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Posts posted by Saved55s

  1. What are the implications for you personally, when you realize that in the Lord's Supper you are becoming a sharer in the sacrifice of the cross?

    It is a good feeling to know that I belong to & am just a small part of the body of Christ {the church} & that there are many millions of fellow like- minded Christians the whole world over who also are partaking of the communion meal in rememberance of what Christ has done for us. That we all have one goal & that is to give all praise, honour & glory to the one true living God. :)

    How does that affect you?

    It gives me a joy & it humbles me. There

  2. Verses 7-10 contain 10 different commands. Why are these actions so vital?

    The 10 commands I see here are: 1/ submit yourself, 2/resist the devil, 3/ come near to God, 4/ wash yr hands, 5/ purify yr hearts, 6/ grieve, 7/ mourn, 8/ wail, 9/ change our laughter to mourning & joy to gloom 10/ humble ourselves. We need to submit to God to be under his authority & this enables us to submit to him & gives us the strength to stand against & resist the devil. In coming near to God we have the desire to wash our hands & purify our hearts. To grieve the fact that we have sinned against God & this encompasses mourn, wail, change yr laughter to mourning & yr joy to gloom. In doing this we humble ourselves before God with a repentant heart. When we truly submit to God it is then that he can move in our lives in such an awesome way. :)

    In what way do they go against our nature?

    We are born into a sinful nature. It is our natural instinct to do what pleases us. It is not part of our natural desire to submit to God & humble ourselves. :)

    Which of these commands is most difficult for you?

    I think drawing near to God is one area in my life which I need to address. I don

  3. In what way does bad-mouthing a neighbor cause you to be a judge of the law?

    When you bad-mouth a neighbour it causes you to be a judge of the law in that you are setting yourself up as a judge & it is breaking 2 of God's laws: not to spread slander among yr people & secondly to love yr neighbour as yourself. You are seeing yourself as better than that person. :)

    Why is it tempting to bad-mouth others, do you think?

    I think some people who bad-mouth others feel inferior themselves & feel that putting them down elevates their own self worth to a degree. Also it could be a jealousy within them of the person they are bad-mouthing. As many different people as there are in this world, I am sure there are as many reasons why people do this. Everyone is unique as would be their reasons in their mind of why they do it. People are very complex beings. :)

  4. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people?

    In today's modern, fast moving society we are used to everything being packaged ready-to-eat in our supermarkets. We rarely think of the process of our meat being slaughtered before it's prepared for consumption. The death of animals to us in general is distasteful as we grow up in a society where we keep pets & are taught to love animals. The thought of having to sacrifice an animal would seem barbaric in many ways as we are not used to that way of life. We tend to want to think of spring lambs frolicking merrily in green pastures & not as a lamb being sacrificed. Our attitude these days would be why should some innocent animal pay for my sins!!!! :)

    How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life?

    Farmers are used to breeding stock & also familiar with the death of animals. Many kill their own livestock for food for themselves. Some survive solely on the stock they breed, it is their only source of meat. To these farmers killing an animal is more a normal part of their life where they breed stock for survival as opposed to city folk who go to the supermarket. City dwellers have everything prepared for them ready-to-go in supermarkets where there's no thought on the preparation of the meat they are purchasing. :)

  5. In what way did the priests participate in the altar by eating of the Old Testament sacrifices?

    When people bought their sacrifices to the altar, the offering of the goat or whatever animal it may have been they were sacrificing, it was sacrificed not only by fire but also part of the atonement ritual was that the priests ate a portion of it as well. Meat from sacrifices along with tithes of their harvests provided the priests & their families with food to live on. :)

    How does Paul connect this observation with our participation with Christ's sacrifice?

    In the same way that the priests were sharers in the sacrifices made on the altar of the burnt offering, Paul is saying that we too are sharers with other believers as we take communion & share in the offering of Jesus on the cross who

  6. Is God against pleasure?

    God is definitely not against pleasure. He is against the pleasure of the world, which includes wild parties, drunkenness, gambling, etc, etc, etc {the list is endless}, but he desires us to have pleasure in our lives. Pleasure that does not cause strife to either ourselves or others as often happens in the world eg: at wild parties. He wants us to be filled with the joy of the Lord. :)


  7. Why was Paul exhorting the Corinthians about the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons?

    Paul could see the potential of the church but also the ungodliness of some in the church. He made an appeal to them to make a stand, to be strong Christians & to leave their past easy-going, carefree, fun-loving lives behind them. He stressed to them the dangers of living in the world & trying to live a Godly life at the same time. To live an immoral life was to drink the cup of demons, but he tried to teach them that they could not do that & drink the cup of the Lord in church as well. :)

    What was going on in the church? While under Paul's care the church seemed to be growing in leaps & bounds, but when he left to go to Ephesus, he got news that the church had friction in it. People were becoming quarrelsome, petty, idolatrous, carnal & basically were just very immature, unspiritual Christians. The people of Corinth were quite wealthy too, yet they were not generous with their money in the church. :)

    What was the danger to the believers?

