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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

I'm listening

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Posts posted by I'm listening

  1. Q1. How does Job's vision of resurrection (Job 19:25-27) differ from the Jews' former understanding of death as Sheol? What is progressive revelation?

    My very simple understanding, because of my very simple mind, is that the Jews' former view of death was of a negative nature. Job's vision was a positive experience. Progressive revelation would be the revealing of something in pieces at a time - not a straightforward answer but answers revealed over time - building on top of each other.

  2. Hello everyone. I am very new to the study of the bible. I was raised in a strict Baptist setting since I was born in this world - had all the songs in church memorized and all the popular passages. I knew many stories in the bible - what to say and how to say a prayer. I haven't attended or even thought much about church since I married more than 20 years ago. It was something I was "forced" to be a part of as a child and teenager. I've been married twice since then and have 4 beautiful children ages 5 to 17.

    I received some information in the mail from the United Church of God a few months ago. Something caught my attention and I haven't been able to stop reading and studying since then. Everything is different than 20 years ago - like a light bulb going on. Passages, songs, everything I heard in my earlier years - makes sense now - Jesus is real - God is real - the bible is real - and it's personal. I have had the excitement of a child since this realization - I have a small understanding and I want to know more about how I can serve God.

    Please be patient with me and my lack of knowledge - I am "relearning" (actually just now learning) about God's teachings for the first time.

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