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Posts posted by mc'el4life

  1. Q1. (13:2) Does Abraham's material wealth reflect God's blessing on him? Does material wealth always reflect God's blessing? Does physical poverty always reflect God's curse?

    I would say yes because I believe when God says He is blessing us it can affect both our spiritual and physical life the physical of which could be material wealth.

    Not always but to every believer it does for every good gift comes from above only that we should know that whatever God blesses us with is not for us alone but for us to bless His work and others.


    but sometime when we are disobedient to Him, He can use anything to gain our attention.

  2. Q5. (12:2-3) What relationship does God's promise to Abraham in 12:2-3 have to do with the incident of Sarah's abduction in 20:10-20?

    The relationship of God's promise in Gen 12:2-3 to the incident of Sarah's abduction in 20:10-20 is that the promise of God in the former text (12) came to manifestation in the later text (20) by the King blessing Abraham with cattle, sheep, slaves and shekels of silver for Sarah's sake.

  3. Q4. What do you think about Abraham's and Sarah's ethics and faith? Are they ethically and morally wrong? Does the Scripture intend to show that their actions as a lack of faith? What lessons should we disciples learn from these stories?

    I think they are okay as I think God orchestrated everything to make His promise come to pass.

    I don't think they are wrong in any form because God's thought and ways are different from ours. He can orchestrate anything, make something good out of whatever action we take at any point in time despite the our ethic or moral judgement.

    I don't think the scripture intend to show their actions as lack of faith in that the scripture described Abraham as the father of faith rather the scripture is trying to tell us how the Kings treat sojourners and the way God dealt with their sinful manners.

    It teaches us believers that whatever the promise of God for us is, He will surely fulfill no matter what we think or anyone does to prevent it from happening it will manifest.

  4. Q2. (12:17-20) Why did Pharaoh and his household get sick? What effect did this have? What was God seeking to accomplish through this affliction? Did it have the desired effect?

    Because he took Abraham's wife - Sarah as his wife and God is not happy about it.

    This made Pharaoh aware of his sin and punishment and cause him to repent and return Sarah to Abraham

    God was trying to ensure Pharaoh know what he has done wrong and for him to repent and make restitution by returning Sarah to Abraham and sending them away without any of them being punished.

    Yes it does have the desired effect as Gen 12:20 recorded that Pharaoh ordered they be sent away with all they had.

  5. Q1. (12:10) What dangers faced Abraham and his family as aliens and sojourners in Egypt and elsewhere? Who might oppress them? What "aliens and sojourners" live in your community? Why did they come? How are they being oppressed or discriminated against by employers and others in the community? What can you and your church do to "love those who are aliens"?

    As aliens Abraham and his family are faced with oppression, rape, murder, starvation, rejection etc

    The evil people around them, people in authority

    People from other countries who need a better living.

    Some can't find job because they have no legal right, language barrier etc

    Welcome them, show them the love of God, assist them in the areas of their need.

  6. Q4. (1:5-8) What is the promise to claim in verse 5? What is the condition attached to this promise in verse 6? How do trials help us receive this wisdom?


    If anyone lacks wisdom and ask God 'It will be given to him'

    'believe and not doubt'

    In trials, when we are really pushed hard we are left with one option of seeking God's face during which time only His wisdom can sort us out. If we ask Him for help and have no doubt in our mind then we will receive wisdom to operate.

  7. Q3. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith?

    When we come to a place when we are willing to tell sin this is sin then we are ready to get rid of doublemindedness. We must be ale to tell Satan 'get thee behind me'. When trials come and we are really pressed hard we are forced to focus on God for help at this point we are identify our weaknesses and with God's help repent and see the hold of these sins break and lose their power.

    After all these when we look back to see all we went through we smile and are able to count it joy since it is during this time we are able to see what God is telling us and are able to change and are ready for another level.

  8. Q2. (1:13-15) Why do people blame God for evil? Does God tempt us with evil? Does he tempt sinful people with evil? Why does he allow people to sin? Why does he allow evil to exist at all?

    Because we believe God we think we are immune to evil and this is against Gods word. We just don't want to face the other side of life we want things to keep running smoothly forgetting that our strength and faith increases through test and trials.

    God does not tempt anyone with evil James 1:13 whether believer or sinner.

    I think God does not want to force His will on anyone and never ask anyone to sin but rather gave all free will to choose between good and bad.

    God allow evil to exist so that we will be able to exercise the freewill power He gave us and for our strength and faith in Him to be tested and approved

  9. Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?

