Lion of Grace
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- Birthday 12/02/1955
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Music-Art-Reading(especially my Bible)-Bible Study-Gardening-Being outdoors-Church activities-helping raise Grandchildren.
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Q4. Maranatha
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 15. Giving and Personal Matters (1 Corinthians 16)
I don't think Paul is cursing anyone per say, I think he is saying whoever does not love the Lord, let him be cursed (as that person is bringing a curse down on his own head.) Christ is to be loved above all others and Paul is saying those who refuse to love Christ and who reject Him bring a curse down on their own heads and Paul in defense of Christ is in full agreement of their punishment and is even saying, "let that happen to them!" Who does he invite to come quickly? Jesus! I believe Paul was looking forward to Christ's coming not so much to escape the persecutions he suffered or even to save the church from any more complications through false teachings and weak congregations. In his life he never shrank from any of these things. He was looking forward to the completed work of Jesus when Christ would come back and take His rightful place as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Then all who opposed Christ would see and bow down before Him. The Lord's name would be vindicated! Paul's life was about Christ. Not circumstances. -
Q3. Opposition
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 15. Giving and Personal Matters (1 Corinthians 16)
To continue to minister in the face of opposition takes great faith. We know, that though some are against us and the work God has asked us to do, God is still sovereign. His will is what will be done. Satan will use others to try to stand in our way, but obedience and faith to continue on are what we stand on. Satan hasn't won yet....and he won't ever win....so though we may suffer for a little bit....the victory is OURS because the battle and the victory belong to the Lord! We engage in spiritual warfare, putting on the full armor of God, we pray and call on God to help and we persevere! -
Q2. Planning
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 15. Giving and Personal Matters (1 Corinthians 16)
Paul is offering reverence and is showing he is submitted to the Lord's plan and guidance. Today, we can forget this reverence, but not everyone who makes plans without saying "if the Lord wills" is being arrogant in my own opinion. It is a good thing to do and learn per say, but more importantly God looks on our hearts. We may not say those words every time, but when we make plans and God directs us to another way or blocks those plans, we should be submitted to His will in that. Paul made plans to go many places, but when the Lord blocked his way, he did not continue on in his endeavor. To me, that's what is more important here. In Acts 16:6 Paul and his companions traveled through the region of Phrygia and Galatia. The Holy Spirit had already kept them from preaching the word in Asia. They "came to" the border of Mysia and they "tried to enter" Bithynia, but the spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. In these passages Paul is following the direction of the Holy Spirit but he isn't actually "saying" if the Lord wills. If the most important point to be had was on what he "said" I think it would have been included and repeated. He isn't being arrogant, he is traveling, "planning" on spreading the message to specific places, but when the Spirit said "no" he submitted to that. I don't think the magic of a few words shows being more submitted to God's will or less arrogant than those who do not say those words. It's the matter of our hearts and our wilingness to let go and obey God when He directs that is important. Men can say all kinds of reverent things with no follow through what so ever and vise versa. -
Q1. Regular Giving
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 15. Giving and Personal Matters (1 Corinthians 16)
Regular giving should be practiced. It should not encompass only giving when we feel like it or when we have extra. A portion for giving should be taken first thing and set aside. Proportional giving should be giving as according to your ability. Our regular giving will be measured by income but sometimes, if we are blessed with more money than usual, we should give more. Planned giving is setting aside money for giving as a need arises. I don't know many Christians that do this and admit I've not thought to do so. I love this concept though! How much more often we could bless others this way! -
The number one source of discouragement to me is when others aren't doing their part in ministry. So many times I have been in a ministry that has to depend on others to do their part and when one or more drops the ball it can become frustrating. I also have the gift of helps and that usually means that the jobs that no one else want to do can fall on me. I always want to "help out" and others depend on me to do those things no one else will do. I do love to help but sometimes all those areas can get overwhelming and I get frustrated that the mundane things that have to be done are so looked down on that some people actually refuse to do them! So sad. How am I encouraged? By knowing that God sees my heart. He always strengthens me, gives me joy and reminds me that everything I do, I'm doing for Him. That's awesome!!! Rewards will be later and they won't be for the biggest ministries, the most popular ones or the ones coveted by many for self gratification. They will be for faithfulness in what we were willing to do for Jesus. "Well done good and faithful servant!"
These verses tell us a mystery! When Christ comes, in a flash, in a twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet, the dead will be raised no longer perishable, but imperishable. Not only will they raise and be changed but all those left alive will be changed. No longer will there be mortality but immortality. "Where O death is your victory? Where O death is your sting?" This tells us Jesus defeated death and we too will defeat death through Him! It also tells us He IS returning! Oh happy day!!!
