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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Sandy McG

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Posts posted by Sandy McG

  1. Q2. (John 5:28-29; Acts 24:15) According to scripture, both the righteous and unrighteous will experience resurrection. What will be the result of resurrection for the righteous?

    According to Jesus, the righteous will be raised to live. One can only imagine what this second life will be like. Jesus sets in contrast the righeous and the unrighteous who are raised to be condemned. This seems to suggest two opposing situations: condemnation is the opposite of living. Right now in this present life we live with condemnation: from ourselves, other people or legal institutions. In this future life that Jesus spoke about there will be two groups: those who experience condemnation without life and those who experience life without condemnation. In this contrast the word "life" does not seem to mean what we think of as "life" (e.g. breathing, activity, etc.). As is often true, God's understanding is vastly different from ours.

    I really enjoyed this idea. To live without condemnation... a concept that I need to think about for a while. Thanks for the unique way of putting this. SandyMcG

  2. Q1. How does Job's vision of resurrection (Job 19:25-27) differ from the Jews' former understanding of death as Sheol?

    One thing I noticed was that in Sheol, the presence of Yahweh has been withdrawn, but Job knows that he will see his Redeemer again, and be close to God.

    What is progressive revelation?

    Progressive revelation is to let the truth be known a little at a time in ways that we can understand.

  3. Hi!

    My name is Sandy, and I live in Liverpool, NY with my husband. Our second date was to his church, where I have been going ever since. That was almost 30 years ago! Our daughter is off in Boston at college, and I find I have more time on my hands than I use to have. I have been attending a women's bible study through my church. One of my friends from there has decided to join me in this study, and we hope to be able to talk about it with each other as well as in this group. I'm anxious to see where this will take me in my spiritual journey.


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