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Posts posted by mmyers

  1. Reasurance of the great sacrifice, that Jesus' blood was poored out and his body broken for my sins puts me intune with a loving God and the reasurance that He loves me, even when I do not like myself.

    It is Kononia, fellowship with fellow believes and with Christ Jesus. It's the honor or every Christian believer to share this meal with others. It also helps us in the fulfilment of the great commadment to love each other as we love ourselves.

  2. Extreme Symbolic interpretation waters down what the elements purposely and intendedly represented then and now. The balance is to remember, always what this sacred supper represented. To bring to mind the time, the place, and the people that were there, how they felt about Jesus and what he meant to him. If we can place ourselves there, then I believe the Lords' Supper will never loose it's power to regenerate us.

  3. Q1. How does your particular understanding of the bread and the wine (literal or figurative) help you grow closer to Christ when partaking of the Lord's Supper? (Note: This question is not your excuse to argue, but to learn from one another's personal experience of partaking.)

    I take it fuguratively. It's a symbol. Even though it is not the actual blood and body of our Savior, still maintains all the power that was intended when he first instituted it. When I take communion, I feel closer to God and am able to make a fresh start in my daily walk. I'm reminded of the great sacrafice that Jesus made on the cross, and I feel forgiven, regenerated and renewed.

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