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Posts posted by Phebe

  1. I think what we learn from his motivation, character and leadership ability is that truly his motivation, I think, is pure in the sense that he saw an unjustice and he wanted to make it right, however, that leads to what we see in his character, which is that he went about trying to achieve that justice in the wrong way. We must remember that, being raised by royalty, he was probably not accustomed to having to "wait" for much. For him and those in the royal family, "instant gratification", as one of our other members stated, was probably a way of life for royalty. I don't think we see anything of leadership ability in his actions, just a reaction to something he knew was not right. The positive thing I see is mainly that he knew who he really was! Many times we react in the flesh and we don't handle things right but ultimately at the end of the day we know who we really are in Christ. He knew he was not Egyptian and he knew where his heritage and his loyalty really was. I think it is even a positive thing that he was smart enough to run. He should have been afraid, he should have felt fear, and the knowledge that if he stayed he would have to be sorry for doing something he wasn't really sorry for and would have to align himself with people he now knew he could not align himself with, was probably more than he knew he could do. A very wrong action had some positive results because ultimately he was chosen by a God who knows our hearts, our motives, is merciful and makes good things come from our foolish actions. I'm glad we serve a God like that!!

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