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Posts posted by lisa1216

  1. Q4. (1:13-14) These verses contain two analogies: (1) seal and (2) downpayment, with the balance to be paid in a lump sum at the end of the term. When does the "end of the term" occur? How do these analogies help explain how the Holy Spirit functions in our lives?

    The end occurs when Jesus returns to judge the living and the dead. But I am "protected from tampering" in this life. The devil has no power over me as long as I remember that the power of the Holy Spirit has dominion over him. I am sealed with the spirit as protection against those things that can hurt me. It doesn't mean there will be no pain or hardship in my life. It means that me plus God is always a majority. The Spirit is our hedge of protection, our conscience to help us discern what is right and what is wrong, our comforter, our friend. As we lean on Him, not on our own understanding, acknowledge Him in all our ways, and He will make straight our paths. It is the Holy Spirit that is the guide along the path.

  2. Q3. (Ephesians 1:11-12) According to verses 11 and 12, what is God's purpose for our lives? What do we need to do to fulfill this purpose? How does this purpose relate to Matthew 5:13-16?

    God's purpose for our lives is to praise Him. We need to live our lives as the hands and feet of Jesus. It is our responsibility to study His Word, learn all we can about Him and His will for us, so that we can become more Christ-like. The more like Him we become, the more the world will notice that we are set apart, different, redeemed. In that way, along without being bold about sharing our faith, we can draw more people to Him, now and forever.

    It's not enough to walk the walk or talk the talk. We have to do both all the time. Faith without works is dead. And works without faith are dead. We need to live lives that clearly set us apart. We need to shine. It's not possible for us to be without blemish, but when we fail, or fall short, or hurt someone, we need to confess our sins to the person we've effected and to the Lord. We need to put others before ourselves, live servant lives, as Jesus did. In a "me first" society, living for others can have a huge impact. And that's what we're called to do: impact the world for Jesus.

  3. Q2. (Ephesians 1:9-10) What is the significance that all things will be brought under one head -- Christ himself? How does this relate to the Creator? What does it say about unity? Extra Credit: How does this verse relate to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28?

    When all things are brought under Christ the King, all people will worship Him as one. We will be in complete agreement about who He is. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord. King of Kings, Lord of Lords. The Creator had this in mind all along. When He created the universe and all that is in it, He foreknew the end times and planned accordingly. Jesus would come at just the right time -- the first time and for His return -- to redeem the saints. Once He has created His Kingdom in Heaven, we will all be of one mind, of one accord, worshipping Him. Once I was at a conference at a large arena and all of the women present were singing and worshipping the Lord as if in one voice. I was brought to tears thinking that this was the closest I would ever get to what it will be like in Heaven when we're all praising and singing and worshipping together.

    As for Corinthians, Christ will bring about the plan of creation: His Kingdom in Heaven. There will be no distractions for us, no temptations. He will destroy our enemies, our fears, our desires. We will have only one focus: God. He will be our everything, our all in all.

  4. Q1. (Ephesians 1:7) In what sense have you been "redeemed" from slavery? What do you think your life up to now would have been like if you hadn't been redeemed? What would your future be like without redemption, do you think?

    Before Christ, I was a slave to my own fleshly and selfish desires. I was living a sinful life with no care for how my behavior was effecting others: my husband, my children, my family. Knowing the Lord transformed my mind, the way I thought, the way I behaved. In my case, it was almost instantaneous. He brought me up out of the miry clay and began to mold me into what He wanted me to be. Not that I'm already there! He's still working on me.

    I'm afraid to think of what my life would be like without His redemption. I'd likely be divorced. My children might not have turned out as they have. My family relationships might be damaged beyond repair. All at my own doing. I'm so grateful that He called me to live a different life.

    Likewise, I don't even like to think of a future without Him. It amazes me that people can go through life without that solid rock foundation. Looking into a future of despair and hopelessness, for this life and the next, is scary. I would think the loneliness, the sense of being alone in the universe, would be too much to bear. Instead, I have a personal relationship with the Creator of this universe. How cool is that??

  5. Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

    To be holy means to be pure, righteous, sin-free. It is not possible for a person to be holy -- not one of us is without sin. Only Jesus lived a perfect life. It was his blood sacrifice of his holy and perfect life that allows us to stand before a holy God in Heaven. Without the blood of the Lamb, we would not be allowed entrance into Heaven. He died so we can live eternally. Sometimes I explain what Jesus did for us to nonbelievers as Jesus being the filter. He died so that we can pass through Him on our way into Heaven and have all of our sins and stains and ugliness filtered out so that when we face Almighty God, we are holy in His presence. A holy God cannot be in the presence of unholiness -- we need Jesus to wash us clean. How awesome is God's love that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us? He is the only way.

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