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Posts posted by farmboy

  1. Q1. (Galatians 4:10-11) Is celebrating different special worship days essentially wrong? Why did Paul grieve over the Galatians' observances? What significance did these have in terms of their movement towards Judaism? How can we be blessed by observing special days in our era? How can observance of special days become legalistic for Christian believers?

    In and of itself observances are not wrong. The whole key is where the heart is, why we do this. Paul's grief and the significance is over a project of self-salvation. This type of complicated religion was not made by God. In essence they were being asked to replace the sacrifice of Christ with achievements of man. With this type of theology one mistake could prove fatal. (Mtt 23:) To simplify faith you have to get rid of the middleman, truth, trust and discernment is up to us. We are all brothers and sisters and have equal access to the Father. Some things can be a result of salvation, not a way to attain it. The Gospel is Christ period. The only thing we have to give is our love.

  2. Q5. (Galatians 2:20) In what sense have we been "crucified with Christ"? What does that mean? In what sense do "I no longer live"? Whose life now motivates us? How does this verse relate to Paul's closing comments about the "new creation" (Galatians 6:15)? What does Galatians 2:20 teach about Christ's attitude toward us?

    It is not possible for us to get cleaned up enough before we approach Christ to "discuss" our salvation. We must come as we are. Christ's love for us, a very sinfull creature, was so great that He willingly gave himself to face the punishment for sin. Our spirit was raised from the dead to be with Christ. Thus being born again we are a new creation. "I" no longer live-"I" being self-centered I can do it on my own. I was born defective, sinfull man. The only way that defect can be fixed is Christ. To trust and obey is the motivational force to free us from the bondage of sin.

  3. Q4. (Galatians 2:15-21) What happens to the importance of Christ's death if circumcision is deemed necessary to salvation? Why was this issue of the sufficiency of the Messiah's death so important in Paul's day? Why was this issue important to Luther and the reformers? Why is it so important in our own day? How does it affect the relative legalism of our congregations?

    "JESUS IS THE GOSPEL" The Gospel is more than a good story!

    Mtt 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven

    The death and resurection of Christ become nothing more than a footnote in History. This is blasphemy and a rejection of Christ. We must therefore save ourselves through works, earn our way into Heaven. The triune God comes into question. This God's word, we can't pick and chose what parts of it we will believe/follow. If I am not willing to sacrifice the self-involved need to do it myself the most valuable prize alive is lost, maybe forever. I need Jesus for everything. In James chapter the term brethren is not used, but what is given are the results of submitting to the yoke slavery-self salvation projects.

    When you an unholy life (the necessity of circumcism) you undermine the message that is preached. In the U.S. we tend to live a life of greed, lusts, and self-centered egotism. We need to fix our eyes on Christ not how we are performing. Not unlike the Pharisees we want others to see us "doing what we should". This makes it verydifficult for our pastors of today also, they are tasked with giving us what we need not what we want.

    I don't have to get it right, Christ did it for me. I am worthy because Christ obeyed.

  4. Q3. Why is it so hard to take the gospel to different peoples without wrapping it in our own cultural practices? Can you think of examples of this in Church history? What is the danger? How can we avoid such cultural faux pas in our church's missionary enterprises?

    We tend to make an all to common mistake of interpreting scripture in light of our experiences instead of interpreting our experiences in light of scripture. It seems like we tend to hide behind the mask of our culture instead of allowing who we really are to show through, simply a believer in Christ. Each has a culture system full of mistakes, yet that is our comfort zone (pride?), and we tend to think others should be the same.

    It is our duty to present the Gospel and trust the results to God. How each applies the Gospel of Christ to their bondages is between them and God.

    "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

    In my mind there is a real danger of inhibiting Christian maturity. We need to move on from the basic animal response/instinct of punishment-reward, toward doing what is right because it is right (heart). King David was a "scutter", but I think he had a heart for God. What gets us beyond this self-centered type of thinking is a true love/heart for God. True joy is an obediant heart.

  5. Q2. (Galatians 2:14) Why do you think Paul confronted Peter publicly rather than privately? Do you expect Paul had talked with Peter about this previously? How did a public discussion of this benefit the Jewish Christians? How did it benefit the Gentile Christians? What kind of pressure do you think this put on Paul?

