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Posts posted by Twinkling

  1. Q3. (Ephesians 3:16, 19) What does it mean to be "filled with the Spirit" (verse 16)? Is this a one-time experience or a continual reality? What can we do to be filled with the Spirit? Is it different or the same as being "filled with all the fullness of God" (verse 19)?

    Be being filled..it's a continual experience.We are still in the world though not of it and so we daily and constantly have to work on being filled with Him,coz there all sorts of leaks , and potential leaks(weaknesses, harboured destructive emotions in us, dark experiences etc)

    Whatever happens, we must exercise( and by faith bcoz His Spirit dwells in us-His temples) the power of the measure of Him given unto us..we each have a measure of faith, the more you exrecise it, the stronger or deeper you get. Your actions(note: not reactions ) should speak of Him who lives in you and the measure of Him that you take in bcoz you cant get water out of an empty cistern, it must have some water in it already, and how dyu get that water...the things we read, watch,friends who influence us, personal habits(have them surrendered if they r wrong) the time we spend with the Holy Spirit in prayer and in the word--personal time..time spent in yo prayer/meditation/praise/worship chambers..we need to take time aside and be filled by Himself of Him so when yo cracks split open, you'll have Him pouring out...and some cracks may be thorns in the flesh( ever heard of a healing that will kill you..coz He knows you'll jst run back to that wrong thing..whatever it may be)

    "The fullness of the godhead body dwelleth in my soul and I am complete in Him.." continous process it is esp where it hurts(as in He'll start with those areas u don want any1 to touch coz they r either 2 onfusing or painful or dark) but he'll start with the vital areas and when we master and keep allowing him to bring to remembrance what he's taught us by obeying Him, then we will have the overflow and completeness..

  2. Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?

    Liked the desc. of the cake mixture(thorough) and the one of dressing up Christ, such that if you ever take Him off, you're definitely misrepresenting HIm or rather representing s'one else.

    Like we have organisations and incorporations all over, there are various depts in them ,each with its function and all with an ultimate goal and purpose,if one dept does not fulfil its role in its given time, the end pdt is definitely one we'll be sorry for.

    Each member/dept has to do its best (die, help,be strong in your strength, mark timing and seasons,be willing to 'die' subjected to heat,cold and whatever may not be so comfortable but'll attain to your growth, be subject to the refiner's fire and the fuller's soap)

    SO when there's a oneness within the body and no contentions within each dept, there's an inner incoroporation, then putting on Christ will be much easier, allowing His way and will be done,we know then from experience that the Lord knows and its better to let the Wind of God blow us whereoever he wills..

    Implications:rest and peace. a persuasion that i know whom I have believed that He is able to do that q He has committed unto Him against that day.

  3. Q5. (2:12) How can the good deeds we commit by living openly as Christians increase God's praise. How does our "blending in" detract from God's praise?

    "...they shall see your good deeds/works and glorify your Father in heaven.."

    Firstly it's in the word..there's power when we let Christ drive us and our motives(man has a spirit in them and therefore can sense an ill or a pure motive)people will see it and be drawn(if I be lifted up, i will draw all men to me) say one good deed could be forgiving and loving your enemy(in deeds) or not revenging when you 'rightyly' deserve it or pay good for evil, loving your enemy's seed etc small and big things, they are watching us and when they see that your standard is different and the peace and rest you have, they'll want to know more or there'll be a standing report about how your God must be real or powerful or big in one way or another..

    'Blending in' on the other hand will lower a Christian's standard and God says, if you are neither hot nor cold. I'll spit you out of my mouth...so why wont man do the same?

    if they see that you profess Christ and yet live like them, think like them( they can afford to run to you with their wrong talk or call you up for pub sprawling or such ungodly stuff) your light is not shining and deep down they are wondering at you...is he for real?is she for real?

    I dont see the difference between her and me so y should I profess Christ? They would definitly want nothing to do with a God who cant change someone and o'cos not praise HIm anyway.

  4. Q1. (2.5) Christians often look at their relation to God as consumers, delighting in what God does for them. What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What actions does this mindset inspire in you?

    The priests of old used to represent the people of GOd by presenting the sacrifices toHim on the altar and once a year the high priest would go to the holy of holies(still representing the people of God)The high priest had to be clean or else the wrath of God killed him and the rope that was ties to his led would lead him out.

    Likewise since we are priests, we should present our members(our bodies, minds, will, emotions,) to Him pure, holy, sanctified and acceptable to Him.There should be no strange fires rising up to the Lord(hypocrisy and all)Our focus should be on keeping the camp( our bodies,spirit,minds,will,emotions)holy and clean,free from and sort of defilement (wrath,murmurings,immoral lives,coarse joking,impurity, demonic entrances of sorts etc) and all these other things shall be added unto us.(God'll bless us with a blessing when we seek Him first)

    This mindset will inspire us to live for God and as we continually battle to live this mindset out in our daily lives it becomes more important to us, we realise His plans,ways and love are much higher and more fulfilling causing us to want to live seeking more of His heart and will and do His good pleasure...

    I think I talk too much..hope that helps

    God bless you


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