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Posts posted by atthecross

  1. The perfect law is "love your neighbor as yourself". I would define it as doing unto others as you would do unto yourself. The royal law found in James 2:8 is the same. It brings liberty in that what once was spoken to chosen people and passed down through man can now be obtained directly from God the source of love. "I will put my law in their minds and write it on thier hearts.' He plants in us a seed that grows and flourishes as we learn of Him and abide by his word. He gives us a yearning to want to know him....So that once we are apart of the family we just don't sit well until we come unto the throne of grace seeking understanding from the God. So we are liberated, we are free, we are no longer bound by Satan and the things of t his world.

  2. Because listening and doing are two different things. Sometimes was as Christians become holier than though just because we have heard and think that we know the word. But acting out God's word is requires more. We can listen to something and not act upon it or it not become a part of our make up. ...it may not phase us....it's not until we study the word and seek deeper understanding...asking the Lord through that process to illuminate the word in our everyday lives; can we begin the process of righteous/holy living.

    The nature of this deception is our own self righteousness. We are too quick to pat ourselves on the back for attending Church on Sunday and not seeking his face the rest of the week. Or maybe its because it requires action on our part so we deceive ourselves into believing that we are doing what God wants us to do by listening to his word....when He requires us to do...be his word.

  3. Because we have accepted Christ as our Savior, we have been reborn. Born of the Holy Spirit we are a new creature because the Holy spirit now dwells in us. God's word is perfect and it is stated in His word that old things are past away all things are made new....therefore in a spiritual sense we have been born again not by flesh but by spirit.

    Spiritual life has to do with the word because it demonstrates or provides a guildeline for how to live a spirit led life.

  4. The promise to claim is that if we ask for wisdom, God will give it to us without judging us...He will give it generously. The condition attached to this promise is that we have to come to him repenting of our sins, believing and not doubting. We must ask with a "clear committment and faith." Until we deal with our sin we will not be able to hear the wisdom God speaks to us. Since adversity and trials have a way of flushing out our sin we can now get in alignment with the will of God and strengthen our faith and resolve in abiding in His word. Therefore, we are able to become of "one mind" trusting and leaning on the Lord and not our own understanding. As we endure and pass the tests of life our faith grows and so does our relationship with the Lord. We are now in a place in which we can hear the wisdom God speaks to us.

  5. Our sins get in the way of our relationship, closeness with the Lord. Until we surrender and ask the Lord help us with our evil strongholds....our doubleminded nature will exist. We may act holy but our heart is unholy. So because of God's love for us....he forces it out with trials. Forcing us as his children to only be able to rely on Him... and in our search for help...after we've tried it our way....He magnifys the things that is in the way of our spiritural growth. Through this difficult testing (I am a witness to the difficulty!!) we are able to become of one mind...single minded....in our love for Him!

  6. People blame God for evil because of their own shortcomings. They may feel that God is punishing them for something that they knowingly did that was not right. God does not tempt sinful people with evil. People are allowed to sin because we as people have free will we can choose to following him and his ways or not. Gods testing is done to strengthen us and to confirm our faith. Sin comes into the picture when we choose not to succumb to the test and choose to handle things our own way through our words, thoughts or deeds. We decide to not lean and depend on Him therefore leaving a door open for Satan to come in and do his handywork in our lives. Evil exist due to the original sin....."all men inherited natural corruption from Adam. Due to Adam and Eve's sin ...we as their offspring "fell" from the original goodness God had created in us. That is why we have a daily walk with the Lord becasue our natural inclination as non-perfect people, born in iniquity is to do wrong. We choose to do right.

  7. I must say that initially I was allowing Satan get the best of me. I do believe that until we let go and let God work His miraculous work in us we continue in the storm or continue with the testing until we pass!! That is succumb to His will. Once I rekindled my relationship with Him I feel I am now in the refinement stage. Now I see my circumstance differently, and realize that as long as I am in His hands everything will work out for the best. So many times we judge our circumstances based on the standards of this world and my trials have brought about a change in the renewing of my mind. I now see the circumstance differently and can't wait to see how the Lord is going to work everything out.

    Joyful at the Cross!!!

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