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Posts posted by luminosa

  1. Jesus atoned for the sins of many people, as opposed to the animal sacrifices of the Israelites. God offered up Jesus as the one who would redeem mankind from the bondage of sin. In the passage we studied, the Word of God states that Jesus justified many because we have ALL strayed away from God's ways. Jesus took upon himself the sin and punishment reserved for us all. The Word of God says that Jesus is the high priest who will sprinkle and cleanse "many nations". That certainly sounds like universal salvation to me.

    Jesus' saving grace is wasted on some people in the sense that they refuse to humble themselves and admit that they need a savior. They will not recognize the fact that we all fall short of God's glory and we desperately need Jesus, day in and day out, not just for our salvation but to be able to walk in righteousness daily.

    May God help me to continue to desire to see the lost saved!

  2. Sin is not trivial in God's eyes. Sin is costly and the price we must pay is too high. Ultimately, we pay with our very lives, condemned to eternal separation from God. I believe He allowed animal sacrifice to show us that something had to die (that's how serious the penalty is) in order for sin to be blotted out. An animal which had nothing to do with our wrongdoing had to suffer, and at the hands of the sinner no less! That is horrible. How much more impacting is it to realize that God's son, (who is God) subjected Himself to the punishment? Sin is ugly and horrible :angry: Holiness can only be attained God's way. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. God is awesome. He is LOVE. I praise Him and lift Him up. I magnify Him and give him all the glory :D

  3. The basic elements of sacrifice are: confession of sin, animal offering:animal as scapegoat taking upon itself the sin of man, killing and bloodshed of animal.

    The elements that are still necessary today for forgiveness of sins are confession, the need for a substitute to take our deserved punishment, the shedding of blood and death.

    Animal sacrifice is no longer needed because the Lamb of God became the perfect sacrifice once and for all time. Jesus stepped in and took our punishment upon Himself. The blood of animals would not do. God created us to have dominion over animals and so animals were not adequate enough to serve as an atonement and washing away of our sins. It had to be the Best of the Best.

    How awe inspiring, the supreme act of love on behalf of all humanity. May we praise and give glory to the Lord forever and ever, Hallelujah!! :lol:

  4. Modern people consider animal sacrifice to be primitive and cruel. Some people might feel that there are more humane ways to draw closer to God. There are many people in modern society that are active in animal rights groups and are vehemently opposed to any type of activity they might consider cruel towards animals.

    Large segments of the population now live in urban and suburban areas. These folks have little contact with farming animals which are typically the kind used for sacrifice. Many people have pets that are dear to them and would not be able to conceive of killing animals for any reason.

  5. We should be angry at sin because it is selfish, destructive and brings about death. The word of God says that the wages of sin is death. Sin is the tool Satan uses to drive a wedge between God and us and to ultimately bring about our demise.

    Uncontrolled anger lashes out indiscriminately. God has not dealt with humanity in the way we deserve; we would all be toast if He allowed Himself uncontrolled anger. With Jesus, God has given all humanity the opportunity to repent and turn to Him for forgiveness. His anger will come to those who stubbornly refuse to accept their sinfulness and reconcile themselves to God. So, no one gets away with anything :(

  6. We can know that John spoke of Jesus as a sacrificial lamb because this is the method that Jews employed to deal with their sins; they typically sacrificed animals.

    The statement that Jesus comes to take away the sins of the world can be thought of as radical. After all, the Jews thought of themselves as the special possesion of God (which they are) and that everyone else were foreigners and heathens. Jesus came to make it possible for people of all races and nationalities to become joint heirs. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God! :D

  7. Gideon asks each man to give him an earring from the spoils of the war. Gideon, in my view, was not wrong in taking a reward. I don't think there was anything wrong with asking for the earrings; the people gave them as a gesture of appreciation.

    The sin in this case began when Gideon made the ephod out of the golden earrings. The ephod became the target of the people's worship. It perhaps represented their deliverance and it became an idol. They forgot that their salvation is of God. God Himself instructs us not to worship idols.

  8. Gideon understands that the one true king over Israel is God Himself. Gideon knows in his heart that God is the one who delivered them from the oppression of the Midianites. God, Creator of heaven and earth, our provider and saviour, deserves kingship over us.

    Becoming king is treason because it ursurps God's rightful place in our lives. It is giving authority over to a man, full of frailties and faults, instead of giving it to God.