    So many trials in the past and really have helped Satan due to my ignorance fear, lack of trust for God, using my brain and powers trying to help God but thank God for opening my eyes. I now rely on Gods promises for my life and pray for His will alone to be done in my entire life

  10. Q4. (12:9) What was the significance of Abraham "calling on the name of Yahweh"? What does it mean for you to "call on the name of the Lord"?

    The significance of Abraham calling on the name of Yahweh is that by revelation He know that Yahweh is the only One God and believe that He alone who has been leading him can render all help he needs. all he need do is call upon HIS Name and He will answer.

    To call upon the name of the Lord to me means knowing God and calling upon Him at all times for Help and believing that He will surely render help to me

  11. Q3. (12:1 with Hebrews 11:8-10) Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out? Have you had any of these "opportunities"? Are you in the midst of this adventure now?

    Because what God is saying at that moment might not be what we think is the solution to our problems and so might be meaningless to us. At times the fear of falling, failing, rejection or uncertainty stops us from obeying God. But we should always realize that He is the all knowing and all seeing God who has seen and known the end of our journeys in life from the beginning and can make things happen for us. He is the God of all flesh and there is nothing too hard for Him, we cannot do anything by our power, when we work by sight we don't see beyond our vicinity and things don't move we need to keep launching into the deep whenever He says so.

    I sure have had this opportunity in the past some I obeyed and His power manifested and some I used my brain and did not work.

    I am really in the midst of one now and asking for His leading and knowledge and wisdom I know He will and something great is coming forth. Amen

  12. Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

    Abraham was blessed personally with people and material things His name was great, he became a blessing to all nations. He controls both spiritual and material blessings.

    All people of the earth were blessed through his descendant Jesus Christ who came and brought Salvation free for all.

    He continue to bless people through my life by me carrying on with the work which Jesus committed into the hands of every believer. Telling people about Jesus' love for them and showing them 'love'.

  13. Q1. (11:32) Have you ever begun something in response to God's urging and then stopped? Did God want you to stop? Is it time now to renew your obedience and begin again? (Don't take this question lightly. Sometimes circumstances prevent us from doing what we once felt God wanted us to do. However, he is able to redirect you into his will for you now. Seek him diligently to learn his will.)

    Yes sometimes ago in my former Church joined a group of youths preaching and teaching the word but I believe it was not the right group for me as this is not a Bible believing Church so when I saw the light I left as I cannot still be in darkness and preaching the word of God at the same time. Now I am born again & believe I am in the right Church feeding on the right word and have totally surrendered myself for His will to be done in my life. Apart from my Ushering job and the commission in Matt.28:19 which I am working towards I don't know of any other calling and I pray that He will make me stand and open my eyes daily to see what He want me to do for Him.

  14. Q4. What kind of shalom will the Prince of Peace bring about in the New Heavens and the New Earth? What do we have to look forward to?

    In the New Heavens we shall witness peace without any sin, no molestation, no war, no strife, no fear, no doubt, no hatred, no fighting or arguments no oppression or suppression, no lack but an absolute peace full of joy, love, trust, fulfillment and abundance.

    We should look forward to finding peace with God Almighty our Maker who is eternally The Jehovah Shalom- May we find His Peace.

  15. Q3. Why did Gideon name the altar "the LORD Is Peace"? In what sense did the Lord offer peace to Gideon?

    I believe the message of the Angel of the Lord, God's promise to go with him to war, consumption of the bread and meat by the fire gave him the assurance that the Lord is with him and trusted that the Lord will perfom what He has said.

    Gideon was called a man of valour. He knew about the promises of God to His forefathers and He reminded God of His words and asked why He has not kept His words to deliver them and allow Israel to be destroyed by the Midianites. God then reassured To be with him till he will destroy the Midianites

  16. Q2. "Save" and "Savior" are used so much in Christian circles that they have become almost jargon words that we don't even think about. What are synonyms for "save" and "Savior"? What does a "Savior" actually do to earn the name?

    Save means keep, rescue, deliver, redeem, brought out while Savior is Keeper, Rescuer, Deliverer, Redeemer. Jesus is the Savior who was sent by God to come and Redeem our soul from sinful death in order for us to have eternal life. This He did by the shedding of His blood on the cross of Calvary displaying His great love for us.

  17. Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble? How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us? What does this say about God's love? What does this say about our worth?

    His role is that of a kinsman-Redeemer, he redeem his family from whatever trouble they are in making sure they are free from trouble. The redemption will be according to the kind of trouble they are in.

    Jesus as the Kinsman-Redeemer came suffered, beaten, bruised and was nailed to the cross becoming our ransom by His death on the cross.He saved us from sin and death so that we may have eternal life.

    God's love for us is immeasurable. For someone to give his only son out to suffer all that Jesus suffered to ensure we are saved from death buying us back from sin by the shedding of His blood on the cross is amazing.

