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Randall Fisher

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Posts posted by Randall Fisher

  1. What lesson is God teaching you out of Hagar's experience?

    God is teaching me that jealousy can be a very detrimental feeling, and the consequences of this feeling can become a very sturdy wall between God and myself. He is teaching me to be totally dependent on Him, and to submit totally to Him and His wonderful guidance.

    Which situation that God is calling you to is most difficult for you to submit to?

    To totally submit my family to him, to understand that my family belongs to Him, and that they are just "loaned" to me. God created my family, not through anything that I did, or have done, but through His wonderful grace towards me.

  2. What is the significance of Hagar's name for God -- El Roi, the God Who Sees?

    The significance is that He sees everything, and that no matter what we think, we can't hide ourselves, or our actions, from Him.

    What does it mean to a person who is discouraged and losing hope?

    It means that God see what trials they are going through, and that they can have hope in God, turn to Him, and give their concerns to Him

    What does it mean to you personally?

    To me, it means that I am special, that God cares deeply about me. It means that I can turn to Him when I have concerns or problems, and no matter how trivial or how big I think they are, God can, and will, take care of them, in His own way, in His own time, which is all done in perfect time.

  3. Why does the angel ask Hagar something that the angel already knows? ("Where have you come from, and where are you going?")

    I think it is because the angel is trying to bring Hagar back to reality, and to show her that your problems won't go away by running from them.

    Why does she send her back to Sarah?

    To allow God's plan to be completed.

    Have you ever reacted and got yourself out of the place God wanted you?

    On more than one occasion. When God brought me back to where He wanted me, I was quickly reminded of how God has a perfect plan, and how God can use "the bad that we do" and turn it to good for the Glory of Him and His Church.

  4. Why does Sarah take her anger out on Abraham?

    Sarai feels like Abram is responsible for all the wrongs that she is suffering, that he is responsible for Hagar hating her.

    Why does she take her anger out on Hagar?

    Because she is jealous, and she feels that somehow Hagar has betrayed her.

    Is she trying to get rid of Hagar or the baby?

    I think both of them. Getting rid of the baby would be getting rid of the mistake that she feels she made by giving Hagar to Abram, and getting rid of Hagar would possibly, in her mind, get rid of the jealousy she feels.

    In what sense is Hagar's pride Abraham's fault?

    Because Abram laid with her, and probably he was paying more attention to her than he was to Sarai.

    What situation in your family does this reminds you of?

    Jealousy. Both my wife and I show jealousy at times, and, at least in my case, I know I have no foundation whatsoever to have this feeling.

  5. Why did God go through the covenant ritual with Abraham with the divided carcasses?

    Because all of God's promises and covenants with man are made with the understanding that man has to sacrifice.

    Why does God bind Himself to a solemn promise?

    Because God is great, and God keeps all of His promises

    How does Abraham respond to God's promises?

    By believing and showing faith

    What promises has God made to us that affect our futures?

    The promise of eternal life in Heaven through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross

    What significance does blood sacrifice have in these promises?

    It has total significance, because the blood of Jesus was the only sacrifice that was sufficient for our sins. The sacrifice had to be the perfect sacrifice, and Jesus knew that this was why He was sent to earth, to atone for our sins

    For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God (Rm 3:23 NIV)

  6. Have you ever been frustrated with God for not fulfilling his promise to you immediately?

    Yes I have been frustrated when I haven't gotten what I asked for immediately.

    Why does God sometimes delay the fulfillment of his promises to a future time?

    Because God knows the perfect time for everything to be done, according to His will, to glorify His kingdom. He isn't limited in His thinking, as we are.

  7. What is so amazing about this verse?

    The amazing thing is that all we are asked to do is to believe! It's so simple, yet we make it so hard.

    On what basis does God declare Abraham a righteous person?

    Because of his faith, and that he has followed God and worked very hard to live his life according to the guidelines that God has for us.

    What significance does this have to our New Testament understanding of justification by faith?

    The significance is that the righteous live by faith, and are rewarded for that faith. The New Testament shows that the Messiah has come, while in the Old Testament, they were still awaiting the Messiah, which could have made faith even harder to have.

