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Posts posted by Bondservantmccue

  1. Question 3 (1st CORINTHIANS 10:16-18)

    What does koinonia mean? "Communion"  "sharing" "participation"

    In means sharing something in common with others.


    What dos it mean to "participate" or "share " in the blood of Christ? 

    As a BROTHER and sister in the same relationship  with the Lord Jesus Christ, we share in the meaning of the blood covers our sins. We cannot mix that precious blood with any pages worship.



  2. Temptation


    What about our human make-up causes us to face temptation?

    As long as we continue to justify our pet sins and not face them, they will keep us from being the man or woman of God that we could be. There is no temptation that God has not given us the way out.


    What does this passage teach about our temptations? Most of our temptations are because of our own evil desires. Everyone is tempted, not just certain individuals. God will be with me in all my temptations and will never let me down. 


    What does it teach us about God's help in temptation? He will not let more come upon us than we can bear. He is always there to guide us through the temptation if we put our lives in His hands. 


    God Bless. BROTHER MIKE.

  3. ​ The "liberal" Corinthians had ready excuses for why it was okay to eat with their friends in feasts held in pagan temples. What were their excuses that Paul combats in verse 1-6? They were worried about their standing in the community and pleasing other's. They New the truth about the sacrifice unto pages idols, but in their pride forgot about those new converts seeing them doing forbidden acts. God will not accept confusion in His people. It would be like someone inviting me to a topless bar for a birthday party, God forbid.


    Sometimes we excuse our own questionable behaviors. How can we assess the validity of our excuses? I have a simple solution for anything questionable in my life. "Could i see Jesus doing what I am about to do, if not, I leave i along."


    What effect would observing your behavior have on new Christians? People are watching our lives and for me to not walk my talk will be a stumbling fora New convert would be a disaster. You will not enter heaven with bloody hands. 


    How Bless. Brother Mike.

  4. This disadvantages of remaining unmarried include being deprived of sexual relations. What are the advantages of celibacy that Paul discusses in these verses?

    The advantages of living in a life of celibacy is not for everyone, but the ones that chooses that life will be rewarded a life that is beyond words. You can devote more of your life to the things of God and not be smothered with trying to please other's. Not many wives these days are as concerned about the need for the other partner in relation to more time for God than them. This works both ways with male and female.



    ​By putting God first in all things. Respect each other's time of "getting closer to God" with a special concern. The closer someone is closer to God, the better companion that person will be, so don't deprive each other of valuable time along with God. God Bless. Brother Mike.

  5. What do these verses teach about divorce fo married believer?

    Paul says that you are not to divorce, but if you do Paul says not to remarry. Like Brother Ralph, said there are so many controversial outlooks on this subject that time would not permit indulging into them. What I believe is that pray sincerely about what you do pertaining to the reason of the divorce and work out your own salvation between you and your Savior.


    What about divorce where one spouse isn't a believer? The same applies as to the question above.


    What about remarriage? This is another question with many different views, but therear so many people that was married when both were sinners and divorced will they were both in sin. Like I said, there are many different applications and reasons why divorce happens. Work it out with God i sincerity and with much prayer, stay full of the Holy Ghost and He will direct your footsteps 



  6. I always like to look at the time of history pertaining to the question and then see how it lines up with the answer a man of God gave for it thousands of years ago. The Bible is up to date always. Paul the CORINTHIANS that if you cannot control them hormones, then it is best you get married. DON'T get caught in adultery when the catching away of the OVERCOMERS take place. Sexual Imorality has been the downfall of man, every time then sudden destruction will come.


    In two Christian people who are living a life full of God, they will set a date to get married and stay true to that between each other to be faithful and remain virgins, until marriage, but if they can't, you better find a preacher.

  7. Question 1 (1 Corinthians 7:1-6)

    What does Paul concede that "it is good for a man not to touch a woman"?

    You can have more time for the things required to be a separated vessel that can use to the uttermost when you have nothing else distracting your attention and requiring much valuable time.


    What does he teach about sexual intercourse within a marriage?

