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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Posts posted by Johnguitars

  1. Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) Since Satan has blinded people’s eyes to the truth, is there any hope for them? What strategies must we use to overcome spiritual blindness? How many people are likely to find Christ without intercessory prayer?

    There must be hope because I was one of them.

    Prayer, honesty, clarity and charity.

    Very few although there will be the odd conscript.

  2. Gifting is esssential but training makes it better. For years I have composed music but the music I composed after my formal training was better than that which came before. Less ended up in the bin and more in the score. This will hold true in any walk of life.

    As for listening, oh yes but the secret is taking time out to listen.

    While a general approach to ministry may be quite effective, a tailored approach will be better. This can only be achieved by listening or discerning what God is doing in a particular area. In listening rather than takling, we give God His place.

  3. Q2. (2 Corinthians 1:24) What does it mean to “lord it over” someone?

    This is to throw your weight around just because you can.

    What is the balance between (1) good, strong leadership, (2) micromanaging, and (3) a complete laissez-faire approach to leadership? What are the dangers of an authoritative leadership style? What are the dangers of a weak leadership style?


    Strong leadership oversees, delegates where appropriate, encourages and disciplines as necessary.

    Micromanaging prevents others from learning and results in burnout.

    Laizzes-faire leads to chaos.

    An over authoritative style can lead to the leader's errors going unchallenged and when that leader eventually goes, to a lack of direction and civil war.

    Weak leadership leads to everyone doing their own thing and a lack of unity.

  4. While not exactly a seal of approval, this annointing of the HS is a sign that God is working on us and that he has chosen us. As a musician I have felt this annointing countless times when praising the Lord. It may be worth noting that I do not feel any such thing when playing Beatle's songs or Moon River so it is not just the music.

    At the start of this year I received an extra dose of the HS and His presence is now with me even when I simply think about God. I remember saying, 'Why do I need this?' and within a few weeks both my work and health took a real bashing. It has been a great lesson, God does not takes us around the storm, He holds us right through it.

  5. Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not?

    Nico does not understand which is perfectly understandable because Jesus seems to have jumped to the conclusion without explaining the process. We know that the water he is talking about is the water of baptism / repentance and that the spirit is the Holy Spirit but he has not explained this to Nico. Perhaps Jesus felt that Nico had heard enough on previous ocaisions or that being so steepted in the bible that he should know but we cannot really say.

    There is a lesson for us in this that when we are talking about the Kingdom to others we should not assume that they have any prior knowledge. There are some for whom Jesus is only a mild swear word and who do not even realise that he was an historical figure.

    As to the nature of the Kingdom it is spiritually perceived and not visible to the naked eye.

  6. Q4. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Why are we tempted to value it so little? What helps us to appreciate its true value? How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more?

    The Kingdom is beyond price, it is worth absolutely everything that we have.

    It does seem a bit abstract. While we do have those precious mountain top moments we spend most of our days in the valley where it is easy to lose our focus.

    It helps to remember what it cost Jesus.

    Although I have witnessed often, I have never led anyone to Christ there and then. I have however met some of these folks years later and discovered that they have subsequently been born again.

  7. Q1. (Matthew 13:44-46) What do the Parables of the Hidden Treasure and Pearl of Great Price have in common? What is the main point of these parables? How should it affect our values? Our lives?

    Something of immense value that is worth all you have to attain.

    How should it affect us? We should put the Kingdom first at all times. e.g. I have heard friends say they cannot come to church because they go sailing every weekend so they are placing pleasure before service. When seeking a new house, you need to consider where you will worship and not just what school the kids will go to.

  8. Q4. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? How should this affect our lives? Our testimony? Our love for our neighbors?

    There will be a day when it is too late to pray, the die will have been cast and our fate sealed. As we have chosen to live so shall we continue. Those who chose God will live with God. Those who chose to ignore Him will rue the day.

    Urgency, tell them now, tomorrow may not come.

  9. Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom? What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?

    You know that parable where the king goes away and leaves his servants with 10, 5 and 1 gold coins? Well perhaps this 30/60/100 fold idea is linked to it. We are not all given the same abilities, some folks are dealt a better hand than others. The trick is to do the best with what you have been given.

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