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Posts posted by Omie

  1. Q1. (21:3-5) What is the significance of the fact that in heaven "God himself will be with them"? Why can the promises in 21:4 only be fulfilled in heaven? Which of these do you especially look forward to?

    I look forward to a time that the many different sorrows of this world will no longer trouble me. I will have a glorious eternal time of joy and glory with my Father and Savior. Also with all those who are my brothers & sisters in Christ. :)

  2. Q3. Why do you think the religious compromise required by participating in heathen religious practices in the trade guilds was so spiritually destructive? What compromises do twenty-first century Christians struggle with? Let's not settle for trite legalisms about drinking and smoking. What are the real compromises that dilute vital Christianity?

    + When we compromise we become tolerant. This can lead us to lose "The Way". When we have lost that we have gone into a dangerous place from which it is difficult to return to the fold of our Lord. :(

    + As twenty-first century Christians are no different. We each must search ourselves so as not to be in the same position. :huh:

  3. Q2. Why would loosening of sexual standards to conform to the prevailing morals of the culture be destructive of vital Christian faith and witness? How has your culture tended to take the edge off your own Christian moral convictions or forced you to be quiet about them?

    :(+ This is a difficult and sad subject. I know young people who are very close to me that have left home to live with someone they are not married to or have a sexual relationship. The culture of today has made this so easy, not many condemn this as most parents, grandparents or aunts, uncles have this in their families.

    + My moral convictions and the fear of losing them completely has kept me from being as condeming as I might otherwise be.

    + They know that I don't accept this and believe they are wrong. I pray for them and I pray that I may find the right words to keep them from sinning and go back to being "in the Lord's perfect will." Yet I too sin, not sexually but in many other ways. I am not without sin and so I am in a difficult position. :(

  4. Q1. How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus? What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry? How does the lack of love show up? How can a congregation regain this love?

    + It's important to remember the church in Ephesus had *many great qualities* - this was when Believers met in homes, not buildings "called churches". This must refer to the love members no longer shared. Because if the *first love* was meant to be Jesus he wouldn't be praising them.

    + Lack of love among Believers is one of the first that shows up, not showing "agape" love to our fellow Believers than our love for Christ is also weak. We must Love One Another.

    + It shows up by not being close to our fellow saints/Christians. Ignoring them

    when something is needed.

    + To regain this love people must be attentive to others - share w/others, be there for their needs and to Repent and change our ways. :huh:


    Rev.2:6 - Surprised me, as Jesus tells them "You hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate." :rolleyes:

  5. Q5. What is the significance of the exalted Jesus walking among the lampstands? (1:12-20) What does this teach us about the church? What does it teach us about Jesus?

    + The churches are His own and He knows them well. He is familiar enough to walk among them. ^_^

    + The long robe & sash signifies that Jesus is the high Priest, (Ex 28). This portion tells us Jesus walks among the churches as the Living God & tells John to write about this..

  6. Blessings in the name of Jesus,

    I am Omie aka Myrtle. Omie is a diminutive from for grandmother in German. My heritage is German. I am a fifth generation American.

    My husband and I live in the Hill Country area of Texas and have a daughter, son in law and three grandkids.

    I invite your comments to my posts as I appreciate reading yours.

    Love in Jesus, ~Omie :wub:

  7. In the obvious ones, such as the middle east, some parts of India, and Israel is one where Christian Missionaries are persecuted. Germany almost forces people who are not strong in the faith to join a particular denomination, what a problem this is, as those people feel they are "Christians" yet don't even understand the first principles of God's grace and salvation.

    We here in the good old USA will face more persecutions in the coming decades. Do make your children and grandchildren aware of this coming danger.

    Revalation is so difficult to understand that I think one must have a firm foundation in the other books of the New Testament before one can find comfort in this book. :unsure:

  8. How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" supposed to encourage us?  Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted.

    Jesus the Faithful witness can be counted on by Believers/Christians to send them that which is true and dependable. My faith in Jesus encouages me in all things.

    As to fear in our culture: I feel that it is inherent in mankind to protect themselves from ridicual. :(

    Why do I not ask my acquantances about what their faith is? I don't want them to be uncomfortable. Simple as that! If I see any sign that indicates they will accept my witness I certainly do so.

    I do know that my speech, my demeanor and no longer using tobacco or alcohol makes a definite impression on people. Some do not want my husband and me around them! :rolleyes:

  9. What does it tell us about the status of the Lamb that he is worshipped alongside "him who sits on the throne"?

    + The Lamb of God sits on God the Fathers right hand. God and Jesus are One, yet separate. Jesus, the Lamb, spread out His arms, dying for all.

    In John's vision, (5:9-14) to paraphrase: "in my vision I heard millions of angels singing a new song. All surrounded the throne. The saints prayers became jars of incense for the Lamb. All, those in heaven, on earth, and from the dead exclaimed: "The blessing, honor, glory and power belong to God, and to the Lamb, who is Jesus. All praise forever and ever, as the living creatures and elders worshipped....."

