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Posts posted by unclebob

  1. Q2. (Luke 22:16) In what sense does the Lord's Supper find its "fulfillment" in the Great Banquet at the end of the age? What should this do to our thoughts at the Lord's Table?

    because all will be brought together, all evil will be destroyed and all goodness will prevail. Our thoughts should be to follow Godd wishes to the tee, no variations. Give God the excat obedience that he demands. Be rready for that glorious day when the righteous will reign in the Kingdom of heaven.

  2. Q1. Why are so many of Jesus' teachings oriented toward the future? What kinds of associations come to mind as you think of the Great Banquet?

    There are so many teachings because I feel that this is such an important thing that Christians will be experiencing in the future. people from the four corners of the earth coming together (Never has this happened), All being judged by theie accomplaiments in thier life. Celebrating all together the wonderful banquet for the Lord.

  3. Q4. How does "eating the Bread of Life" (to use Jesus' metaphor in John 6) nourish our faith? How does partaking of the Lord's Supper build and nourish our faith? What does the main point of the Bread of Life discourse (John 6:25-69) have in common with "Do this in remembrance of me," in Jesus' Words of Institution (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)?

    Eating the Bread of Life" nourishes our faith because as we believe and follow in the teachings of Jesus Christ, our faith flourishes. As in a tree, that starts out as a seed and as it ages and learns grows in to a great tree. This is in common with the Words of Institution because of meaning the same thing as we feed on God in our hearts our faith grows, flourishes, and spreads.

  4. Q3. (John 6:53-71) If to eat Jesus' flesh and drink his blood is a strong expression for "to believe," why does Jesus emphasize this so strongly? What was the difference between the Twelve and the crowd of "disciples" that turned away from Jesus? What is the mark of true disciples according to John 8:31-32?

    Jesus emphasizes this so much because it is so important for us to follow. This is the ultimate thing that we must accomplish in order to reach the Kingdom of Heaven on Judgement Day. The mark of true disciples is to believe and hold to all his teachings. The Twelve disciples followed Christ, people that turned away did so because they did not believe totally in Christ, by not believeing and holding to his teachings.

  5. Q2. (John 6:51b) What is Jesus referring to when he says, "This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world"? What similarities do you see with Jesus' teaching at the Last Supper in Luke 22:19b?

    Taking part in the bread is celebrating with the Lord Jesus Christ for proviiding us with salvation by forgiving sins in the world. I believe the actual meaning is that the Bread is Christ which he will give as a sacrifice.

    The similarities are that it is the same thing but just said a different times.

  6. Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it?

    "eating the Bread of Life" means in practical terms to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Nibbling to me would be going part of the way, not believing with all your heart and all your soul. We has Christians know that we must believe TOTALLY, NO DEVIATIONS, EXACTLY AS GOD DEMANDS.

  7. Q4. Meditate on the concept of God as a Spring of Living Water or a Fountain of Living Water for you. What does this say about God? About your thirst? About your future?

    God is eternal, God is everything, God is overflowing with righteousness, goodness, nourishment, cleanliness, purity, and etc. We need to quench our thirst in God by drinking his knowledge, ministering, believing, worshiping,, helping, forgiving, etc. (the List goes on).

  8. Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Why do we try to do it ourself first? What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us?

    I think like in everything else we take many things for granted and feel that at times things are so menial that we could work them out. We can do all things in God, we just need to ask for strength, his guidance, health, really everything with out taking him for granted. God is not a take for granted person, he Demands exact obedience.

  9. Q2. (Psalm 23) Can you remember any times when God has cared for you as a Shepherd -- in times of blessing and in times of trouble? What are you facing right now where you realize your need to rely on God as your Shepherd?

    yes, in matter of fact right now in my life. I am nourishing my faith daily, learning more and more, ready the word of God, praying with God. I am presently taking (4) Bible study courses, although sometimes it feels overwhelming I am learning so much and my faith in God is strong and is the strongest it has been in years. I am a Leader in a Community Ministry program, I am also equipping myself to join a prison ministry because that is the path the Lord has asked me to follow. So right now especially I need to rely on God as my Shepherd.

  10. Q1. (Genesis 22:1-14) Do you think Abraham was really expecting God to provide a sacrifice, or that was just what he told Isaac? What support do you have for your position? Did you ever receive a last-minute provision from God? In what circumstances can we expect God to supply our needs? Any conditions?

    Yes, i do believe that Abraham expected God to provide a sacrifice because he stated in his conversation with his son that God would provide a sacrifice. To me this showed full faith in the Lord.

    Is there any conditions we have to meet in order for God to supply our needs, sure there is. Pretty Basic, believe in God, with all our hearts and all our souls, pretty basic but it is harder then we thiunk.

  11. Q3. In what ways do the divisions in Corinth sound familiar in our own congregations? Don't pick on another congregation; how about your own? How serious was the need for unity? Can bickering congregations partake of the Lord's Supper without sin?

    Wow, what a question but a very good one. There is so much disunity in the churches of today. There are many congregations that Pastor's feel they are "yahweh". Instead of staying within the confines of the "House of God", they get involved with politics, boycots, etc places that I personally feel the church does not belong unless they are specifically affected. I liv on the "Buckle" of the Bible Belt of the United States and there is so much movement in the churches. There are people joining churches but there are more leaving churches.

    I have spoken to many parishoners from various churches in the area and they will give you a number of registered members, regular members of thier congregations. Many registered members co0nsist of people who havent attended in some years.