The doctrine of the Trinity declares that God is three in one. Though one God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are also separate beings with differing roles. They are equal because all are one, yet they reveal their own individual aspects too. The Father sent the Son to fulfill the plan for salvation and no greater honor is given to anyone, from the Father, anywhere except to the Son. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. But still, the Son always remained in the Father and everything Jesus shared with us was because He heard it from the Father. He submitted to the Father's will and plan and He allowed the Father's will to be His purpose. He always honors the Father. The Holy Spirit, is the advocate, sent by the Father but in Jesus' name. He teaches us all things and helps us to remember all the Jesus taught. He is the spirit of truth and again, like Jesus did, tells us what He hears. He testifies as to Jesus. The Holy Spirit lives in us as the Spirit of Jesus. It's this wonderful oneness of three, all working together, honoring and esteeming the other. I don't see this as anyone being lesser than the other, but as God showing His character of complete humbleness, lived out in the Three in One. It reminds me, (Thank you Holy Spirit) that we were taught to esteem each other as more important than ourselves and God, in His good and faithful character, lives that out right before our eyes! Amazing!!!
Q2. Gospel Core
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 14. Resurrection and the Coming of Christ (1 Corinthians 15)
The core of the Gospel in my own words: Jesus was sent from God the Father to atone for my sins so I could be reconciled to Him. Jesus was the Paschal Lamb, sacrificed for me. He died on the cross, was buried and rose again on the third day. He fulfilled all scripture of the long awaited Messiah and He was proven to be the Son of God. He appeared to many after He rose from the dead. All these things are written down so many will believe and through Him, they will have eternal life. -
While we are assured our salvation, we are instructed to also "work out our salvation." Philippians 2:12-13 "Therefore my dear friends, as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence but now much more in my absence, continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, to will and to act, in order to fulfill His good purposes." It is true that our salvation is a gift from God and that we do not earn it through works, but we have a responsibility to remain in our faith. We must work out our salvation with fear and trembling. We must persevere in our faith. This requires an action and decision making on our part. Yes, we persevere through the power of the Holy Spirit, "for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill is good purpose" but to have a balanced view we also must heed other scripture too. We must strive against sin. (Hebrews 12:4) We must fight the good fight (2 Timothy 4:7) (Ephesians 6:10-18) We must run the race to win (1 Cor. 9:24). In other words, because God is at work in me, I must continue to work out my salvation. I must persevere in my faith. Salvation is completely God's work and we must rely on the power of the Holy Spirit and not our flesh to persevere in our faith, but it is imperative that we not take our gift of salvation too lightly. It was purchased at a great price. We need to have a reverent fear of God, an awareness of our own weaknesses and calling on God, we must persevere in our faith.
I have recently felt instructed to go out of my church and have been sent to another, so I have two comparisons. In the first church, these passages on the order in the church are taken very literally, including the misperceived idea that women should remain silent and learn from men. The services were tightly controlled, though I don't think it was because of the Pastors per say that this was done. There were no opportunities in the service for any speaking in tongues, interpreted or not, nor were there opportunities for prophecy. There were some Bible studies to attend that were biblically in order where everyone could share what the Holy Spirit had revealed to them in the study, but most studies were controlled by teachers and their agendas or points they wanted to get across to the "students". Exhortation was frowned upon by leadership and the church was out of balance wanting only encouragement no matter the true circumstances. It was a well oiled machine though with many ministries. I think allowing prophecy and tongues would be the balance they need. The church I've recently attended has a more healthy view of spiritual gifts in everyone including women in the church, has a pastor that has a shepherd's heart who tries to encourage people in their gifts discerning those gifts in others and allowing and even desiring those gifts to be used. This church though, can struggle more with order (as in some being manifested in some people much louder than in others or not fully being understood and misused) but there is a good balance in recognizing everyone's gift as being valuable. Prophecy is listened to humbly out of the general church gathering. I've never heard anyone speaking in tongues in public but know there is prayer language going on and openly talked about.
