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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Sandra Wiens

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Posts posted by Sandra Wiens

  1. The poeple John was talking to knew full well that a lamb was the preferred sacrifice for atoning for sin. To take away the sin of the world was radical because to that point, The Jews were God's chosen people, the people He had a relationhsip with. If Jesus was to take away the sin of the world, the status quo was no more - everything ws about to change .

  2. I am Sandra Wiens, Kelowna BC Canada. I attend a Mennonite conference church. I have been part of several other of Pastor Ralph's studies and look forward to this one; hoping I will have the time to do it justice. I am a wigfe. mother of 5, grandmother of 10. and work full time as a cook/caregiver in an assisted living seniors home.

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