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Posts posted by minnow

  1. Many years ago an old gentleman told me to learn from other peoples mistakes and hopefully you won't suffer from making the same mistakes.  Freewill leaves room for mistakes, we are not perfect and trying to do the right thing (such as listening to God's voice) and making mistakes is not failure: failure is not trying at all.  If we run into a brick wall, we get up and start over.  God knows we are not perfect, He created us to work towards perfection with Him working in us and through us.  My mistakes help me stay close to God, I need him every day.

  2. God knew Gideon believed, it was Gideon's confidence in himself to hear God's voice.  A person decisions or actions that will affect others must not be taken lightly.  We should always know for sure that God is doing the talking, it could have had severe consequences for Gideon and his men w/o God leading and blessing them.  The difference in conformation from God & testing God, would be like asking for something or telling God to do something.  Testing God is what Satin tried to do to Jesus.  Don't get me wrong, there are times when on the outside we are showing anger at God when bad things happen to good people (children are small people), when God sees the heart with all the pain.  The bible tells us to know for sure God is talking and if needed seek counsel.  If we keep asking for more signs or making excuses that could be a problem, like little children saying "why" or "what for", I think you get my drift.

  3. For Eli it was a moment of remembering when God talked, he listened and obeyed.  Knowing that Samuel's mother brought him to serve God, it was the right instructions (acknowledging God as Lord of his life & he was God's willing servant).  Before Samuel's mother dropped him off at the temple she no doubt told him the story about her praying for a child and the promise to give him back, to serve God.  Remembering this story and given Eli's instructions was giving Samuel to make a full commitment (surrendering) to God as Lord of his life.

  4. Promptings from the Holy Spirit are clear in God's world, in our world that is another story.  With flying across America in 5 hours not traveling by foot & taking years, or nano speed computers, we humans want it now.  Waiting for a redeemer to come and pay the price for their sins, plus living hundreds of years must have been at time over whelming.  And maybe the answer is "no".  When a loved one is dying, or you want that promotion on your job that will give you the money to pay off your bills, or, or, or, and God says "no".  That's hard; sometimes we get to see why and sometimes we just have to wait until we get to heaven and maybe by then it won't even matter.

    Yes I was asked by a company I worked for to move to take a promotion and move to a different location.  After checking it out my wife and I felt it was a great deal but that we were both working in our local church and that it would not be right to leave.  I didn't want to upset my boss & company so I prayed for God to speak through me to my boss because I did not know what to say w/o offending them.  When I sat down with my boss, my mouth opened and out came "yes".  With my boss excited & making the plans for our move; I was going crazy in my head trying to figure out what I said and how was I going to tell my wife what I had done.  When I got home my wife told me she already knew in her heart that we were going.  It doesn't always work out that easy, but it will always work if God is leading the way.

  5. I believe Peter was committed to serving God with his whole heart, what ever the cost. However he had life long training that needed to be corrected before he could serve God to the fullest capacity. I believe we all have things that God wants to change in our lives so that we might be a shining light to the lost so that they might see how much Jesus loves them. And Peter not wanting to offend or sin against God had to hear it plain and clear. This way when he was questioned for his association with the Gentiles he could boldly give an answer.  It takes the fear of God (reverence, respect, & trust in God) to do something you know your own church family will criticize you for doing it.  And you should be ready and willing to ask for forgiveness if you were wrong (be humble not arrogant and most people may not agree with you but they will most likely accept, and respect your decision.  Once I put off telling a church family what I knew God had laid on my heart. It was concerning money & a Holy Spirit lead life.  For two weeks I couldn't eat or sleep and then finally like Peter I told them what God laid on my heart and that I was fighting God by putting off what God want me to say to them.  The miracle, and blessings that followed after the church family accepted the message from God went beyond any ones expectations.  I realized at that point that God is only limited when we set the limits.

  6. When God speaks with a mighty voice, loud and clear, there is not much doubt that God has spoken.  Then when God chooses to talk in His still small voice, we have to slow down and maybe even stop what we are doing, remove all distractions, clear our thoughts of all the business, friends & family.  Just like somethings given to us without costing us anything, there is little appreciation.  Time is more valuable then gold, and when we have to stop what we are doing then that is giving (or costing us much more then gold) all we have and the still small voice will be appreciated & remembered.  Plus you can't hear God's quiet voice when your talking and/or doing loud, busy things.  God's soft and gentle voice got Elijah's attention and from his reaction to God's voice it gave him confidence assurance everything was going to be alright, so he laid down and went to sleep.  

    God help us all (me at the top of the list) to slow down more often in this world of nano second hyper speed of doing things and jamming our live so full of stuff.  When God said "knowledge would run away with it's self"; I think He also meant we would try to do 26 hours worth of stuff in a 24 hour period.

  7. When we read, study & meditate upon God's word we must pray for guidance, understanding, & wisdom. Without first praying (for the Holy Spirit to help us) , we would be relying on our limited self understanding.  We go through life wanting to hear God's voice when the first baby steps are to trust His word and lean not on our own understanding.  The more we align life problems with God's word, the more God has opportunity to speak to our hearts if we will listen for that quiet not LOUD voice. His sheep know His voice and He is waiting to hear ours.

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