Lord. The cross bring triumph over evil spiritual forces because satan cannot condemn us and we have been given power over him.

    Yes, keeping the law continually and perfectly as Christ did, is an impossibility, because man is imperfect. But we are to strive to the best of our ability to keep God's laws (the ten commandments) the best we can. Because Christ came to earth in the flesh, and was tempted in every way, Christ can understand what we are going through as we go through life. And when we do sin, and ask for forgiveness (and this is the key to our salvation) Christ and the Father will continually forgive us for our sins.

  2. Even though we are freed from the penalty of the law which is death, we are still required to to obey the law, the ten commandments and the laws and statutes outlined in the books of Exodus and Leviticus. If this country still obeyed the ten commandments we would have none of the social problems we have today. Do not commit adultery, Think, No no sexual disease, no out-of-wedlock births,happier home, Do not Steal. do not murder, how much money could be saved in jails, prisons, security alarms, and security guards if this country just abide by these three commandments.

    So explain what it really means that the law was done away with, the penalty of death or the need to obey God's law?

    Please clarify, and be a little more specific!

  3. This is very important as previously we were bound by the law and now Jesus dying on the cross and being resurectated has defeated Satan and eleminated the need for the law. The cross and Jesus being nailed to it defeated Satan and the law became unneeded. The law was from Judaism and now the Gentiles and the Jews are under the new covenant and the law is gone. We are dead to sin under the law but under Christ we are forgiven.

    The need for the is not done away with. Without law there is lawlessness! The death penalty is done away with. The law, its ten commandments, still need to be obeyed.

  4. Forgiveness occurs when we acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and our Saviour and acknowledge that we are sinners and seek his forgiveness. This act wipes the slate clean and frees us from the bondage of the Law. Jesus has already fulfilled the Law when he took our sins and died on the Cross on our behalf. Nailing the Law to the cross symbolises the fulfilment and completion of the Law. It means that we no longer are subject to the Law to Spirit of Christ. The Cross brought truimph with Jesus' resurrection on the third day. Death could not hold him. Our Savious lives. Hallelujah!

    Even though we are freed from the penalty of the law which is death, we are still required to to obey the law, the ten commandments and the laws and statutes outlined in the books of Exodus and Leviticus. If this country still obeyed the ten commandments we would have none of the social problems we have today. Do not commit adultery, Think, No no sexual disease, no out-of-wedlock births,happier home, Do not Steal. do not murder, how much money could be saved in jails, prisons, security alarms, and security guards if this country just abide by these three commandments.

    So explain what it really means that the law was done away with, the penalty of death or the need to obey God's law?

    Please clarify, and be a little more specific!

  5. You claim you do not want legalism in God's law. But would you not want legalism in Man's law? If we are no longer bound by the laws of God, then what purpose does the law serve? If you do not want legalism, then what do you want? Illegalism! That is absurb! Unless your claim of freedom from the law has Bible scripture to back up your claim, your claim is totally baseless. If the Law is done away, the there is no sin, and if no sin, then what does the law serve? Read Romans 6:1-13, It says we are not to continue in sin, since sin exists, the law must exist, no law, no sin, Then we live like we want!

  6. "Soft squishy law...": "legalism":akin to "fuzzy logic" and other present day, functional specifications, for something like artificial jurisprudence- that some poor future bozo may be able to purchase from a drive-thru-justice provider (if they can pay for it); a man-made adaptation of the Truth.God's law,in fact,The Word Of God Himself,was nailed to the cross,suffered the same death all flesh must (I'm not discussing Enoch or Elijah here,because I just don't know enough to make an all-inclusive statement,about this,yet)...and, yet, lives,in the person of Jesus Christ,in the hearts of all who love Him.All of us have fallen short of the glory of God,and yet,by His Grace,do not hide ourselves from the light of His Truth,but rather seek it...this is the power of evil,broken!It hides,we don't ! It is exposed,in it's nakedness,without the armor of it's lies,stripped of the power of it's illusion,without the power to invoke our guilt and cause us to turn from the face of our Lord and our God,who suffered the death of our sins to free us.Evil is mortally wounded,angry,aroused,dangerous,vengeful,in pain and despair,eager to devour whatever hope it may..."soft and squishy"...that's when we feel sorry for it...poor,injured evil...how sad for it...no way!!!Glory to God !

  7. Q3. (Colossians 2:13-15) How did forgiveness free us from the Law? What is the significance of nailing the Law to the cross? What does this symbolize? How did the cross bring triumph over evil spiritual forces?

    The law is not done away with. The law was not nailed to the cross. The 10 Commandments are still in existence today. In John 14:15 Jesus says: If you love Me, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS! John 15:10 KEEP My commandments! Matthew 19:17 says: If you want to enter into life, keep the commandments. Rev 22:14: Blessed are those who do His commandments. Matt 5:17 teaches that Jesus did not do away with the law. Do not think that I come to destroy the Laws but fulfill the Law and in vs 18 Christ says Until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or tittle will by no means pass from the law. Since the heavens and the earth are still hear according to scripture the law is still here. According to the covenant God made with Israel at Mount Sinai, the act of committing sin was what was taught. "Do not" In Matt 5:21-30, what Christ did was take the law to the next level. In these verses He said do not even think of committing adultery or murder, If the thought is in your heart then you are guilty of that sin. What Christ took away was the penalty of the sin. The slaughter or blood sacrifice was what was done away. If the law was done away, as you claim, then I guess it is alright to steal, rob, murder, lie with thy neighbor's wife, or bear false witness against thy neighbor, Right? If not, then the law is not done away with, and you teach a false doctrine.

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