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Posts posted by MannyVelarde

  1. Q4. What are the implications for you personally, when you realize that in the Lord's Supper you are becoming a sharer in the sacrifice of the cross? How does that affect you? How does it change your understanding of the Lord's Supper?

    It brings new depth to the process- in our "growing up" days many of us come from tradition that makes the Lord's Supper meaningless - and without purpose - Realizing that we are becoming s sharer of the sacrifice of the cross - should humble us and make our heart's desire to approach this element of faith with a clean heart and mind and a humbled seriousness.

  2. Q3. In what way did the priests participate in the altar by eating of the Old Testament sacrifices? How does Paul connect this observation with our participation with Christ's sacrifice?

    This was God's way to provide for the priests since they were not aportioned land. They also had to perform these sacrifices in a strict manner to be presented holy before God. Not sure if the eating represented a reminder of the covenant as a "shared meal" was a characteristic of covenant such as when Moses received the commandments and he and the elders sat down at covenant meal and at wedding ceremonies we have a covenant meal. They were connecting witht he sacrifice and the meaning and reason of the sacrifice. To do so in a manner that was not proper meant sure death.

    As Paul was observing - to take of the Lord's Supper in an improper manner was death - - when we partake we are sharing in His sacrifice and becoming a part of the sacrfice.

  3. Q2. What does koinōnia mean? What does it mean to "participate" or "share" in the blood of Christ?

    deep intiment sharing one with another.

    Only like minded believers can participate or share in the blood of Christ - with understanding - Christ has allowed me the privilege of sharing in all that His death, buriel and resurrection has bought for us. To share in the blood of Christ - may mean to suffer for the faith - for the body - we are one body - united by the blood of Christ and our faith and belief.

  4. Q1. Why was Paul exhorting the Corinthians about the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons? What was going on in the church? What was the danger to the believers?


    Taking their eyes off of God and turning them to things like the world, man's ways, idols, etc. Back then and today if we lose site of Jesus then more and more of the world will come into our lives and we will be far away from Jesus - and our support and we will become isolated - exactly where Satan wants us, which takes us out of commission to full fill the great commission.

  5. Q4. (1 Corinthians 11:26) In what way is the Lord's Supper a proclamation? To whom is the proclamation made? Why is this important? What happens to the church when its proclamation shifts to a different central theme?

    Since Jesus was celebrating the Passover and giving us a command to do this in rememberance of Him, it seems it is proclaiming deliverance - as God delivered the Israelites from slavery - Jesus has delived all mankind from the bondage of slavery sin - and proclaiming He has satisfied God's requirement for atonement. In addition giving us eternal life through Him.

    It is made to God as a thank offering perhaps and of course to brothers and sisters in Christ and those unbelievers who are watching.

    To me if the church shifts to a different central theme then it is no longer Christian- what other theme could there be- i would say they are apostate.

  6. Q4. Which part of the meaning of the Lord's Supper is most valuable for you at this point in your spiritual journey when you partake of and meditate on the Lord's Supper?

    Can't separate it for me- just reflecting on the fact that ALL of the wrath of God was taken by Jesus on the cross - - is beyond our comprephension - tht He paid the penalty - and was resurrected to provide the eternal life for all of us.

  7. Q3. Which action words used to describe the elements of the Lord's Supper, teach us that we are to be thinking of Jesus' sacrifice of atonement, when we partake of the Lord's Supper?

    Broken and poured out

    HE was broken for us

    His blood was poured out for us.

    The fact is He didn't have to do it that way. But He needed to be the perfect sacrifice to satisfy God's requirement to atone for sin. Sin must be paid for and Jesus stood in and suffered what we should have suffered.

    Unforgiven sin in our lives means that we will fact the prospect of eternal separation from God. "In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."

    Jesus satisfied God's requirement to cover our sins and prevent His wrath.

  8. Q2. How can an extreme symbolic interpretation cause a person to have too little respect for the Lord's Supper and its elements? Where is the balance, do you think?

