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Donna J. Smith

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Posts posted by Donna J. Smith

  1. I believe God was telling Gideon that if he just trust, believe and have faith, that He would be with him and together, they would conquer.

    The principle does apply to all Christians. God said that the battle was not ours and that vengeance was His.

    I feel that asking what is the appropriate prayer, has a universal answer. Simply praying, "Father, help me to fight my battles. In the name of Jesus", will get results. Just the same as:


    In the name of Jesus,

    I pray for guidance with this situation. You said that You would be my Comforter, my Helper and my Strength. I know it is Your will that peace should be a part of my day, so I am giving this situation to you and I am believing right now that You have already began to give me victory. I am thanking you, in the name of Jesus, for I know it is already done. This battle is yours.

    In the name of Jesus


  2. God saw Gideon's inner strength. He saw him as a warrior, which he did not see in himself. When God told him to "Go in the strength you have...", He was telling him that what He has already endowed him with, was sufficient. Gideon was looking at what the eyes could see by saying that his clan was the weakest in Manasseh and that he was the least in his family. He didn't think much of himself. It is no doubt that God's perception is more accurate. Our own perception limits us because we look with the eyes and not from the heart in faith. God said with Him all things are possible.

  3. I have grown to learn that sometimes we don't see the entire picture on things that we either judge or become opinionated. Gideon didn't realize that the people of Israel were under punishment for their idolatry (disobedience). What he also didn't realize that while Israel was going through their seven-year oppression, God was trying to tell him that in spite of that, He was going to be with him to accomplish the plan and purpose that He had intended for his own life. The Angel told him that the LORD is with him. God told him to go in the strength that he himself had. God was telling him that His grace, His provision for him was sufficient for him.

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