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Posts posted by Natasha

  1. Gods answer to Gideons self image was


    It applies to our lives because if we trust God enough to "BE WITH US" no matter how we perceive, see or face the mountain, we can be overcomers, and "do all things through Christ who strengthens us"

    Lord I love you. Lord help me see myself through your eyes and reach for your purpose and will over my life. Help me rid fear and doubt out of my heart and learn to trust and obey you totally.

    In Jesus Name


  2. Gods answer to Gideons self image was


    It applies to our lives because if we trust God enough to "BE WITH US" no matter how we perceive, see or face the mountain, we can be overcomers, and "do all things through Christ who strengthens us"

    Lord I love you. Lord help me see myself through your eyes and reach for your purpose and will over my life. Help me rid fear and doubt out of my heart and learn to trust and obey you totally.

  3. God saw Gideon as a Mighty warrior and Gideon saw himself as a weakling belonging to the weakest clan of Mannaseh as well as being the least in his family.

    Gods perception of Gideon was the most accurate. After all who made you and what is His purpose over your life? he made you for a reason.God saw the bigger picture and how he could use Gideon like he used Moses and Joseph. He knew Gideon better than Gideon knew himself. He has BIG plans for Gideon but Gideons eyes were blinded with fear, doubt, worldly views and his own beliefs not GODS.

    Our perception of ourselves is usually small, limited and keeps us from progressing in the kingdom. Fear Doubt , discouragement are the strongholds in our lives that hold us back and limit us from being who we really are in Christ and achieving our purpose.

    HIS word says that

    We are fearfully and wonderfully made.

    We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

    HE who is in us greater that he who is in the world.

    Can you imagine if we and Gideon would trust and believe in Gods word over us and stand in faith and fight all the "goliaths" in our lives?

  4. The reason for Isreals opressed state was that they had bowed to the gods of the Amorites against Gods commands and thus disobeyed Him.

    The commandment broken was;

    Deuteronomy 5v7

    "You shall no other gods before me"

    This affects christians today because we have made so many areas in our lives and the world our "gods" e.g TV, music, books, magazines, hobbies, friends, fashions, materials etc . They end up taking up most of our time and take us further and further away from GOD, we therefore end up spending less time in His presence and more time in the world and what it has to offer. Thats what makes "lukewarm" christians.

    When things begin to fall apart for us and we feel "abandoned" do we begin to blame God for our problems and yet we are the cause of it all.

  5. Gideons response was to ask where the Lord who made a promise to the Israelites was and why he had now abandoned them. He was actually blaming God for what was happening to his people.

    His assessment was not correct but he seemed not to be aware of that. He seemed to genuinely think that God has actually abandoned his people. God has told them not to worship the idols of the Amorites and they had just gone and done that out of disobedience.

    We end up blaming God to cover up our sins, weaknesses and disobedience many times even our guilt.

    The danger of blaming God is that the "spirit of pride" takes over our hearts and we begin to distance ourselves from God in our relationship with him by thinking that "we know it all" and that we can manage on our own

    We can stop this in future by learning to

    - obey God

    - Not compromise in our christian walk

    - Keep and study the word

    - Totalally surrender to the Lord

    - Trust in God and lean on Him.

  6. Gideons response was to ask where the Lord who made a promise to the Israelites was and why he had now abandoned them. He was actually balming God for what was happening to his people.

    His assessment was not correct but he seemed not to be aware of that. He seemed to genuinely think that God has actually abandoned his people. God has told them not to worship the idols of the Amorites and they had just gone and done that out of disobedience.

    We end up blaming God to cover up our sins, weaknesses and disobedience many times even our guilt.

    The danger of balming God is that the "spirit of rpide" takes over our hearts and we begin to distance ourselves from God in our relationship with him by thinking that "we know it all".

    We can stop by

    - obeying God

    - Not compromising in our christian walk

    - Keeping in the word

    - Total surrender to the Lord

    - Trusting God and leaning on Him.

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