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Posts posted by kuku

  1. I believe that human beings understanding of submission refers to the negative connotation the word implies in the eyes of the world system. The world thinks that submission is being subject to an imposition from someone. The world does not understand what obedience means in Christian life. Even if we say it does, the Jesus kind of obedience is not understood by the system. So long us a person is not saved, that nature to disobey wants to reign.Christianity is a life of obedience.Operating in the faith requires obedience. Obedience then becomes a life style of a born again Christian.

    Submission does not take away the GOD given free will. If it was so, we may say that GOD gives and takes. So, submission is fulfilled with ones will only. IF a person sees something to act on and does not submit automatically, there should always be a reason.There is always a room to express ones will.

    Submission can not be directed to someone who exalts himself/herself against the word of GOD. We should not submit to any person demanding our action contrary to the word of GOD.

    However, I just heard arguments saying that the scriptural subscription of submission written to wives would not demand the same level of submission from present day wives. It is argued that since times have changed, women would not be expected to abandon their life aspirations in the interest of conforming to the wishes/demands of their husbands. I would particularly be happy to see responses to these arguments from brothers and sisters participating on this forum.

  2. Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

    We are children born in sin. Sin is the first rebellion by Adam and Eve, going against the dictat of God. So the sinful nature is inherent in us. That's why submission to any kind of authority is so difficult for us humans.

    Anything can be achieved through meaningful dialogue between husband and wife. Submission doesn't mean meekly keeping quite when things are not being done corrrectly. Rather it is the give and take attitude that solves the problem. Keeping Christ in the center of everything will result in conjugal relationships blossoming without the other partner dominating.

    For a Christian, Christ is the head. That means He is to obeyed in all respects. If any situation arises contradicting this position, then it is to be ignored. But even then, polite and loving refusal to obey will ease the tensions and may lead to rethinking on the other's mind. :D

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