Similarities in verses 27-28 with verses 29-32: Tongues: If anyone speaks in tongues, two or three at the most should speak, one at a time and someone must interpret. If there is no interpreter, then the speaker must keep quiet and speak to himself and God. Must exercise self discipline. Prophecy: Two or three prophets should speak, and all others should weigh carefully what is said. Those speaking must take turns so that all revelation will come out and so everyone may be instructed and encouraged. The spirits of the prophets are subject to the control of the prophets. Must exercise self discipline. Differences: Tongues needs an interpreter, if there is none present, they must be silent. Meetings today could be held with less structured programs and meet with the express purpose of hearing from the Holy Spirit where everyone can bring what message they have received for the benefit of all. I've been to several of these kinds of meetings whether they be Bible Studies, Worship gatherings or times expressly for prayer. They are less operated by "one" person who talks "at" the people, but are open forums where the Holy Spirit blesses the group through every person there. I love these gatherings and every once in awhile there may be an untruth enter in that must be addressed lovingly and encouragingly by the people, but for the most part, I've seen the Holy Spirit alive and active in these grouping where HE is the invited guest....not just some human teacher, pastor or special guest (though I have seen all three of these attend, enjoy and benefit as well as share in these kinds of gatherings).
The value of speaking in tongues according to these verses are: 1 Corinthians 14: 2 The person speaking in tongues does not speak to men, but speaks to God. (How wonderful!) 1 Corinthians 14: 4 He who speaks in tongues edifies himself. 1 Corinthians 14:17 He is giving thanks. (but is he edifying others)? Romans 8:26,27 Praying in the Spirit with the Spirit Himself interceding for us with groans that words cannot express. The gift of tongues is more of a personal gift in my opinion. It is for prayer and praise and for when we need to express more to God than our earthly words can say, especially in times of intercession. I do though, also think it can be used in the church orally, but only with interpretation so others can hear and understand the message. I do embrace the words of Paul in in vs. 22-25. If everyone in the church is getting up and uttering things in tongues, but no one can understand....what good is that? If everyone speaks a word from God to encourage (edify) or convict (exhort) in their own language, then everyone can hear and choose to act accordingly. The Corinthians had placed too high of a value on speaking in tongues (probably because it was high profile and drew attention to themselves and their supposed spirituality) and were out of balance not choosing to ask for the gift that could benefit all and could express God's will or direction for the church.
The value of prophecy over tongues is that the gift of prophecy edifies and/or instructs the whole church while the gift of tongues is a person speaking to God. No one understands the message given in tongues (unless an interpreter is there as should be) but the person is usually uttering mysteries with his spirit. Prophecy in the church is for the edification, exhortation and the comfort of the church. Edification to encourage the church, exhortation for spiritual guidance in the truth and to stay on the right track with truth in love and love in truth and for the comfort of the church for those who are hurting, under severe trials and persecution. The whole church should be benefiting from the gift of prophecy. First, the church as a whole with exhortations from scripture for assurance of a correct vision and assurance to faithfully and biblically, living out that vision in balance as well as encouragement to continue in the faith with scriptural promises and reminders as to God's good character as well as comfort to the body as it suffers for Christ or where there is individual suffering offering the hope given to us from our mighty sovereign God.
Q4. Love Never Fails
Lion of Grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Love -- A More Excellent Way (1 Corinthians 13)
Paul wanted the Corinthians to understand that the gifts they received were temporal but that love was eternal. They were misusing their gifts and thinking of them more highly than they should have. The focus was on the gift, not on the Holy Spirit. The gift was to be exercised out of love and for the good of the church not for prestige or popularity. The same thing happens today. People revere gifts and look for selfish fulfillment in using them. I also think ministry can be born in this way. People choose "popular" ministries or those ministries that are honored more and do them for selfish reasons. Love is absent and that is tragic. Paul stresses the permanence of love because in the future gifts will cease but love will remain. Love is a fruit of the Holy Spirit and when we have the fruit of the Holy Spirit, everything we do comes through the Spirit of God. This makes our motives pure and right and holy. God is love. It is only through Him we can serve whole heartedly and for His true purposes. Love shows God's true presence within us. Without love, everything is just noise, clashing, shallow and oh so human. 1 John 1 tells us that anyone who does not love remains in death. (vs.14) That is a pretty strong statement on love. That equates love to life! But these three things remain: Faith, hope and love....but the greatest of these is love. -
I have always been taught that perfect comes with the return of Christ. Teleios has the meaning of a state of perfection. Face to face meaning to be in the presence at the point of or after Christ's return. To fully know will only be true after the Messiah comes back. Then we will have full knowledge and understanding of all things. "For now (today) we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then (in the future) we shall see face to face (in the direct presence of). Now I know in part; (not fully known now) then (in the future) I shall know fully (perfectly), even as I am fully known."