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Posts posted by Soboath7752!

  1. To be honest, I kind of relate to Esau - When I first read the story, by heart started to hurt for him because he wanted his father's blessing so bad. Sure he messed up, but he wanted his fathers blessing and he got want was left. Am sure he felt rejected and hurt. Also, Esau reacts out of his hurt and wants to hurt his father as much as his father hurt him so he rebels against his father to own hurt. He feels unworthy of his father's best and do not see afar off.

    God is helping me see him different than how I see my earthly father and that he still loves me even when I mess up. God is helping me to see my real worth. It's a challenge; I must say. Not for God, but for me it's hard to wrap my head around the Father's love for me. But thank God he promised never to leave me or forsake me through it all.

  2. The children become distant and feel rejected and unloved. Hyes, I always felt that my parents favored a siblin more than me and did not love me as the other children. I don't think about it too much but the rejection is still there. My father stll doe it today and my mohter is decease. We should never show favoritism becuase each child is different and their needs are different. Most people, or should I say my family did not know how to love. But thank God that he brought us through for such a time as this.

  3. Jacob had a lot to do with Rebecca's plan to deceive her husband because he went along with it, eventhough he knew it was wrong because he said to his mother that he was a smooth man and his brother Easau was a hairy man and his father would kow the difference. Jacob knew the he would be a deceiver and feared being cursed (Gen 22:11-12). He also could have prayed to God. Both is parents prayed to God and most likely taught their kids to pray too.

  4. Rebekah, was a spiritual woman when she prayed to become preganant. She acted in the flesh because she did not trust God to wait for his plan and wanted to help God move the plan along. On the other hand, she heard what God had to say about his plan, believed what she heard and decided to just walk by faith and not by sight and made something happen. Eventhough she did not see the plan, she watched and waited for the right opportunity to take what God promised her. Operating in the flesh, I see her as a deceiver and a liar and taught her child do the same thing.

    I do believe that Isaac was a spiritual man because he obeyed the voice of God, eventhough he was deceived by both his wife and son Jacob.

    I believe Issac was more spirtually sensitive becaues he did what God told him to do. God did not tell Rebecca to do anything. He just told her what would happen with the twinsl

    Both Jacob and Esau were obedient to their parents. Jacob deceived and stole; Esau became rebellious and full of hatred for his brother so in this regard neither bother was spiritual.

  5. Eventhough Easu was an obedient child he did not pay much attention to what he was to inherit and didn't think about the future. Easu only thought about the now. He did not realize or had no revelation of what he was giving away. Easu wanted what he desured and saw in front of him. In other words, he loved the worlds posessions and focused on earthly more than his future inheritance that would one day bless him to have all he ever needed and perhaps wanted.

    I believe that Jacob really did not know what was in the blessing. He followed his mother's instructions, who insitagted the deception and followed his mother instructions, Jacob became a liar and a theft. Perhaps he saw something that his brother did not see and he took advantage of Easu's weakness in asking for his birthright and hid behind his mother's deception. Jacob believe that this inheritance could mean a lot to him in the future so he was thinking ahead and not just about the now.

  6. I'm glad you've signed up for the Gideon study. Please tell us something about yourself.

    I'm the director of the study, Ralph F. Wilson. I'm the Ministry Development Pastor at Community Covenant Church, Rocklin, California. I have been developing online Bible studies since 1996.

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