    Paul must have had concerns about a fellow believer behaving in this manner. Distortion of the Gospel by the hyprocrisy would have worried him.

    There were implications of politics previously, Paul would not have wanted the Gospel to be reduced to political manuevering by keeping this behind closed doors. The Gospel is about Jesus. The Gospel transends politics and cultural differences. The Gospel is the same for all believers. We are not saved by following the law, customs, or rituals.

    Our walk with the Lord is individual and unique to each one of us. To copy or mimick another walk is to place God in a catagory of trivia.

  6. Q1. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews? What does this tell us about his character? Why should he have known better? What does this tell us about Barnabas? What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? What should you do when you recover your senses?

    It would appear that Peter was an insecure self-centered man. He has previously demonstrated a tendancy to go with the crowd so as not to suffer rebuke from the many, a need to be accepted. There was a need to be accfepted by the Jewish visitors. Peter spent time with Christ in person, He had visions relating specifically to this issue. He knew that the blood of Christ cleansed the believer from the bondage to Mosaic law. What God hath cleansed, that call not common. It was previously held that Gentile believers were not required to be circumcised. Is the issue raised that Jewish believers may not be free from the law? Was it ok to eat with the Gentiles, the hypocrisy of Peter and Barnabas left the false impression that it was not their conviction. The Gospel teaches that a person is saved by grace, not the law, Therefore we are not obligated to live under the law. The hypocrisy was in trying to make the Gentiles observe Jewish law.

    Have I acted like a hypocrite to impress others? Too many times to count.

    What should I do? Apologize and ask forgiveness for the example I have laid out. I have only done this with my three grown kids. I have failede to do this too many times with the rest of the world.

  7. 2 And I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to them which were of reputation, lest by any means I should run, or had run, in vain.

    This was to obtain approval of the way Gentiles were brought into the church, they were admitted on the basis of faith without circumcision. Free from bondage to the Mosaic law. The spys mentioned previously wanted to bring Christians into the bondage of rules and regulation of Judaism.

    The apostles acknowledged the gospel Paul preached as genuine and to be the same gospel they preached. Nothing was found lacking in the gospel Paul preached requiring any addition.

    9 And when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision.

    At that time the giving of the right hand was a sign of agreement made between peers. Paul was viewed as a partner in the Gospel ministry. Obviously nothing erroneous was found Paul's ministry.

    The apostles percieved that Paul had been devinely entrusted with the Gospel to the gentiles, Peter the Gospel to the Jews. They had been entrusted with very same Gospel but sent to two different peoples.

  8. Q3. (Galatians 2:1-3) Paul is arguing that the Jerusalem leaders support his position on circumcision, rather than that of the Judaizers. What is the significance of Paul's mention that Titus was not required to be circumcised?

    Jesus is the guarantor of a new covenant. Jesus is the Gospel, not Mosaic law. Spiritual vs. legal repentance do we need others to see we are getting better? A circumcision of the heart (spiritual repentance) is what is needed. To do otherwise; is to need others to see us doing right; is self-centered and is not what the message of the Gospel is about. Exaggerated importance of secondary items????---only Jesus gets us there


    Titus was significant in that others were beginning to see it also.

  9. What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles? How did God use his being different from others?

    I'm going to stick my neck out here. I believe that this is irrelevant, God equips those he calls-he doesn't call the equipped. Thus we can't boast of ourselves. What Paul could say was I was there and I was wrong. With the equiping of Jesus' revelation Paul would understand better those he preached to because he had been there.

    To ponder: How has your unique background fitted you for ministry? What uniqueness has God given you? What will it take to see that uniqueness as a God-given strength rather than as an embarrassment?

    This is a tough one, what I see in my mind's eye as unique are my sins/failures to trust in the Lord. The truly effective pastor's I have known understand the human conditon/ what we are going through because they have been there.

  10. What is the source of Paul's gospel?

    Jesus Christ, our risen Lord is the source. This source was not interferred with by the thoughts of man, on what it should mean or say. The gospel is purly the word of God.

    How do we know that it is a true revelation?

    Faith. Paul is not worried what man thinks. Paul tells us what we need not what we want. We have to believe/know that the gospel is God's word alone. If the gospel was infected with the thoughts of man or his so called wisdom it would be faulty. God has never changed, man does constantly.

