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Posts posted by lynnlewis

  1. yes I have felt worthless to people I have loved at times in my life and the one person I feel loves me no matter what is Jesus and what he did for me on the cross and my salvation allowed me to know true unconditional love in a way I had never known before. He is the greatest and most loving and most forgiving Father a person could know and I must think of that always and allow the Holy Spirit to live within me to show that love to others.

  2. I think it is so easy to live thinking we still have time to do this or that for others or for Christ knowing that our salvation is with Him. This makes me think of the saying to live your life as if you have 48 hours to live all the time and just assume you have that time to do the things He would want you to be doing now. We are so often blessed with wonderful families or memories of family that have gone astray and if you feel you would call them or write to them knowing you only had a day to live, then do it now and don't put it off. This lesson is really speaking to me to get away from my daily household chores and to give more to others as God would want me to do and for Him to see the works in me that come from my salvation and allowing Him to live through me. Yes it does make a difference to live as if He is coming tomorrow than with the complacency that we have more time.

  3. Through the most difficult time in my life, I prayed and I felt God's presence beside me and He gave me a peace I had never known in my life. I got through that and I soon left Him thinking I was all right and that He would be there if I needed him. It took awhile for God to teach me that if I wanted him to be my friend I needed to get to know him better like I would any friend and to spend time with Him and allow Him to live within me and not just be there when I felt i needed Him. That advice is what really changed my life. He began to show me one thing at a time that I needed to deal with and He showed me not only how to deal with it but placed others in my life to help me to deal with these issues that I thought were over and in the past. He helped me to see that the way I had coped with life is to just move forward and to pretend the bad never existed. This can and was a good thing for me , but what I realized was that , in doing this I had not really dealt with the bad and learned and healed from it the way He wanted me to. Sometimes we move on thinking we have moved past an issue when that issue is tucked deep down inside of us and needs to surface in a way that is productive and will heal and teach us how to move on in a better way and to accept all the love our heavenly Father wants to give us. I believe it also helps us to not allow the bad to have any more power over our lives and to rid us of it. Lynn

  4. I would say that a christian who identifies with their current homeland rather than their heavenly one is the average christian. I find that to be true with myself and my desire as a christian is to spend time each day either talking with God and /or in His word to be reminded of how He wants me to live. I believe that believing in Jesus Christ and salvation through Him is an exchange for allowing the Holy Spirit to live through us in all that we do and in order for that to be ongoing, I must remind myself of that each day and allow God to live in me and direct my path throughout the day. We make choices all day long and I hope by allowing Him to live within me and direct my path that I would make the choices He would want me to make and surrender myself to His will. This is not so easy when we have the comforts of our current homeland. Lynn

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