    This is a very important point for a healthy marriage. In a world where sex is protrayed as anything but a very great time between a wife and HUSBAND. It is not about something that I must do just to satisfy my lustful spirit It is a INTIMATE time of relationship building a firm foundation that will last a lifetime. Fulfilling each other's needs should be a joyful time that we look forward to


    How does he teach mutual rights within marriage, not just a man's right?

    In is not a one-sided relationship. Her body belongs to the husband, just as much as the husband's body belongs to the wife. It is 100 percent in each direction. It should be a time of fulfilling each other's desires with a "want to attitude, not a I have to attitude".


    WHAT Does THIS PASSAGe teach about using sex as a bargaining chip within marriage?

    Your home is not a whore house. It is the house of Chiristians that keep the things of God in every area of marriage. CHRIST is not for sale, to flirt with the world and HUSBAND and wife should operate in the same frame of mind. The husband belongs to the wife, with no bargains on the table, just as the wife is likewise. Two people can make a family that loves God more than themselves a home that will last a lifetime. (Brother Mike) God Bless my brothers and sisters in the family of God.



    In what sense is a Christian worker a "steward"?

    In whatever position as a worker for Christ, the extinct of the requirements, apply, no matter what position or title we may hold. A steward, is always faithful, and can be trusted with whatever, they have been called to do. There interest always applies to pleasing God, and the Church.


    Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn't faithful?

    I have come across many deceivers who was not walking their talk. They should have been more disciplined in the ways of God, and show the world, what a real Christian does, when they have been entrusted in the area of a Steward.


    What effect did this have on the church? On this persons witness

    The church always suffer from deceivers and liars, the church has enough problems to deal with, without the world, having a bad taste for churches, whose stewards, were found unfaithful and corrupt. Some churches never recover and have to close their doors. What a shame, but God always has a Gideon or a Shamgar, that will rise up and shut the devils mouth.


    What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry?

    We get our eyes off of the real reasons we were chosen as a steward. Not everyone can be a steward over other people, and some cannot even keep themselves faithful. It all deals with leaving the altar and not study the Word of God, for a direction and a Word for someone, or myself. I have to just stand still and listen sometimes. I get so busy working for Jesus, that I forget about Jesus. The best way to remedy that is to get my first love back.


    God Bless You.

    Brother Mike mccue



  9. Carnal vs. Spiritual

    Question 1 In behavioral terms according to these verses, how would classify yourself in terms of hunger for the WORD?

    I love the meat of the Word, I give myself many hours of praying and reading the Bible. I teach The School of Christ also to many others. When the man of God preaches and hits me I say ouch and forgive me Jesus. Climb a little higher and don't look back.


    In terms of jealousy and quarreling? I got over that year's ago. I can't maintain my closeness that I have with God if I have these issues in my life.


    In am a full grown adult living a life of a Believer that loves Jesus more than life itself.


    I want more of God in every area of my life, no one can maintain the FULLNESS of God, He is to big. I want to stay so full of Him, that there is no room for the things of this world to live in me.

    How Bless. 

  10. QUESTION 5 The Mind of Christ


    Explain how we can "have the mind of Christ."



    How does this work, according to these verses?




    How does having the Holy Ghost "circulating" through our minds explain spiritual gifts working through us?


    Praise God, God has everything under control. BROTHER Mike

  11. Why didn't Paul conform to the rhetorical standards of his day in order to communicate more clearly?

    He told his listeners that he was not coming with excellency of speech or of wisdom, (of which he had plenty of), no he said let me tell you about a man named Jesus Christ. He said all I declare unto you Jesus Christ and Him crucified.


    What is the danger of "repackaging" the message?

    You can rewrite the message of the Bible to fit and justify the sins of a world that does not want to live the truth. This can lead to reprobate of believing and lie and be damned for it. It is dangerous to change anything in the Bible.



    What does it mean that Paul relied on a demonstration of the Spirit's power?

    Paul was telling them all they had was head knowledge, without the power of the Holy Ghost to demonstrate the power of healing the sick and saving the lost.


    Brother Mike :rolleyes:

  12. In what way does CHRIST represent GOD'S wisdom, righteousness, holiness, and redemption?

    Wisdom-whatever wisdom that I seek must be from seeking the face of God for the correct resolution.

    Righteousness-I will represent GOD with no sins in my life, and my presence will show that I have been with God through a prayer life everyday.

