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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Posts posted by kalineshen

  1. Q3. (Romans 8:31-32) What is the significance of the statement: "If God is for us, who can be against us?" Who might our enemies be? What is the evidence presented that God is for us? How does this statement make you feel? How does it affect hope? How does it allow you to act? What might: "...graciously give us all things" refer to?

    Nobody can be against us if God is for us, yes, we know everything belong to our God, God can do anything. I think our enemy is bad thoughts in our mind which can make us far away from God.

  2. Q2. (Romans 8:29) What does it mean to "be conformed to the likeness of his Son"? In practical terms, what does that involve in our lives? Why does Paul support this statement with ideas of our destiny? Why does he support this with ideas of brotherhood with Jesus?

    The person can know that we are christians, the child of God from our acting, so we have to be conformed to the likeness of his son

  3. Q1. (Romans 8:28) What is the actual promise contained in verse 28? What does this promise mean? Put it in your own words. What are the two qualifications to the recipients of this promise? How does verse 28 give you hope?

    We should trust God and love God, no matter what kind of circumstance we are in. Because God don't give us up and he love us, we can grow in such condition. we can get much in our spirit.

  4. Q2. (Matthew 5:3-4) Why is it necessary to be aware of your spiritual poverty before you can become a Christian? What kind of mourning is necessary for a person to become a Christian? What kind of mourning is a common experience of Christians? (See Isaiah 61:2-3; Ezekiel 9:4.)

    Only we feel poverty in our spirit, we will seek God and let God fill us with his truth, so it is necessary to empty us before we become a christian.

    We will mourn those who don't know God and who don't believe in God, we will mourn those who do the evil things all days. We should pray for them and expect our God will move their heart and lead them to God.

    As a christian, I think it is a common experience that we mourn all that we did before we came to God and what we did when we are weak.

  5. Why do people sometimes want to flee from God? Why do people imagine that God doesn't know what they do? Have you ever felt this way?

    1. The person who believe God is powerful and admit God is true and want to follow him. But after all, the person are mortal and will sin. Sometimes we are inticed by the satan and like the sin, in this condition, people will want to flee from God.

    2. Because God will not punish those who do the bad things as soon as possible, and God will not reward those who do the good things, or they don't see the bad person were punished and so on. All the person who imagine God doesn't know what they do maybe are those who don't believe in God and don't want to follow him.

    3. I never imagine that God doesn't know what I do, but sometimes I want to flee from God when I am indulged in a favorate thing which is not permitted. I know it is not good and I hope our Lord will help me.

  6. 1) While Moses is with God, the people on the sands below have become impatient. They demand that Aaron make visible gods like they're used to and the people worship the golden calf idol, sacrifice to it, and claim that the idol brought them out of Egypt -- utter blasphemy.

    2)Lord are angry at sin can't be understood apart from his own holiness, his separateness from sin, his nature utterly opposed to injustice, sin, and human degradation.

    3)Yes, Lord's word is true and justified.

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