    Disunity is all around us. EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!! Disunity in the churches today is first hand evidence that Satan is working very hard.

    The Bible verse 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 says it all:

    "Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ? Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf."

  12. Q2. Read Mark 11:25 and Matthew 5:23-24. How do these relate to Paul's teaching on the One Loaf (1 Corinthians 10:17)? What must we personally do to achieve unity to prepare ourselves to partake of the Lord's Supper righteously?

    "One Loaf" signifies unity and stated very well in both of these verses. in living by what was written for us to follow is our commitment to forgive. These relate to Paul's teaching because partaking and participating in the Body of Christ we need to follow what Jesus Christ wanted. Jesus being crucified on nthe cross for our salvation , in turn when we partake and share in the Lord's Supper we must forgive all and proceed to the table of Jesus Christ with a oure heart and soul.

  13. Q1. (1 Corinthians 10:16). What does the "cup of blessing" teach us about our focus at the Lord's Supper? Who is to be blessed when the "cup of blessing" is lifted heavenward?

    it is a blessing to Jesus Christ and the wonderful life we are able to share with him.Cup of Blessing is a gesture of thanks for being able to participate in the Bllod of Christ, and reap the most astonishing rewards. When the cup is lifted high (heavenward)

  14. Q4. Why is the Lord's Table such a time of intimate fellowship with Jesus? In your experience with having meals with friends, what makes the difference between a casual, forgettable meal, and one which is rich with memories? How can this insight make your experience of the Lord's Table more meaningful?

    This wonderful opportunity is a blessing to be able to share in a meal, share the same belifs, to thank Jesus for paving the way for my salvation, to pray with him for everything I have to this day and what I do.

    Being able to share a meal at the Lords table to me is reassurance and recommitment of my life to Jesus and affirmation of me believeing and following the New Covenant.

    Having a meal with friends and family reassures your commitment to a family relationship and friendship, remembering memorable things, bsetting plans for vacations, and various other things.

    But, what better friend or family member to have or share a meal with than Jesus Christ.

  15. Q3. What is the significance of the 12 Apostles drinking the Cup of the Covenant? To whom would they correspond under the ratification of the Old Covenant? (Hint: Exodus 24:11.) What is the significance of us drinking the Cup of the Covenant?

    The 12 Apostles drank the Cup of the Convenant to confirm the New Covenant.

    The elder that went with Moses.

    Each time we drink the cup of the Covenant we are sharing a meal with Christ, the Son of God. We renew our commitment we have in the New Covenant.

  16. Q2. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) How does the promised New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant? What are the promises God makes in the New Covenant? What are our responsibilities under the New Covenant?

    Under the New Covenant all who repent and are baptized will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Only a chosen few received the spirit under the Old Covenant, prophets, some kings and some elders.

    "If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Sone, purifies us from all sin .....If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

  17. Q1. (Exodus 24:3-11) How was the covenant with Israel ratified? What promise did the people make twice in this passage? What was sacrificed? What was sprinkled? What was eaten?

    The covenant was ratified by the Israelitesin that God's obligations were that; He would be with the Israelites and lead them on their jounrey, God protect his people, God would provide for and bless his people. Israels obligations were exclusive love for and allegianced to God, no other Gods, obedience to God's commandments.

    Young bulls were sacrificed, the blood was sprinkled on the altar and on the people. The bodies of the dead bulls was eaten.

  18. Q4. (Psalm 121). What does it mean that God is our Keeper. In what ways does he "keep" or "guard" us?

    I think with this last question that God as our Keeper brings everything into place. god watches everything, hears everything, He will never look the other way. He will never ignore us or forsake us, he is our guard at night and during the day. He will never leave us.

  19. Q3. In what ways is God a Rock in the above verses. What functions does a rock perform in Palestine?

    in the verses above God is a "Rock", because he is steadfast, upright, he is perfect, he is a provider and prtector and stronghold.

    A rock in Palestime seems to me to be something to hide behind, somewhere where you dont have to confront the things that harm you. I see the rock as harmful, especially in the story of David and Goliath, where the Rock caused death. Rccks can be very cold to the outside.

  20. Q2. (Psalm 3:3) In what ways is God a shield? In what ways is he our glory? In what ways is he "the lifter up of my head"? What does this teach us about God? About ourselves?

    God is our Shield in that when we repent, are baptized, confess that the Lord sis King of Kings and believe in him with all our hearts that he will "PROTECT" us. When in our downtime as long as we keep our full faith in the Lord and Jesus Christ that we can hold our "Heads High".

  21. Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9?

    Because confessing Jesus is Lord solidifies ones belief in God and full faith in all teachings and the teachings of the New Covenent will bring us eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven. It is necessary because this is the ONLY way we will recieve salvation.

  22. Q3. What are the implications for governments that Yahweh is the King of kings and Lord of lords? What are the implications of removing God" from a nation's currency and pledges, and ardently secularizing national life? Where does that put a nation with regard to God the King?

    thge implications for todays governments that Yahweh is King is just a falsehood and the big reason why today there is such trouble and turmoil in thw world. Jesus Christ and the Lord is part of life and taking Them out of our lives is just another way that SATAN works against us and the Lord. Nations of people will be judged due to thier works, whether good or bad and will be dealt with appropriately. A nation that believes in the Lord Jesus Christ will propser as a nation ll people of the nation that has repented, been baptized and follows all teachings of Jesus Christ and the Lord as God the King of Kings will propser.

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