    The entire church experience I feel has become to casual and carefree. We do not approach God with reverence as He requires. God is the most powerful God and teh most loving God, but that does not allow us to stroll casually into His presence. Our service has very little worship involved in it and very less and less Scripture and true praise and worship. Communion can then become casual as well, and the seriousness of incorrect worship - as in Nadab and ABihu's incorrect sacrifice and as believers partaking of communion in an incorrect matter show that God is serious about how to approach Him.

    There is balance but God must be the center of focus of everything we do, and we should do so in respect and reverence that He has always required.

  9. Q1. How does your particular understanding of the bread and the wine (literal or figurative) help you grow closer to Christ when partaking of the Lord's Supper?

    the fact that Jesus commanded us to partake - and he labeled the bread and wine as His flesh and blood - brings the reality of exactly what God has done for us- He sent His Son, who willingly sacrificed Himself for the purpose of providing for me for all of us the promise of eternal life and redemptionj from sin. He satisfied the requirement of God's wrath. It is our sign of the New Covenant, when we partake we are saying we are partners in the covenant.

  10. Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9?

    To call Jesus "Lord" - means to say - whatever Jesus asks me I will do - - I will submit my life to Him unconditionally - I will die to my fleshly desires and allow the King to reign in me. Many times we call Him Lord and we don't realize our covenant with Hiim when we do so. It should not be prayed lightly and when we say LORD - we should do so in a willing attitude to be obedeint.

    Why is this necessary for salvation - because we say Lord with our lips but until our heart can procalim it - we will never be willing to walk with Him as Lord.


  11. Q2. What are the personal implications of Yahweh being your King and of Jesus being the Messiah sent from God? What are the advantages of being the subject of Yahweh as King? What does it mean for you to submit to the King on an everyday basis? How does a person reject Yahweh from being King over him or her?

    Having Yahweh as King - - is the ultimate - - His character is unchanging - He is just - He is merciful - He loves us - and the list goes on. We each day can submit to that King because of who he is and how He is going to react in our lives - - HE IS MY EVERYTHING!

    To reject Him - is to not serve Him to live under the rule of the temporary reigning person of satan in this world - to not live according to God's preepts.

  12. Q3. What are the implications for governments that Yahweh is the King of kings and Lord of lords? What are the implications of removing God" from a nation's currency and pledges, and ardently secularizing national life? Where does that put a nation with regard to God the King?

    The scripture tells us "blessed is the nation whose God is Lord. As in the case of the USA - a small contingent of special interest folks want to kick God out of everything - - yes it is hard to legistlate morality - but we must honor the true God in all we do. He will bless a nation that is in allegiance with Him and working for His Kingdom - - but because He is a just God - He will also curse and consequence a nation that turns from His ways. - - save for the few true believers - - the USA is spared for the time being!

  13. Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being their King in the Old Testament? How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us?

    Tithing is something that was done as God has established. Abraham gave a tenth to Melchezedek so it shows God had precepts that dictated to do this. It is a way to pay honor to the king. If earthly kings warrent a tithe - how much more so for the King of Kings - Our Lord. Anyway - what we have and earn all belong to God in the first place - He allows us to retain 90%!

  14. Q4. Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." Can a Holy and Righteous God justly forgive sins without punishing them? What is the significance of the cross in God's righteousness?

    justice - giving what is desered for sin

    vengeance - Infliction of punishment in return for a wrong committed; retribution

    mercy - not giving us the extent of full punishment for a wrong.

    Yes God can forgive sins but he must bring the consequence. His Son's death on the tree has saved us from the condemnation of the law - - we will not eternally suffer - but our choices if they be sinful will come with consequences - because God is just - he must send consequence for sin and blessings for obedience. Look at David's life - he lusted, then coveted, then committed adultery, then murder...the last two sins should have caused his death - - but God showed mercy - - yes consequences came - - the son out of his adulterous affair dies, his household would never be strife free, he would be usurped by his sons and the sin of his son taking David's concubines was done in public view. Consequences yes that hurt David deeply, but not to the extent that God could have done.