  8. Q4. (14:21-24) Why does Abraham refuse to take the spoils of war that the king of Sodom offers him?

    Abraham didn't want to take the items from the King of Sodom because he was an evil man, and he didn't feel that God would want him to have these things.

    What does this tell us about Abraham's character?

    That Abraham was a man of God and a man of trememdous integrity.

    What is the lesson here for us to learn?

    Our true blessings come from God. There is nothing that man can give us, or do for us, that can come close to the blessings that we receive from God. We need to stay focused on God, and receive the blessings He has for us, and forsake worldly treasures.

  9. Q3. (14:20) What is the significance of Abraham giving one tenth of the spoils of war to Melchizedek?

    This was another act of worship shown by Abraham

    Does tithing today represent the same kind of worship?

    Tithing today is the same as then, but I don't think everyone looks at it as a type of worship. I think some tithe because they feel that they have to. If we tithe for the reason of love of God, we can truly worship Him through it.

    Why should we tithe to God first (like Abraham did) before dividing up our paychecks to pay our bills?

    Because we should worship God first and foremost, and we need to realize that we wouldn't have anything if God didn't allow us to have it. As has been said, "Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar's". Tithing is God's part of what He allows us to have.

  10. Q2. (14:13-16) What does Abraham's military expedition to rescue Lot from the Mesopotamian kings tell us about his character?

    It shows us many things about Abraham, such as the fact that Abraham is willing to help friends in need, and as he has proven before, willing to follow the guidance he receives from God, no matter what it is.

    About his abilities?

    That his abilities are given to him by, and from, God

    About the way he deals with neighbors?

    Abraham is very peaceful and caring for his neighbors, and this is why they were willling to help him rescue Lot.

    What is here for us to emulate?

    Everything...that we should follow the guidance we receive from God, regardless of the situation, that we should be open to hear God's direction for us, that we should treat our neighbors as God has directed, help them when they need help.

  11. Q1. (13:2) Does Abraham's material wealth reflect God's blessing on him? Even though material wealth isn't always a blessing from God, in this case I think it is. It is just another way for God to show Abraham how God can, and is, blessing him.

    Does material wealth always reflect God's blessing. No, material wealth doesn't always reflect God's blessings.

    Does physical poverty always reflect God's curse? No, physical poverty doesn't always reflect God's curse on anyone.

  12. Q1. (13:2) Does Abraham's material wealth reflect God's blessing on him? Even though material wealth isn't always a blessing from God, in this case I think it is. It is just another way for God to show Abraham how God can, and is, blessing him.

    Does material wealth always reflect God's blessing. No, material wealth doesn't always reflect God's blessings.

    Does physical poverty always reflect God's curse? No, pahysical poverty doesn't always reflect God's curse on anyone.

  13. What do you think about Abraham's and Sarah's ethics and faith? Abraham did what he thought would save him and his wife. It did, however, show a lack of faith in the face of trials. We all suffer from this, and show our lack of faith, more often than we should.

    Are they ethically and morally wrong? As far as the standards of today, the answer would be twofold. In the secular view, his actions would probably be accepted as much as they would be criticized. In God's view, yes they were both morally and ethically wrong.

    Does the Scripture intend to show that their actions as a lack of faith? Yes, I think so, because it shows us that Abraham was human, and that God can forgive all sins, and can use even a person who has sinned for the greater glory of His kingdom.

    What lessons should we disciples learn from these stories? To rely on God and His power regardless of our situation or trials, that God can forgive all sins if we truly ask for that forgiveness and truly repent, that God can use anyone for the greater glory of His kingdom, and that God is Love!you

  14. What do you think about Abraham's and Sarah's ethics and faith? Abraham did what he thought would save him and his wife. It did, however, show a lack of faith in the face of trials. We all suffer from this, and show our lack of faith, more often than we should.

    Are they ethically and morally wrong? As far as the standards of today, the answer would be twofold. In the secular view, his actions would probably be accepted as much as they would be criticized. In God's view, yes they were both morally and ethically wrong.

    Does the Scripture intend to show that their actions as a lack of faith? Yes, I think so, because it shows us that Abraham was human, and that God can forgive all sins, and can use even a person who has sinned for the greater glory of His kingdom.