    Holiness-without this nothing can be accomplished, I have to be set apart to work for the work of.



    Redemption-I am free from all condemnation, and I am released from the strongholds of Satan.

    How far do thes go to lay the basis of truly Christian philosophical system?

    This shows the people that are imitation Christians,that it takes more than talk to be a called out child of God.Anyone can talk, but can YOU walk your talk? Don't be deceived!

    Brother Mike


  13. 1) In what areas do non-Christians in our culture stumble over the basic gospel of Christ?

    They try to make out like it is a way of putting them in bondage and they cannot have a life by living the gospel of Christ. It is so simple that a child understands it and a older person makes it seem impossible to live.

    2) To what degree can we help bridge this gap through careful and creative presentation?

    MEN will listen to someone that is anointed of God, and through the foolishness of PREACHING will convict people of their sins.

    3) To what degree might that's "watering" down the gospel?

    Watering down the gospel will not give a new believeer the full truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.This is a very deceptive way that will led to a false salvation.

    4) why can't we escape the tension between culturally relevant communication and changing the essence of the message?

    People are watching our lives and the life we live in the must be the same that we live at work and every where we. You must walk our talk. The message is the FOR everyone, no matter the culture are the time of history. Jesus never changes and neither does the gospel.

  14. 1) In what areas do non-Christians in our culture stumble over the basic gospel of Christ?

    They try to make out like it is a way of putting them in bondage and they cannot have a life by living the gospel of Christ. It is so simple that a child understands it and a older person makes it seem impossible to live.

    2) To what degree can we help bridge this gap through careful and creative presentation?

    MEN will listen to someone that is anointed of God, and through the foolishness of PREACHING will convict people of their sins.

    3) To what degree might that's "watering" down the gospel?

    Watering down the gospel will not give a new believeer the full truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.This is a very deceptive way that will led to a false salvation.

    4) why can't we escape the tension between culturally relevant communication and changing the essence of the message?

    People are watching our lives and the life we live in the must be the same that we live at work and every where we. You must walk our talk. The message is the FOR everyone, no matter the culture are the time of history. Jesus never changes and neither does the gospel.

  15. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the value you see pushed to us on television?


    1) abortion vs. a child  given a chance at life

    2) Homosexual minister vs. a man of God

    3 ) a new bible to justify sins vs. the Holy Bible with nothing changed

    4) kids taught homosexuality as an alternate lifestyle vs. a normal female and a normal male, with attraction for opposite sex, even a animal has enough sense to know this.


    5)  there is no heaven and no hell vs. there is a real heaven and a real hell


    I could go on, but I will leave it at this. Praise God for the opportunity to voice what i believe and am trust. I think I am beginning to hear wedding music. It must be Jesus about to come get the Remnant Church, for the wedding.


    Brother Mike :rolleyes: 

  16. Divisions

    1) What kind of divisions do you see in your congregation or in the Christian community in your area?

    It is a very disturbing subject to even talk about, that something of this nature would be in the house of God. I have prayed very hard concerning this subject. As I study the scriptures we are warned, that this would be very prevelate in the last days. People would be biting and devouring one another, my God, just read the news and perversion is running wild in the very house of God. Most people are coming to church to be entertained, one group wants this type worship, another wants another way to worship. Unless the power of the Holy Ghost has complete control of the Church, there will be nothing more than a social gathering.


    2) What is the cause of the divisions in Corinth?  

    They are confused about the way a church should operate. They don't even know that it is all about Jesus and not man. When people start worshipping the creature more than the creator, the Church is about to become a flesh oriented place of worship.


    What is the case of divisions today.

    Pride and a self centered church will produce no more than a church where no one will experience a real encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. God's IS not the author of confusion.Everyone with a self centered life will keep confusion among the congregation.


    4) How do we obey the command to "agree with one another"

    The only way to keep unity among the congregation is for the people to have a dedicated prayer life and listen to the man of God that is in charge of the flock. If he or she is a person of God, they will be seeking God for the direction of the Church. Coming together in prayer will keep a unified church.


    Praise God. BROTHER Mike

  17. Perseverance


    Q3. (1 Corinthians 1:8-9)


    What gifts does God give us to ensure that we'll continue in faith until the end?