    How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching?

    The gospel Paul preached is the word of God(scripture). There is no need for it to conform to any thing. Any source other than scripture should conform to this. All things(experiences) should be evaluated in the light of scripture.

    What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture?

    We all sin, none of us is perfect. That means our leaders can be mistaken/wrong. It is our ultimate responsibility to know what we are hearing is true and correct. If we don't study/ read for ourselves we run the danger of a trip to eternal damnation. We can't develop a relationship with God unless we do our own study/ meditation and develop our own personal walk. ***the garden of eden--lucifer****

    Our ultimate trust is to go to the triune God only.

  11. Jesus gave himself for our sins, according to the will of God. Jesus is the only way to salvation. The loss of salvation is the result. Look what happened in the garden of Eden with a slight twist of God's word. The affect today is a perversion of the Word and falling away from the truth. Anything added to or subtracted from God's word is nothing more than man trying to interject a wisdom that God has proven foolish. Is this not an attempt by man to be like God, the same thing that caused a certain fall from Heaven?

    Thankfully God is in control and not me!

  12. 4 Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father :

    Jesus sacrificed Himself for believers that we will be saved. And that salvation is through Him alone. Jesus saves in the same way today. Our Lord is unchanging, He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. That salvation is trusting and believing on Him, not a thunderbolt and lightning experience.

    In the past I have made a variety of excuses for falling back-away. 'I was trained to fix, be a self starter, earn what you get etc'. That is nothing more than self-centered egotism. We trust Him, read his word and follow the path laid out for us. The power of prayer and the asking of forgiveness can not be left out.

  13. Howdy,

    I live in Wyoming, or maybe better said I rent a room from my wife. I work away from home around 250+ days a year. I am looking forward to getting back into a bible study again. Our pastor is looking to me to take an elevated role in the church and I need lots of help.

  14. Tire and weary.

    This passage struck me like none has for awhile. I have gone through a tough struggle the last 2-3 months, I let the 'world' get ahold of me, trying to make something of myself or "be somebody". This passage addresses that issue with great power. I can't begin to speak of everything it's saying to me now other than I have been making too much of myself and what I think is important. True happiness is under the canopy of the heavens. What is it that causes us to think we have more urgent things to take care of than make time for Him who is really in control of those important things.

  15. I came up with 15

    We are called to come before him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song. Then we are called to bow down in worship and kneel before the Lord.

    This is the only appropriate response to the character of God that has been revealed to us.

  16. 1. Complete discretion as to what is done with the created, how it is used, the final decision of everything involving the creation.

    2. God created us for his purpose and He makes no mistakes.

    Don't know how this got here. his was supposed to be inresponse to the previous question.

  17. 1. The pot is nothing in and of itself. It was created to serve a specific purpose. The pot has not the ability to create, no more or less valuable than its fellow pots.

    2. We are constantly trying to advise God and maybe suggest improvements to his creation. We also think God should alter his plans for us and change the function we were designed for. We tend to tell God 'why don't you sit down there and let me you show how its done.'

    3. Thanksgiving! We should be thankful that god is in control and that we have an avenue of communication with him.We need to remember that God makes no mistakes and that He created us.

  18. 1. Daniel was a man of God and knew God's word. Daniel knew that God could be counted on to live up to his word. Daniel knew the importance of Israel.

    2. Knowing that if God gave his word it would happen, Daniel didn't take the easy way out and sit back and wait. Daniel knew exactly where he stood, no more no less, and he had to do his part. How often do we get lazy and say 'God said this will happen, on to the next item' , giving no more tha a casual thought to anything. We have more responsibility than to sit back and wait for the goodies to roll in.

  19. 1. We need to be in control and independant. We need to think we did it. There is too much focus on me. We have an incrdible desire to look good to whoever is watching, including God and would rather not have some things about us known, because it might destroy the image we want projected. Being refined is not the classic experience of joy and wonder. It is difficult, painfull, and requires effort. Some of us may have to start over from square one. We have a tendancy to think God is caring a score card, and we know full well what that score card is going to reveal when the exam is over.

    2-3. About two years ago I realized that I had known Jesus as my savior for a long time. The Spirit made it clear to me that I had yet to know Jesus as Lord. I prayed intensly for that to change. The trials and tribulations, and constant falling on my face are still difficult to deal with.

