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Posts posted by UNCLE PAAPA

  1. Q1. In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? (Exodus 12) What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb?

    The blood of the lambs of the first Passover protected the families of God's people from death. With the lambs' blood smeared on the door-postood, the Angel of Death passed over such houses with blood on the door-posts.

    The primary point of comparison between the first Passover and what Christ did for us is the fact that blood was shed in both instances to save lives. With the shedding of the blood in both instances, the lamb died and so was oir Lord Jesus Christ.

  2. Hello Everyone :)

    In the New Testament world, what classes of human were freed by payment of a redemption price or a ransom?

    During the lifetime of Jesus, most of the world He knew and traveled was ruled by the Romans. I am not a historian by ANY means, but I believe all of these lands came to be under Roman rule because of its aggressive acquisitiveness. The people in these conquered lands than became the slave property of the Romans.

    Although these conquered peoples could fight to win back their sovereignty as nations, the classes of people freed by payment of a ransom or redemption price, were more likely the common poor who had fallen on hard times. For example a man whose crop had failed and who couldn

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