    The Israelites probably thought it fitting for Gideon to be king because he led the charge against the Midianites. People sometimes are lured into idolizing mere mortals because they have attractive qualities: they are powerful, bold, rich, good-looking etc. What we forget though is that all good things come from God and if anybody's got these things, its because God has given them. The Israelites forgot that God masterminded and orchestrated their deliverance. They wanted to pin their hopes on Gideon, their conquering hero.

  9. Gideon slays Zebah and Zalmunna because they killed his brothers. Gideon is being just according to the commandment in the Old Testament that says if a man kills someone he is a murderer and deserves to die.

    We are prohibited from exacting revenge because we are to allow God to be our God of justice. We are to let Him deal with those who have wronged us. Whatever we suffer here on earth pales in comparison to the glory we inherit in Christ Jesus in the time to come.

    This could be very hard for us in the flesh; our first impulse is to get back at people, but we are to mortify the flesh and be Christ like! :)

  10. The cities of Succoth and Peniel refuse to aid Gideon's army because they want to have physical confirmation that Gideon indeed has wiped out the Midianites. They ask for the hands of the Midianite leaders, Zebah and Zalmunna. They show a lack of support and faith in God's plan. Gideon punishes Succoth and Peniel because they refused to help his men. It reminds me of "an eye for an eye"; when someone transgresses against you, you have a right to punish them and avenge the wrong doing.

    Succoth and Peniel's sin is in foolishly treating their own convenant brothers uncharitably. By doing so, they are disrespecting God's servants and God Himself. Succoth and Peniel show a lack of faith and obedience.

    Christians can be guilty of the same sin of Succoth and Peniel when we refuse to aid our fellow Christians. We sometimes don't want to be put out or inconvenienced. <_<

  11. Gideon must vanquish the remaining Midianite army to prevent the enemy from coming back again to oppress them.

    If we do not deal with problems in a decisive manner, problems will creep back up to the surface, bigger and more difficult to overcome. The danger lies in being ambivilent in our desire to be rid of things that shouldn't continue in our lives; we will fight the same battles over and over. Sin can be this way if we don't seek the Lord's help and decide to be rid of it once and for all. :angry:

  12. Gideon asks the Ephraimites to cut the Midianites' escape route through the Jordan river. The Ephraimites are angry because Gideon did not include the tribe in his battle against the Midianites.

    Gideon handles this by playing down the importance of his accopmlishments, thereby soothing the Epraimites ruffled feathers.

    I learned that in conflict, a cooler head will prevail. Instead of acting defensively in certain situations, its best to let the Holy Spirit take over and allow us to respond diplomatically. The alternative is to become angry and cause a major rift. :rolleyes:

  13. Gideon's camp was split into three groups in order to make it appear that Gideon's army vast and huge. The enemy would feel as if they were surrounded on all sides.

    The 300 trumpets sounding at once, the shattering of the jars and the torches were all designed to trick the enemy into thinking they were ambushed by a great army. The blazing torches, the noise of the trumpets and the jars crashing all add to the feeling of imminent danger and elicited panic and fear from the Midianites.

    The results of all this was that the Midianites attacked each other in all the fear and chaos. The strategy worked because God was behind it all, His plan was for the Midianites to destoy one another in the battle.


  14. I think the rolling barley loaf represents the small band of Israelites that would defeat and overrun the vast army of Midianites. I'm reminded of young David armed only with a slingshot against gigantic Goliath armed with weaponry.

    The Lord shows Gideon the dream to encourage and rally him to follow His command. It's reassurance for Gideon. The Lord understands the way we think and that some of us need constant encouragement. God is good!! :lol:

  15. We want God's directions to make sense to us before we follow so that we can feel in control. It can be scary to yield control.

    Needing to have everything make sense and spelled out can be dangerous. We are to follow God because we trust and love Him. We must remember His promise never to fail or abandon us, even when things don't seem to make sense.

    If what we are led to do is in line with God's word and the Holy Spirit brings us peace in the decision to proceed, then it should be a green light for us.

    If on the other hand, we are not sure, if we feel that we need reassurance, then godly counsel from people we trust is okay. ;)

  16. God felt the army was too large because Israel might believe they gained victory over the Midianites by their own might.

    Shrinking the army was essential in restoring Israel's faith and allegiance by demonstrating how God can do the miraculous and He can be trusted to keep His promises.

    Gideon could have succumbed to his natural senses: how on earth could we defeat a vast horde of people with just 300 men? He could have been concerned with how he would appear as a leader, worried that his followers might say, "Is this guy crazy or what?" Gideon could have yielded to fear.