    Thank God for the strength, that He gives us, to continue on in this journey to Heaven, without the gift of strength, we would not get much accomplished.


    Then God gives me forgiveness, that I forgive others, no matter the circumstances or the issue, I will be able to forgive. Through the flesh, I would not have been able to do this. I have seen so many people live a defeated life and in constant turmoil because they couldn't forgive and let it go.


    The Jesus Christ, gives me the much needed gift of faithfulness. This is a dirty word around most churches today. The majority of people that attend church, only go to see what they can get, they are not faithful on paying tithes and helping around the church, no wonder Jesus said when He returns would he find any faith. 


    Then we have fellowship, which is the only way a church can really know what others are like. Thank God, we are not all alike, but when I have fellowship with my church family, I get to know them and they also get to know me. When needs arise in the local assembly, you will see the folks take care of the need and do the responsibilities of a church that loves God.


    Why does each require our active participation to receive its full benefits?


    It is easy to talk about the gifts that God has given us to benefit the kingdom of God on earth, but you have to walk your talk, are you will be counted worthless in the site of God. We show others as Jesus showed us by example, when others see you helping others and enjoying it, they will go away saying "now that is a Child of God" I don't know of a greater view from someone who is a sinner than to have this view of a Christian. 


    Which do you need to enter into more?


    Those that are faithful until the end, will live in fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ for eternity. Praise God, Oh come quickly Lord Jesus and call, Your Church home. Brother Mike

  18. Question 2

    (1 Corinthians 1:4-7)

    How often do you thank God for the blessings of those who don't like you, or of your actual enemies? This is a question that many of us do not like, but when you see what God has brought me from, I have to cry out. "Save their souls Lord" let Your image be seen in me. I have to make it to heaven, no matter the cost. If I can't love the one who hate me, I will not be apart of the Bride of Jesus Christ.

    What does it say about Paul that he thanks Godd for the gifts of those who are at odds with him? He praises them that they have the gifts of the spirit, that is saying even though Paul was very upset with the sins, he also praised them for he good things they had, but when you use them in the flesh it is an stench to God.

    What specificlly does he thank God for about the Corinthian believers? He thank God that they had the knowledge of what he had taught them, even though they were getting more confident in the flesh and forgetting about the spiritual side of the gifts. Sometimes we have to come down to reality, and God hs ways of doing that. Thank God. Brother Mike

  19. Question 1 (1 Corinthians 1:2) "What does" called to be holy" or " called to be saints" mean?


    Reading many different views on this subject, I have to say that if you are called to be holy or a saint, means a great deal to me. I know where I came from and if I claim to be holy or a saint, I want look, act, or participate in the worldly sins that I was called out of. God has to have people that are different.


    What is a saint according to the Bible?

    The basic idea of the term "saint" implies "holiness" moral purity, spiritual wholeness, separation from sin and dedication to God. Saints will live a whose life is continually being directed by God and continually being sanctified.


    Why is it so comfortable for us to say "I am no saint" ?

    If most people feel as I do, we feel so unworthy of this term, because it has a tone and meaning that seems unreachable, for such a sinner was I. Praise God, I feel the power of the Holy Ghost as I type this, because I am a saint.


    What is expected of a person who has been set apart as the personal property of the living God?

    We are to be a witness to others that you can live a holy, set apart life for Jesus Christ. He paid the price at Calvary and bought men, with the ultimate price of death and I must have the same feeling, if need be to give my life for Jesus Christ and do nothing to make my Savior displeased with me.


    What kind of behavior does the world expect of those who claim to be followers of Christ.

    I can answer that with one word. "CHRISTLIKE."

    Praise God, and before I close this out I must tell Jesus, that I love Him. Brother Mike


  20. In what ways does Daniels prophecy of technology Son of Man outline Christ's return? He used this term where the people would understand who he really was, and by using the quote from Daniel, they would then relize who he was taking about after he had departed from them.

