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Posts posted by powerkept

  1. We can rejoice in our sufferings first by believing that our future destiny is sure and wonderful. This assurance comes by faith, and the Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are indeed children of God! Knowing this truth allows us to endure trials and suffering in this world because we know that this life is short and transitory compared to eternity which we will live with Christ. There is purpose in the Christian life as we are moving forward and toward a great future.

    But what about the present? We know that our past has been forgiven, and we know our future destiny is secure. God calls us to walk in faith every day. Trials, temptation, and suffering should drive us closer to the Lord. Experience along the road of life with God in the valleys as well as on the mountaintops of our experience develops our relationship with Him. We see how God strengthens us and enables us to persevere through things that we never thought we could; and we know we could not have had it not been for the Holy Spirit of God. These are the experiences that produce Christ-like character and a stronger dependence on the power of God, where we truly see that this hope does not put us to shame (Romans 5:4).

  2. For Abraham, the relationship between his faith, and the basis of his justification was upon the promised seed, who was Jesus Christ (Gal. 3:16). Abraham is the father of many nations in the sense that through his offspring (Jesus), all the nations have been blessed as Christ has redeemed men from every tribe, tongue, and nation (Rev. 5:9-10). In His sovereign grace, God covenanted with Abraham and made this promise which was received by Abraham in faith (complete trust and reliance). Abraham believed God about the promised seed that was to come who would bring about the blessing (which is justification before God by faith), and it was accounted to him for righteousness.

    In just the same way, our trust is in the promised seed (offspring) who has come. In grace, God sent forth His Son who willingly was obedient unto death upon the cross. By faith, we believe God

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