    Gideon was able to obey God fully by exercising obedience and trust. He believed God.


  17. I think it's okay for someone to ask for a sign to confirm God's direction if the person needs the extra encouragement. Sometimes people just need to know in a tangible way that God is directing them to go a certain route, or do a certain thing. I don't think I've ever done it, but I know someone who does.

    The danger lies in getting hooked on receiving signs, though. You may feel like you can't proceed without God first showing you some sign. You must learn to figure out when God is speaking to you and learn to trust His calling.

  18. Gideon puts a fleece out for the Lord 2 times because he wants absolute assurance from God that He will be there to ensure the victory.

    I think it is a sign of belief because Gideon is poised to go out into battle as God commands; he has taken this command very seriously and needs confirmation for his own peace of mind.

    It is not so much a test but a request to confirm what Gideon's heart knows to be true, that God will fight this battle and give Gideon victory.

    The sinful testings that God warns against are different than what Gideon requested. In a sinful test, God is being goaded almost, God is put in a position of having to prove Himself. The request is not to assure or reinforce belief in God, but to make God prove His might and to supply a selfish desire or need. There is no real faith behind the request. ;)

  19. :lol: Joash hasn't been much of a leader, conforming with the others and worshipping the false god baal.

    Gideon's action brings out a courageous and bold response from Joash on behalf of God and his son Gideon. He speaks out against baal, insinuating that this false god has no real power and he defies the crowd and threatens them with violence if they attempt to hurt Gideon.

    Many on the panel suggest that Gideon did consider the impact his action might have on his father by completing his task by night. Perhaps Gideon didn't give the consequences to his father too much thought and instead made a decision to follow and obey what God had ordered. Maybe he just said, "I'm gonna follow God, no matter what." If he would have thought about the possible consequences too long and hard instead of latching on to God's promise to go with him, he may have decided not to go through with it.

    Joash has "come to his senses" and decided to stick out his neck for God and his son. It's as if Joash backslided and returned again to his first love.

  20. A person can be a "disobedient disciple". The term seems like an oxymoron because the two don't quite go together, they don't fit. Gideon had a choice whether to obey God or not, just as we have that same choice.

    God has given us a free will, so sometimes we will make mistakes. I believe that you can honestly love the Lord but still mess up. I'm thankful that we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and we are able to repent and make things right with His help.

    Luminosa :lol:

  21. We are to obey the commandment to honor our father and mother in Gideon's situation by first honoring and obeying God. If we cannot obey our heavenly Father first and foremost, it stands to reason that obedience to earthly authority is compromised.

    Gideon is justified according to the noted scripture Matthew 10:37. If we cannot place God as number one in our lives, then we are not worthy to follow Him. This can be a difficult concept. I sometimes struggle with pleasing loved ones versus pleasing God.


  22. I believe the reason God instructs Gideon to tear down the baal altar and asherah pole is two-fold:

    1) to test Gideon's obedience and

    2) to set the stage for Israel's deliverance out of the hands of the Midianites.

    The positive things that Gideon is to replace the altar to the false gods with an altar to God and offer a bull as a burnt offering using the wood from the cut down asherah pole. The risks to Gideon are substantial. He risks his father and family's anger and also the anger from the people in the community who are worshipping the false gods. Gideon also put his family at risk by obeying God.

    Gideon follows God's instructions under the cover of darkness because as the scriptures state, he is afraid of his family and the people of the community.

    I feel the night mission is a sign of weakness. Gideon was willing to obey God but he lacked the boldness he would need to do it in daylight, when all could see. At this point, Gideon still cared about what other people thought and he was afraid to step out boldly and take a stand for God, regardless of the consequences.

    I understand Gideon's actions. Sometimes, I too am afraid to move boldy, despite possible persecution.

    (P.S. My real name is Milagros but I thought it would be fun to be called Luminosa in the forum. The name is a derivative of Luminous, being full of light)


  23. Gideon blames God for his troubles by questioning why the Israelites are being oppressed by the Midianites. He wonders where are God's wonderous acts of deliverance spoken about by elders. He states that God has abandoned them.

    Gideon's assessment is inaccurate.

    Israel has disobeyed God's command not to worship idols. They have forfeited their right to God's protection.

    Although God's love is not conditional, many of His promises are.

    The danger in this viewpoint is that we fail to take responsibility for our actions and we alienate God with our disobedience.

    It's important for us to examine our hearts and actions because we are the ones who are in error and not the Lord.


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