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Posts posted by mayra

  1. In all senses.

    He was the King of Glory, He left angels and throne and a higher position just for me sinner and dust.

    He is worthy because no one ever could be able to take my sin and put it, carry it and take the pushinment for me, He's my Lord and Saviour

    He deserves everything I am and all that I have. I'm in debt with Him for ever.

    I exhalt you and honor and lift up your Name above All names

    Jesus may Lord and Saviour.

    Thank you with a greatful heart.


  2. Because it brakes the respectful, loving and caring relationship between 2 persons.

    Anger that is capricious is selfish. Anger that brings jutice is not selfish but focused on what is best for the whole.

    I think that anger that brings justice is like the father that punishes his children because He loves them so no matter how angry the father is, when the children need to be punished, the father will do it for their own good and that brings life. (Thank you Lord because even when we make you angry you love us enough to punish us and make us better persons)

    ;) In God everything is out of Love

  3. I believe that John the baptist was refering to the sacrifice because it was a jewish tradition to sacrifice a lamb for the coverage of sin, and In This passage He was saying, "Look, the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world".

    The concept was radical because now it was saying that He was the sacrifice for the whole world, not only the jewish people.

    It really touched my heart the fact that God the father was himself offering the sacrifice (giving a solution) to help solve this terrible problem in humantiy (sin). It was not the man who invented the concept of doing it right, but God himself because He was looking to end the abyssm of separation between Holiness and sinfulness.

    He is a problem solver, not a problem seeker!!!

    Thank you Lord for your merciful Love.


  4. Hello. i'm thrilled to start a Bible study via online for the first time.

    Iam a stay at home mom of two children (7 year old and 3 month old baby)

    I like to write and compose music and lyrics that talk about the greatness of God.



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