    4. Not a chance. Jesus was the ultimate example of surrender to God. What makes think we are so special that we don't have to go through it also. After God said 'this is my son and with him I am well pleased' Jesus was sent out for 40 days of temptation and trial. Why do we think we should escape.

  20. 1. That we are God's creation from the moment of conception. God doesn't make mistakes, so that makes each of us special. We have no place judging ourselves as harshly as we tend to.

    2. No matter the circumstances each child is a creation of God, not to be taken lightly. Although it isn't an easy task the woman is something special to be given care of God's creation.

    3. There is nothing more incredible than a newborn and the awsome responsibilities that go with it.

    4. The complexity of the body and the birth process is incredible. Something that complex has to be of God. Being involved in the livestock industry and working outside, it only takes a look around to make it obvious God is there.

    Helping with the delivery of newborn calves on occassion and watching them is awsome. Fot the mother to know how to care for her baby, for the baby to know what to do is incredible.

    The complexity of the process of conception alone is awsome. To take it from that to a living breathing baby can only be God. I don't worry about tree rights, whale rights, animal rights; what about the rights of the unborn baby.

  21. 1. To me it is like the hand or arm of a father around his child as they walk in love. A pureness of heart in David would not allow him to shake it and head for a hole in the fence. Because of love for God David could not see a hole to run to.

    2. Not all that long ago, maybe around the time we started we started this study, I would not have been arrested for acting like a christian. But there were several instances where things went so right that it could have only been God's hand involved. There is no other feeling like it. I can not imagine God's hand on me not being for my own good.

    God's guidance(hand) is not arbitrary rules that we must obey. If we follow God's guidance it can do nothing but help us. Scripture doesn't exist to be beat upon with or used as an example of our failure. God's guidance, when followed allows us to escape all the torments of sin.

  22. 1. I don't know much about sheep as is talked of in scripture but I do have an understanding of cattle. On occasion one of these critters feels the need to test the fence at some point and cross the boundary that fence represents. For some reason they think there is something better for them out there. They have forgotten everything needed has been left behind. What awaits on the outside?-poison plants, bad water, lack of feed, predatory animals or other things that are harmfull out of season. As I work to bring them back some go willingly and with some it is a real rodeo bringing them back in; up and down, here and there, ducking and diving twisting and turning. They all come back in even it means on the end of a rope. With the hardcases, they become very insistant that what is on the outside has got to be paradise even though it will likely lead to their suffering or demise. The first thing yearlings do is test the boundaries, incesantly at times. For some time they will constantly test the boundary wandering and wandering.

    It is very likely all of us are in that somewhere or at least have been. How many different things can cause a weak spot in the fence? Distortion of God's word. Neglect of God's word. Refusal of God's word.

    The yearling is like the young or new believer, they have to be given lots of care and not a "you are saved now enjoy your new life"

    2. We want to hide and not be found out. We don't want to feel the guilt and shame of our actions. Or we can become insecure patting ourselves on the back for doing what we are supposed to and look up asking " hey God did you see that one?".

    3. My original was going to be no I can't remember feeling that God never saw everything I did. The first time I tried to whitness to some one I had to ask did you see that one.

  23. 1. For me a large part of the answer to this is listed in our study inWhy Did God Grant Hezekiah's Prayer. It appers that Hezekiah's prayer went beyond a selfish request. He may have been asking for a healing for the people as well. Look at the issues God's answer addresses.

    2-3. First of all I will maintain that all prayers are answered!! Some are answered yes, some no, and maybe some are wait. But I believe there is a yes or no.

    Many times My walk isn't strong enough to handle the yes I am looking for. If my walk is weak enough that a yes will lead me in the wrong direction the answer has to be no. My kids have asked things that are not wrong in and of themselves but I couldn't say yes, because they weren't ready to handle what comes with the yes. It has at times really hurt to say no.

    A few years back I asked my son why he seemed to behave so well at someone else's place and turn into an "outlaw" at home. I had heard what a well mannered and well behaved boy he was. This wasn't quite the same boy I thought I knew. His answer was " I have to be good so they will ask me back, you have to take me back." I think I'm happy it wasn't the other way but, how often do we follow this same path with God??

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