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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Posts posted by powdermoose

  1. This reminds me of when the disciples were arguing about who is the greatest. We all have times when we see ourselves as better than someone else. That is our sinful nature. Keeping our daily prayer life focused on forgiveness, asking God to search us, asking forgiveness for the things that we have thought and done and left undone keeps us focused on God rather than ourselves. It allows us to serve others with His love, rather than with our own earthly love.

  2. In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come?

    Come, Father. We empty ourselves and humble ourselves before you because we know that we are nothing without you... that our lives and our world is lost without you.... that we need you.

    Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth?

    Lord, you know me better than I know myself. You know what is best for me. Your love is unending and you want to care for me. Even me. We pray for your perfect will to be done, knowing that our own will cannot compare. We cannot understand or know all that you have planned for us.

    How should this prayer affect our living?

    Should..... that's the key word, isn't it? We should lay our lives down for others, but we seldom do that well. We should reflect His image rather than be filled with self, but we seldom do that well either. We should trust that He is in control, we shouldn't worry, we should be content and thankful that Jesus died to wash away our sin.... This list could go on forever.

  3. :rolleyes:

    Hi, My name is Peggy and I live in ILLinois. I am a part-time church secretary and an assistant adult sunday school teacher. I am just getting over lung cancer and trying to get back to doing what I love to do- study God's word. I'm hoping to impove my prayer life because I think It is the most powerful weapon we have. God has truly blessed me and my family during the past months of cancer. He has never left me nor forsaken me for a moment. this is my first online study and I am looking forward to it.

    We are blessed to have your strength and faith with us in this class. May the Lord continue to use you as you shine for Him.

  4. Hi everyone, I'm John in Lapeer, Michigan. I have been studying the Bible now for about 5 years on my own and am going through a really rough spot in my life. I have been feeling more and more lately that God is answering my prayers, but I am looking to learn more about how to pray the way that God wants me to. This is also my first on-line Bible study, so if I don't catch on too quickly, I may need some help.

    Praying that the Lord will continue to answer your prayers in His timing and fill you with His truth and grace during this rough season of your life.

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