    In light of this prophecy, why did Jesus use the title "Son of Man" rather than Christ, or Son of God.? Anything He wanted them to know He was a man just as them while here on this earth, the ground was level while he was on earth. I came to die for man. Praise God. Brother Mike McCue

  21. What is the difference between conducting a (conducting our life by rules), or conducting our life to please God. It There are so many caught up in a life that has rules as a guideline. But they fell to see if the rules that they follow are contrary to the Word of God, it is not going to help no one but flesh., (man). On the other hand when all is that we do are in the guideline that God has given us to follow it will be blessed and bring great pleasure to the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise God. Rule keeping may bring a fleshy love, but not a real intimate love that will last forever. Paul tells us if you really love Christ, you will do as He does, my prayer has been,let nothing be seen in me but Jesus. GOD BLESS YOU SISTER BROTHER MIKE MCCUE

  22. Question 1-How can we justify a desire for rewards for our labor in light of God's free gift of salvation and our love for him? What does Christ reward? What doesn't He reward? Why should showing accountability to our Master bring pleasure? How does it motivate? (a) As we look at what the plan of salvation and the reality of the gospel in Paul's life, we should feel constrained to listen to the message. Personally the rewards are not that much to me personally, because we are going to throw them down at the Saviours feet anyway. I want as many as I can get to throw ( B) Christ rewards the way we serve Him, through our obedience, and as a disciple of the Word of God, working until He returns, through faith, and Holiness unto God we will accomplish the task at hand. Praise God. © He is not going to reward anything that has a motive of being (flesh) origin. Christ is not going to be involve in nothing that does not promote true Christianity and a life lived in Holiness and no man shall enter, without holiness. Everything that we do is for the Lord Jesus Christ and no one else it is all about Him and not us.obedience unto the Lord, which no man shall see hhiness , but the most important part is to work stedfastly until the Rapture are death takes me home. Sometimes we take things in such a matter of fact way

  23. Why are "fatherly" so important to make good Disciples? It is only by being the right role that others watch and the best is the father, for some reason they are trusted and this can be just as much bad as good. Make sure the Father role that is being followed meets the requirements for such a trusted position. The women's role as a disciple is just as important as the man when it comes to discipleship, no greater role can be than that of a father are mother discipleship role as long as the right requirements are met. God Bless, Brother Mike

  24. Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple - - and for a disciple? Sometimes you will feel like you are all along, but a true disciple with the personal courage knows where his strength really is, and will not waver are fall when adversity arises.

    How does lack of courage prevent evangelism. There are times when you will have to have the courage to step out into a field of working for Christ that you may be the only one who has the courage to go forth and get the work of the Lord done and without the courage to do it the job would not be accomplished.

    HOW does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? The congregation will always be second guessing when anything comes around that they are not accustomed to. Lack of courage can defeat many things before they even have a chance to see if it will work.

    What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part? God called me to go to a Church that I have never been to and I obeyed God and I was able through the working of the Holy Ghost to lead a man back to Christ that died two weeks later suddenly, If I had not had the courage to do as directed by the Holy Ghost, this mans blood would have been upon my hands.

    Praise God Brother Mike McCue

  25. 1) Why is the Holy Spirit's working so necessary to effective ministery? If it is not the working of the Holy Spirit, it is a man made ministery which will have to use programs and gimmicks to survive, and my God, that is what has invaded this country now. When the real Holy Ghost, is in charge, nothing is needed but a willing vessel to carry it forth.

    2) What happens when the main power behind our ministery is will - power.? Anything other than the power of the Holy Ghost in charge will eventually burn out and have nothing but man made programs that will lead to having a church full of tares to keep the doors open.

    3) What is the role of miracles in Paul's evangelism? I This is the evidence that there is a real God that can heal the sick open blinded eyes and raise the dead. On the other side of this is that Demon possessed people can perform miracles to, we can't under estimate the power of Satan, my God, just look around the world today. I must stay close to Jesus, and have a prayer life to discern between good and bad. If it is not uplifting Jesus, you better run.

    4) What would happen if we saw miracles in evangelism in our day? What is hindering this? It would turn many people to come and see if it is so, and many would turn to Christianity, people have seen so much imitation these days, that they are looking for something that is real. The reason we are not experiencing it in these days, is because of unbelief and living a life that is not acceptable for the gift of healing. Make no mistake about it, the Remnant that stays in faith and don't fall out will experience Pentecost again before the Rapture.

    GOD BLESS Brother Mike McCue

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