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Posts posted by called2free

  1. I see that regardless of what we go through growing up we are still what God put down inside us from before we were even born. Moses was a Hebrew through and through although he was raised by Egyptians that couldn't change that deep yearning and connect that he felt when he saw the Hebrew man being beaten.

    He knew what he was doing wrong or he wouldn't have looked around to see if anyone was watching. Maybe he knew something about the courts of Pharaoh that he did not bother to bring both men in, maybe he knew justice would not be reached.

    The negative I see is he did not really think his actions out. He reacted to the situation before him instead of stepping back and resonding to it. He sought no counsel. He reacted in fear and ran instead of taking responsibility.

    The positive I see is he had compassion on the Hebrew being beaten. He was strong enough physically to kill the Egyptian. He headed out the second day, I think he was desiring to protect his people best he could at the time, what he had understanding of.

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