    The danger was that the church would become non-existent if they continued on as they were. That the believers would just back slide & become people of the world again, leaving behind their Christian beliefs. :)

  8. How does God's steadfast love in the Old Testament relate to his mission of love in John 3:16?

    In the Old Testament man had to make blood sacrifices from bulls & goats in the tabernacle to find forgiveness from God & this was ongoing. In the New Testament, God sent his son Jesus who shed his blood on the cross at Calvary, a one time sacrifice for all time. :)

  9. What does faithfulness have to do with trustworthiness and keeping one's word?

    It means that God's faithfulness is dependable & it can be relied on. That his trustworthiness & his word are dependable. We have a God who's faithfulness abounds. :)

    What does the Faithful God inspire in you?

    It inspires me not to waver in my faithfulness to God & also in my dealings with others & to be dependable. As God is faithful to us, so he wants us to be faithful. We need to model ourselves around God. :)

    Why must faithfulness be part of our character as believers? As believers we are Christ to the world. We need to be dependable to those we are trying to reach for Christ. Being faithful to each other is as it should be, but we need to be faithful to non-believers who sometimes think we may judge them or their way of life. We need to show them we are faithful to them no matter what they may say or do...that we love them with the love of the Lord who also is a faithful God. :)

  10. Why was God's willingness to forgive essential to Israel's survival in the wilderness?

    If it were not for God's willingness to forgive Israel, they would never have come out of the wilderness. It was only God's compassion, grace & love that brought them out of the wilderness to continue on as a nation. :)

    Was Israel contrite after turning away from the Lord in Exodus 34?

    It says they were a "stiff necked people". Israel repented then sinned again & continued repenting & sinning, but God was faithful & ready to forgive each time they came to him with sorry hearts. :)

    What is so amazing about God's forgiveness?

    That it never runs out. No matter how many times we "muff up" God is always there just waiting to hear us repent to him & ask his forgiveness. It is his forgiveness that shows his eternal love & compassion for us. :)

  11. Why is our remembrance of Christ's death so important?

    It brings us into a much closer union with him. We are more aware of his love, forgiveness, of the very intimate nature of God. :)

    What happens to Christianity if we neglect remembering in this way?

    Christianity would become cold & complacent. It would be no different to a

  12. Read Matthew 12:34 and 15:18. In light of these verses, why is the tongue untamable?

    {Matthew 12:34 You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.

    Matthew 15:18 But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, & these make a man unclean.}

    If someone is not walking with God, then his heart will not have been renewed & he will be "self" orientated as opposed to "God" orientated in all he does & says. He will not have the Holy Spirit dwelling within him to correct & direct his thoughts & ways & in so his mouth will bring forth things that are not of God. :)

    What has to happen before it can be tamed?

    Before it can be tamed we need to give our life to Christ & he will create in us a clean heart. Out of this heart will come Godly confessions & as the Holy Spirit witnesses to us, Godly talk in all we say. This takes practice & I'm sure we all muff up as we are far from perfect, but with the Holy Spirit as a witness to us we are able to be kept on track or guided back on track if we are attentive to his leading. :)

  13. When repeated often, doesn't the Lord's Supper run the risk of becoming mundane and lose its meaning? No & if it did become mundane & lose it's meaning to anyone, then that would show that that person is not in a right relationship with God & needs to look at their life. By partaking of the Lord's Supper on a regular weekly basis it is keeping us in a closer more knit union with the Lord than perhaps we would have if we were not taking it regularly. :)

    Why did Jesus command its repetition?

    Jesus commanded us to repeat it so that we stay in union with God, & as a reminder of his great love for us. :)

  14. How does James' point about the necessity of works jive with Paul's emphasis on salvation by grace without works (Ephesians 2:8-10)?

    Paul was stressing the fact that we are saved by grace & NOT by works, whereas James was trying to get the point across that to have faith in God we are to put it into practice by doing good works. Both have relevant points as we cannot earn favor by God just by doing good works, because anybody can do that, but to have favor with God we are to release our faith by inviting Jesus into our life & then fulfilling his plans for us in what he would have us do for his glory. :)

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