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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Posts posted by Eastrea

  1. This was the first online Bible Study that I have ever done. I am so pleased that I did. I found the method and style of tecahing so helpful and the questions which came through each day thought provoking. I will definitely be doing another Study soon. I really gained a lot from studying the book of James in particular. I found it helpful trying to apply the Studies to my life, as one looking in a mirror.

  2. They are signs of true repentance. They go against our human nature which wants to always be our own master, and not to submit to God. It is hard to resist some of the more subtle approaches of the Devil, especially as I am/was quite a feelings led person. I have had to try and re-train my mind to see that whatever I may feel may not actually mean the external world has changed at all i.e. God still loves me, as does my family, I still have a job and so on.

  3. No I do not think that I serve a kill-joy God, but so much pleasure is self centred in the world. I have only recently been converted I feel although I went to Church for years. I was Christianized rather than Saved. I used to seek pleasure to make me happy, but then I read the words of Augustine, that "our souls are restless until they find their rest in God". How true. And how I now understand that statement.

  4. I don't believe that I now discriminate against any type of person, or sinner. But I know that I used to when I was more self-righteous. I used to think that some types of sins/sinners were worse than others, particularly sexual sins. But recognising my own sinfulness, I now know what I have been capable of in the past, and it humbled me. i want people to know that Jesus can make a difference in their lives. That He is the God of the second, third, fourth chance, etc. My Church is lovely, and agian I didn't always believe or see that. They don't try and flatter anyone. All who come are welcome, are treated the same and are told that they need to turn from their sins. England is no longer a Christian Country, and Gospel believing churches are hard to find. Praise God that I am in one.

  5. I would define the Perfect Law as being all those things revealed to us by the Word of God and which were commanded by the Lord Jesus, and which He has placed in our hearts. The Perfect Law takes us, I believe beyond the Royal Law, in that it challenges us to ever more higher standards of behaviour for the Lord. The Law of the Lord sets us free, because we do not strive alone, but have the Holy Spirit to help us and also because we know that we are doing God's will if we try to live by his commands. I found this question a tough one to answer!

  6. We lose sight of what it actually means to BE a Christian. We confuse being surrounded by Christian things i.e tapes and books, or going to Church, with the importance of being in a close relationship with Jesus. We get comfortable and smug and can also become self righteous. The nature of the problem is that we can be tempted to "rest on our laurels" and not move on with Jesus.

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