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Posts posted by karnold

  1. I have stepped in Him...so I am clothed by Him, covered in Him, protected by Him and what I look like on the outside...is like Him. What people see is Him.

    It is important to remain in Him, because if I step outside of Him, and sin, then I misrespresent Him. Then what people see will not be Him and I have grieved God more than in just the sin.


    I really like what you wrote here. Never thought of being covered in Him, and when I sin stepping outside. I am going to keep that image with me.


    Karen A.

  2. No one can look at an ultrasound of their child or grandchild and not be reminded of this passage, especially the 3D images that are available now where you can see the little one's face--fearfully and wonderfully made. I especially was struck by the word raqam: "variegate, weave with variegated threads, also with threads of gold and silver, suggesting the complex patterns and colors of the weaver or embroiderer." When my son was born and the sack he lived in those nine months was delivered, it looked like multicolored yarns!

    Life in all its splendor--creation at its most beautiful! That is what David is describing.


  3. :D Hezekiah knew the problems he faced were greater than he was--that only God could handle this difficulty. I like was Grace said in her post, that when we don't give ourselves over to the Lord to handle difficulties, we invite stress and ungodly counsel.

    Wouldn't it be great if we, as a nation, went to the Lord with all our problems? Using Hezekiah's example, let's lay all the burdens of this nation on His altar instead of bickering among ourselves. I know, in a perfect world that would happen. But I will do this, using Hezekiah's example, for our nation.

    Will any of you join me?

  4. Q2. What aspects of Moses' prayer of intercession should we emulate in our own prayers? Upon what logical grounds does Moses offer this bold appeal to God? What do you think it means to "pray the promises of God"? How does knowing the Bible help you get your prayers answered? How does this help our prayers be within God's will?

    We should emulate Moses' prayer of intercession because it is based on God's character and will. He is a forgiving, loving God and Moses directed his appeal to those characteristics, as well as righteousness. We don't deserve forgiveness--He forgives because that is who He is!

    The realization that prayer be directed to God's attributes makes sense, though I've never thought that way and certainly my prayers of "I need" etc are not directed to God's attributes but to my needs. Looks like a redesign of the way I pray is in order!!!


  5. What had the people done so bad? They went against God at every point. Even God's second in command disobeyed. No wonder God was frustrated--they attempted to thwart His plans and rejected His love.

    I believe God's angry reaction is fed by frustration--that His people just didn't get it! I know how upset feelings of frustration can lead to angry reactions in me, and I am created in His image, so the whole situation for God had to be frustrating. He is doing so much to help, loving them so and they are so ungrateful. Just like he must feel at me sometimes.

    God is certainly justified in anything He choses to do, yet he is swayed by Moses to give them yet another chance--that speaks to God's forgiving nature too. This scripture gives me hope in that forgiveness.


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