  10. What has the Lamb done to "triumph" (5:5) and so become worthy to take the scroll and open its seals?

    + The Lamb's worthiness came from His willingness to be slain for the sins of every man. His blood was used for the redeemption and/or purchase of our souls.

    It becomes very personal to realize how this perfect Lamb, Jesus, died for me, stained with sins, still important to God and His Perfect Lamb. Without this sacrifice I would be lost. Hallelujah! :wub:

  11. Decode each of the following symbols that relate to the Lamb

    The lamb itself represents .....+ The Lamb of God, Jesus Christ

    Standing after being slain ......+ The Lamb lives, having overcome death.

    Horns represent ..........+ The power given in Heaven and on earth.

    Eyes represent ........... + The Lamb sees all and knows all.

    The number seven carries the idea of ......... + Perfection!

    + To summarize, the Perfect Lamb has the qualities of being the One who took away sin by being the Sacrificial Lamb who was killed, but has been victorious and Lives. He has power over all, knows all, and sees all. This Lamb is worthy to be worshipped by all.

  12. + These titles signify that Jesus' fufilled the prophecy of Jacob about his son Judah, and the prophecy in Isaiah; that Jesse, father of King David, from whose descendents the Christ would come.

    = Jesus is the "Lion of Judah's tribe",the "Scepter of Judah", and the "One to whom the ruler's staff would belong". These were not to depart from Judah until it was fulfilled in David and ultimately in Christ the Messiah.

    = The Lamb/Jesus is the shoot that came from the stump of Jessie, the same tribe that the Jews expected their Messiah to come from. As the "Root of David" Christ was to have all nations come to Him.

  13. + I answered this in Q5. Where in Matthew we are told that one day Believers will celebrate the Lord's Supper with our Lord and Savior in Heaven. I assume we will also be singing hymns and that He will improve my voice so it may do Him justice. :) I look forward to that day - a day of being surrounded by all those who accepted Jesus as The Messiah. To join in with all to have a true joyful Love Feast. How wonderful to be so loved by my Father. :wub:

  14. Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy?

    + The sorrow comes that Jesus was asked by God to give his life's blood for my sins. Jesus could have refused, He could have called on a legion of angels to save Himself. He chose to die for me. The joy comes in verse 29, where I am assured that one day in the future I will be a participant with Him and all the saints in this Holy Supper. :)

    + The latter part of verse 29 tells us after they sung a hymn they went to the Mount of Olives. (In my scripture notes it indicates this hymn was the second half of the Hallel Psalms [Psalms 115-118] Jesus knew what lay ahead for Him. :(

  15. Why is it so important to forgive those who have offended us before partaking of the Lord's Supper? In what sense are the Lord's Supper and unforgiveness incompatible?

    + I would want to come to Jesus with my heart being free of animosity towards anyone. Yet, all too often I am not even aware of what is hiding within me. Which is only one reason I am blessed by the Grace of God. In 1Cor. 11:27, Paul chastizes those who were self centered, and even drunk as they took part in the Lord's supper, which seems to have been part of a meal. Paul disciplines them for their unworthyness of this most Holy Meal. :(

  16. What is the significance to us of drinking Jesus' blood and eating his flesh (John 6:53-56). Let's not argue whether this is meant literally or figuratively. Whichever it is, what does that act signify for us? Why was this such a radical idea for Jesus' disciples? (John 6:60, 66) In what way should it be a radical idea for us?

    + Jesus had been feeding the Israelites bellies, as they reminded him in John 6 30 -31. Now he speaks of the "true Bread" in John 6: 33. This Bread and Blood to Christians is that which we need to partake of to have eternal life. To me, this is so much more then just swallowing the unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine. It means that I accept ALL He has given for me, even if there were no one else but myself. That I remember and never forget. What an awe inspiring Savior.

    + It was so "off the wall" that everyone wondered what was going on.... He asks "do I offend you?" Many at this time left Jesus. To a Jew to drink blood was an abomination. I do feel a bit squimish with the idea of eating raw flesh and blood. :unsure: I am blessed that I have the Bible, God's Word, to help me understand the principle He was teaching His disciples.

  17. In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? (Exodus 12) What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb? Exposition

    + The families were protected because of the obedience they gave to God by doing exactly as he had told them. It is worth noting that all were to share, a model for us today.

    + The comparison was of the blood shed by the Passover Lamb, which was to be perfect, and the sacrifice our Lord and Savior, for us. We are protected if we accept Jesus as our Lord. We then are to share the gospel to others in the way the Jewish families were to share the lambs with others.

  18. + By God's GRACE we are no longer under the conviction of sin, therefore we are free from the penalty of sin. No longer are our sins rolled forward, as they were under the Jewish Dispensation. Now our sins are as if they had never happened. "We are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb."

    + When Jesus left this world, the Holy Spirit came to be our Helper, our Counselor, our Comforter, and will be with us forever.

    + The Comforter, Counselor, and Helper among other names keeps us free by reminding us, convicting us, and loving us. I will never be alone, as I am not an orphan but have the Holy Spirit with me always and forever. :wub:

    Some scriptures about the Holy Spirit are: Acts 1:16, 5:32, 7:51, 16:6-7 Romans 8 :26-27)

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