    The Hebrew word for lovingkindness in the Old Testament - is chesed - God's love - His Grace!

  15. Q3. (Psalm 68:5) Since our God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows -- that is, the poorest and weakest of society -- what does this say about a Christian's commitment to social justice in our communities? How should it affect our actions?

    We should be obedient - - it is clear - - few of our churches today make the weakest and the widow a priority - we stroke the rich and the famous many times so the support of the church will continue. Look where Jesus walked - look where He served.

    The scripture in Matthew 25 encourages us to take care of the poor, those in prison, etc. because if we serve the needy then we are serving Him and will be rewarded. We should not do it because of the reward but because we love God so much - we desire to serve Him

  16. Q2. If we believe that truth and morality are all relative to one's culture, how can we know and understand the Righteous and Upright God? Extra credit for present-day evangelists: How can we declare God and his Son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world? What is an effective approach? (There is no simple answer here. What is an effective communication strategy in your community?)

    The fact that God is righteous and upright - attests to the fact that He will allow choices in the world to test our hearts - - the world today is completely corrupt - anything is OK society - - God will judge and Jesus will redeem the earth and His people at God's apointed time.

    Not a siimple question - but simply we just declare who God is - from His Word- we don't need to "dummy-up" the message - it has always been simple, we can resond to Him and serve His kingdom or we reject His message and live as the world lives - - the world fights against us - - it always has - - we must be steeped in His Word, prayed up and ready for the battle. We must stand firm on our faith - never waivering or compromising what God has ordained. I am tired of the church of today and it's entertainment venue to bring the church service down to a new low - - in some churches - - it is an hour before you hear about truth - God is love (and he is) and we won't condemn you we will love you just the way you are with no teaching to change. We forget the repent --

    Stand firm for the fundamental teaching of The Word - God has given us that precious gift in written form so we won't doubt and be divided

  17. Q1. (Isaiah 6:1-8) How does a realization of God's holiness affect Isaiah? Why is Isaiah afraid? How does God make Isaiah holy? What is the symbolism of the coal from the altar? Now made holy -- dedicated to God -- how does Isaiah respond to God?

    Isaiah does not hesistae he immediately recognizes the greatness and holiness of God. Isaiah saw his sinfulness and knew God hated sin - he has reverent fear of the Almighty.

    Coal symbolism is cleansing - being burnt in fire symbolizes atonement of Christ.

    Isaiah after receiving forgiveness - immediately goes to serve the Almighty when God calls him.

  18. Q9. (3:21) How can God receive more glory in your local congregation? How can you help this happen?

    By restoring God to being first. OUr congregations today have begun putting on a program of man's intrapments to draw people to come. Some congregations are even allowing secular music into the service because "that is what the people" want. We have brought the level of the church down to the world's way instead of bringing the world up to God's way.

    Jesus must be the center of our worship, our service, our music, etc. By being an example - by standing firm for the truth - by being humble and obedient to God's word. To love more and give more and make my life as true to God's will - to pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to enable me to be the voice He needs in my church.

  19. Q8. (3:20) How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? How can we get past this failing?

    20Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,

    God is able - because He is God - we take comfort in nowing that fact that He can do it.

    do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine - isn't that an awesome statement - he can do more than we can imagine - there is no limiting our God. It doesn't mean we go to him for "things" but that it sure assure us that he will meet our needs in abundance.

    When we try to mold God into our understanding - then we could potentiallyl miss blessings and incur greater consequences.

    We can get past the failing by praying hard; by getting to know Him better - by study of His Word! We can experience His grace - by praying and persevering

  20. Q7. (3:19) Have you ever prayed for a fellow believer that he or she might be "filled with all the fullness of God"? What would you be praying for with that kind of prayer? How does this prayer relate to Ephesians 5:27 and Colossians 1:28?