    What lessons should we disciples learn from these stories? To rely on God and His power regardless of our situation or trials, that God can forgive all sins if we truly ask for that forgiveness and truly repent, that God can use anyone for the greater glory of His kingdom, and that God is Love!

  15. What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? It teaches us that we cannot lie about the relationship between us and our spouse, even if we are afraid. It also teaches us that there are dire consequences to be suffered if we commit this sin

    Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? Yes, He can forgive this sin, because He has for me! Forgiveness only comes with true confession, true repentance, and true following and love for God

  16. Why did Pharaoh and his household get sick? Because Pharoah had taken Sarai into his palace

    What effect did this have? Abimelech, his wife and his slave girls were made barren

    What was God seeking to accomplish through this affliction? To show everyone that if you didn't follow God's law and you continued to sin against Him, that there would be dire consequences

    Did it have the desired effect? Yes it did. Sarai was retuned to Abram and they were set free to continue the work that God had for them to accomplish

  17. What dangers faced Abraham and his family as aliens and sojourners in Egypt and elsewhere? Being in an unfamiliar land, sticken with famine and being very vulnerable because they couldn't have a permanent home

    Who might oppress them? Any of the local leaders of government

    What "aliens and sojourners" live in your community? Hispanic people, Homeless people, people who are lost and searching for a quick solution to their problems, people who are lost in themselves

    Why did they come? To try to make a better life for themselves and their families, to get away from problems in the cities and neighborhoods that they used to live in

    How are they being oppressed or discriminated against by employers and others in the community? Lower wages, longer hours, racial and ethnic predujice

    What can you and your church do to "love those who are aliens"? Take them in, show them that God loves them for who and what they are, assist them in making things better for themselves and their families, befriend them without prejudice. Let the light of God shine in and through us

  18. What was the significance of Abraham "calling on the name of Yahweh"?

    It was showing how Abraham was leaning on God, realizing that God was leading him through the daily walk, leading Abraham where he needed to be, both physically and spiritually.

    What does it mean for you to "call on the name of the Lord"?

    It means that I am showing reverence, obedience and submission to my Father. I am relying on Him to show me the way, to lead and guide me where He wants me to be, not where I think I should be.

  19. Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out?

    Because our human nature is to remain in our "comfort zone", where we are close to family and friends. A place where we have someone we can see to lean on in tough times. It takes special faith to step out of this area and be obedient to God because we con't want to leave our "comfort zone", and because, as humans, we are so used to relying on things we can physically see and touch.

    Have you had any of these"opportunities"?

    Yes, I have. I felt so uncomfortable when I first felt God's calling to be a Sunday School teacher, which was about 8 years ago. I've been teaching a class since that time. I felt even more uncomfortable when I felt God's calling to be a Preacher. I am still struggling with this calling, but I know that when I truly turn it over to God and say "Lead Me, Lord. Show me the way", that all will work in God's glory!!!!

    Are you in the midst of this adventure now?

    YES! As I stated before, I am in the beginning stages of studying to become a Preacher. I am relying more and more on God to lead the way for me, which is the way I should be! God, not I, knows the way that I should go.

  20. Abraham was blessed in many ways. He was blessed with wealth, given an heir in Isaac. He was the father of the Arab people. He received these blessings because of his closeness to the Father, through his daily walk with God. All the people have been blessed through Abraham because of the results of his closeness with the Lord, we have a role model and a leader that we can look to for a wonderful example of how we should live our lives, how our daily walk with God should be. We are also blessed through Abraham because of his descendent, Jesus the Messiah. Abraham continues to bless people through my life (hopefully) through my daily walk with God, through my teachings in an Adult Sunday School class that I have been blessed to lead (even though God is the true Leader of this class), and through my daily prayer time, both between just myself and my Savior, and the daily family prayer time that we share every day.

  21. I received the calling from God to become a Pastor/Preacher in August of 2002. I fought with this until December of the same year. I presented my first sermon in December of 2002, and was beginning my personal studies when my National Guard unit was sent to the Middle East for 15 months. I just returned back to the states in August of 2004. I am now beginning my studies once again, and making preparations for Seminary School. While I was in Kuwait, I was actually questioning whether God still wanted to lead me in the way that He had revealed to me. Now I know once again that God is leading the way for me in this area.

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