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Kathern Edenloff

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Posts posted by Kathern Edenloff

  1. The joy you seem to be talking about here is the most hard to define. The gift of joy is one we can have in our walk with the Lord even in the most difficult times. There is joy we feel that is fleeting like the joy one feels over a gift, new baby or house just to name a few. The joy you are talking about and 1st Peter is talking about is one that is everlasting. The joy of knowing we are the children of God through the death and resurection of his Son Jesus. We can experience this joy even though we have not physially seen Jesus, but because the word said we are His and we are one family. Do we always see when we give praise; no but we can experince the joy of being in his presence through the Holy Spirt. We can feel nourished and are drawn into a closer relationship with our Savior. Joy can also be described as being content knowing you have a hevenly Father who is in control at all times in sickness, saddness, and when you are feeling all alone. HE IS ALWAYS THERE FOR ME AND YOU if you so desire.

  2. As I look back over my life I find there were many refining periods that happened. The old saying hind sight is easier than the now is true even in relating to life situations. We can be refined and must be refined in order to know the need for a Savior. If everything is always good, how do we know it is good if we never had a bad thing happen to us. If we are always happy, do we know for sure we are happy if we never experienced saddness. We grow through the valleys in our life so when we get on the top of the mountain we can know we only reached there by the grace of God. We aren't able to handle all situations in our life without the power of the Holy Spirit. Some times the refining comes in your job, home, health and family. I am sure others could be mentioned. Some years ago I worked for a christian school and there were hurt feelings. It took quite sometime to get through this, but I do believe I have become a better person. The drawing back to the Lord is stronger now than I have ever experienced. I long to be in His presences singing praises.

  3. I find people who are christian and walk in this world are to be continuely on guard. All can slip into the needs and rewards of worldly goods. We need to look to the heavenly home as a perment place and here on this earth we are just passing through. Christians who become to much consumed with this world need to go back to the alter and ask God for power and wisdom in their choices. We have all been given a will to make choices whether good or bad. We do have forgiviness of wrong choices that we make and should learn from them and strive to do better. We also need to know we can not due this in our own strength and need the Holy Spirit to guide us as he did in the scriptures to New Testament believers.

    There is a song that says "cast your eyes upon Jesus and look solely in his face and the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and Grace. So I would say look toward Jesus and do let the Holy Spirit be your leader and comfortor.

  4. The blood used from the lambs on the first Passover was placed on the door post and the lentel so the angel of death would passover the members of that household. This was to safely guard and spare all first born of the children of Israel. We too experience this safe protection from the blood Jesus shed for all who believe. We shall live. but our bodies will return to the dust from which they came according to scripture. It is so great at this special time of the year taking communion. It brings to my mind the Last Supper and all the suffering that was done on my behalf. We are truly blessed that through the blood of Jesus we can come boldy to the Father and he hears us as we pray. The wages of sin have been paid for through to blood of Jesus, not because we deserve it, but because He loves so much. We will not be perfect in this life, but Praise the Lord, we are accepted as heirs to the KING!

  5. I Think most people of today no matter where they lived would find it difficult to accept the tought of animal sacrifice for sin. We usually think more of animals as pets or sources of food or milk. This is not to say I don't understand that in the Old Testament it was necessary for the slaying of an animal for sin, but praise the Lord we do not have to rely on that since Jesus has been the sacrifice once and for all. I know animals are slaughtered for food in our day, but I still would find it difficult to watch.

    I feel very blest to know that though I am weak in this area, my Father in heaven knows my heart and give praise that He loved me so much He sent His son to take the place of sacrificing animals. In His great wisdom as stated in the Old Testament we to would fail as they did and that is why Jesus the Lamb of God was the great sacrifice for us all.

    I hope this doesn't sound to confusing an answer to the question. :blink:

  6. I have read with interest of the many replies to the question of the size of the army Gideon was to use. It may not have made much difference to ones sent home with out fighting. They might possibly have been relieved as they must have trusted Gideon. He would surely have told them what the Lord had spoken to him. It would be nice if we all could say we have as much faith in our daily walk with our Lord, but being the people we are we do stumble here and there. It is nice to know we have a loving. forgiving and understanding Father that knows us better than we know ourselves. Sometimes I wonder if we aren't as stubborn as the Israelites.

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