    This shows that we are so much special in the eyes of God. He made us in His image and for this reason and His amazing love for us will not allow the enemy to keep separating us from Him. No amount of money can buy us back from our debt but only the blood of His only son.

  18. Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace?

    While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. God has brought us from darkness into His marvelous light He took us out of our mess and cleanse us, fill us, make us stand in Him and gave us life in abundance. It is not by power but by His special Grace that found us -Praise be to His Name.

    Whatever we are or have including life is by the grace of God not because of what we have done for Him or by our strength. Thank God for His Grace

  19. Q3. How does God's steadfast love in the Old Testament relate to his mission of love in John 3:16?

    Whenever the Israelites commit sin they show repentance through renting of their clothes, putting ashes on their face, fasting, animal sacrifices and they receive forgiveness through God's love. In order to continually show His steadfast love to all, God sent Jesus Christ His only son to the world to bring us forgiveness by the shedding of His blood for us on the cross. Through this we conquer sin and death, all we need do is believe in Jesus. We don't have to shed animal's blood for the remission of our sin again. Christ has come and done this for us once and for all. Thank God for His love and Grace towards us.

  20. Q2. What does faithfulness have to do with trustworthiness and keeping one's word? What does the Faithful God inspire in you? Why must faithfulness be part of our character as believers?

    Faithfulness, trustworthiness and keeping one's word are embedded in the word Love if He doesn't love us He will not be faithful towards us and keep His words So also if we don't love Him there is no way we can trust Him and receive from Him.

    God's faithfulness has made me to believe in Him knowing fully well that in believing and trusting Him with all my heart I can miss nothing for whatever He says He will do, He will do both spiritual and physical Jhn. 3:16, Deut. 7:9

    So that people will see God through us.

  21. Q1. Why was God's willingness to forgive essential to Israel's survival in the wilderness? Was Israel contrite after turning away from the Lord in Exodus 34? What is so amazing about God's forgiveness?

    Israels sin has detached them from God and without God they cannot complete their journey to the promised land because they need God's continuous love and grace to continue and complete their journey as such they need His forgiveness. He does not want anyone to die in their sin they need to be empowered for the journey ahead of them otherwise they will be overpowered by their enemies and be made to commit adultery after the gods of their enemy nations. This God hate hence His willingness to forgive them.

    The bible recorded in Exodus 35 that Moses warned them and gave them instructions of God's commandments to obey vs. 1 and those whose hearts were stirred and whose spirit were moved obeyed vs. 21-22

    What is amazing about God's forgiveness is that it is available to everyone. Once we recognize ourselves as sinners and ask for His forgiveness, He will forgive us. 1John 1:9

  22. Q5. What do we miss in our understanding of God if we remove the metaphor of Father and Son from our church vocabulary? Which feminine metaphors of God especially help you understand God's nature?

    God is the Father and Jesus the son they cannot be removed neither can the love between them as father and son be removed as this has been established from the beginning and would ever remain.

    God is love just as a mother or father would shower their love on their children God also shower His Love on us and I believe His love surpasses any human love - He gave His only son to die for our sins. How much more can one express His love?

  23. Q4. In what sense was God the Husband of Israel? What is the New Testament extension of this metaphor? What causes God to be jealous?

    God apart from being the Creator of all is carries out all the duties of a husband over His people Israel, He was completely jealous over them not wanting to see them after any other God, He reign and rule over His people, chose leaders for them, help, protect, provide, shield, love them.

    In the New Testament Jesus is the Bridegroom of the Church. Christ said in Jhn. 3:29a 'the bride belong to the bridegroom' and just like the five virgin with enough oil in their lamps was prepared and waited for the bridegroom we must be prepared and ready to wait no matter how long for the coming of Jesus and in whatever situation wait on Him and not return to our Egypt for help for our help come from God alone who made the Heaven and the Earth.

    Our preference of other things to God making them more important than our God makes Him jealous

  24. Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one? In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father? Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

    Jesus and the Father are one because of the divinity of their nature whatever the father does Jesus does, whatever the father says He says, He does not do anything apart from the father. We cannot separate them from each other. God the father and the Holy Spirit lives in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit lives in Jesus and Jesus and Holy Spirit lives in God. God the Father is Spirit, Holy Spirit is Spirit, Jesus the son is Spirit and also Human which made Him the God (Spirit) that can be seen in the physical. Jesus Himself confirmed His divinity in John 14: 7-11; John. 10:30

    Jesus was distinct from the father in that He was fully man and fully God.

    I would say yes because Jesus is from the beginning with God John 1:1

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