    I pray for the fullness of God for myself and every fellow believer - the Holy Spirit lives within us but we must pay for us to allow Him full reign so to speak. We would be asking that the believer give the Spirit their entire being - - to allow the character of God to live abundantly within them.

    It relates to Ephesians 5:27and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.Colossians 1:28We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.

    To prepare us for Christ return - we are the bride of Christ - through Jesus we are holy and blameless - for the fullness to come within us - and that fullness will be taught to us by the Spirit - to learn God's ways and to empower us to walk in them.

  21. Q6. (3:17-19) Why does Paul pray that the believers grasp the fullest extent of Christ's love for them? How does comprehending this love change a person's spiritual life? Is there any end to Christ's love for a person?

    Because that love was so unconditional and so sacrificial. It is a concept that human minds have difficulty grasping or understanding. We are tangible people and believing that a God could love so perfectly, so unconditionaly is beyond our comprehension -- words are not sufficient to describe it so praying for believers to grasp it is critical.

    When we can begin to grasp the love, we begin to understand what God desires of us. We begin to rely on God for all things and to look to HIm for our solutions, deliverance and happiness.

    Christ's love is eternal - He told us He would never leave us - nor forsake us- nothing can separate us -

  22. Q4. (1:18) Why is a revelation of "his incomparably great power for us who believe" essential to a vital faith? How do you develop this faith in yourself? How do you pray for it for others?

    The Holy Spirit was given to us to cause us to walk in His ways - we have the same power that we can tap into to work in us. Develop faith by obedience to His Word. We can see how great He is, the Word instructs us how to live a Holy life - The Word is God's character - - knowing Him, praying to Him, relying on Him in all things will only increase our faith.

    I pray that the church and the believers will get back to the truth of His Word. The culture today seems to be moving away from the Bible truths and allowing man's truths to increase. The world is moving into our chuch - because we are not studying the Bible as we should - my prayer is that eyes are opened and the Word of God takes it's rightful place in our lives.

  23. Q2. (1:18) How has your Christian "hope" changed your way of living? What is the result of Christians with only a meager or minute hope? How would you pray for hope to be borne in others?

    WOW - have I changed - - my wife teasingly asks who I am because I am so different from the man she first knew. We have a whole new way of looking at things once we have the hope of our Savior in us. THere is nothing I fear, nothing I cannot do, and a love that I have never experienced since I came to faith. God has brought me from darkness into His marvelous light - - I can only be humble and shine that light to others for His kingdom.

    If Christians have only a meager hope - then are they really believers. If they knew the God I know then they would have abundant hope.

    I would pray for humbleness for others to see God at His fullest - - for them to be more in the Word - to find out the greatness of God

  24. Q3. (1:18) What is the result in prayer and faith if believers think that God is poverty-stricken? How does knowledge of a "glorious inheritance" motivate our lives? Our prayers? How can you pray for others to glimpse this inheritance?

    Result is low expectations - if God is poverty stricken - then why pray in the first place. - would people even believe or worship Him.

    Knowing we have a glorious inheritance is encouraging - it is where we accumulate ou treasures not on earthly things. Altho the inheritance is our desire - our motivation should be the mere fact that we love God - because He is God.

    We can pray with excitement, love and sincerety for others to understand and glimpse this inheritance. Praying for their eyes to be opened and also praying that we will be the best possible example - reflecting our Messiah to show this inheritance.

  25. Q5 (3:16-17) Why does Paul pray for strengthening of the inner man? How would we pray this prayer today? Why does he pray that Christ dwell in the believers' hearts? Isn't this already an established fact?

    The inner man is where the Holy SPirit resides in us and we need to continually pray for the increase in strengthen. We should pray the same. ONce we ask Christ into our hearts - we begin a growing process and only thru the power of the Holy SPirit in us can we achieve Godly results.

    We are in constant battle to choose God's ways, and we struggle with flesh each day - we are new creations growing in faith and knowledge tapping more and more into the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Yes Christ dwells in our hearts, but we must give the Spirit the power to work in us.

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