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Rosemary NoVA

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Posts posted by Rosemary NoVA

  1. Q1. (Matthew 7:1) Have you ever caught yourself severely criticizing others Christians behind their backs -- or to their faces? What is the attitude that underlies censoriousness? How can the psychological concept of "projection" motivate harsh judgment? Why must Christians show love in the face of a brother's or sister's failing?

    I have certainly tripped up in this area and had to repent from the sin of critcizing my brothers & sisters. God is faithful, sovereign and in the words of one of my favorite hymns He chastens and hastens His will to make known... the wicked oppressing now cease from distressing. Sing praises to His name, He forgets not his own." -- Hymn "We Gather Together"

    One area that the Holy Spirit chastened me is listening to another criticize without reproving him/her. In other words, My people-pleasing nature was so strong I didn't feel comfortable "offending" someone who was behaving offensively and destructively in their critical speaking...

    Over the last decade, the Lord has really worked on my being a GOD PLEASER, not a people-pleaser. I have learned to speak the truth in love. The scripture I lean to is:

    Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:6

    Althought this scripture context is for sharing the good news of salvation with non-believers, I find so often called to live it out with BELIEVERS (gasp!!)

    I have learned to accept that my words, no matter how gently spoken, may offend the offensive person.

    One of the wonderful things about being a God Pleaser is that "complainers" and "critics" don't usually approach me more than one time. (By speaking up, I'm refusing to participate in their sin...)

    One of the yucky things that happened to me is that one of my "complainer/critics" was also my former boss's boss's boss. She grew weary of my honesty with her and her inability to sway me to keep me from having contact with others in the Body of Christ who had "offended" her. Eventually, rather than allowing God to transform her into Christlike-ness, she excercised her earthly authority over me. Now THAT was painful and had financial consequences for my family. Yet God is faithful even when we in the Body of Christ are not faithful with one another.

    How faithful is God? He won't let me sit back and cry out for judgement on her. Instead, He prompts me to pray for her healing that she would not continue to abuse her authority over others. He calls me to forgive and pray blessings for her. He tells me how He wants to bless this person who really hurt me. And most of all, by His Grace, I have not become 'her victim" because He continually woos and sways me to FORGIVE and to LOVE ANYWAY. It aint' easy. But it's the best thing that could ever happen to me (not being a victim, but being victorious in adversity.)

    Praise you , Dear Jesus! You are FAITHFUL AND TRUE!!

  2. Q5. (Matthew 6:34) Is there humor intended in verse 34? What is the point of Jesus' joke here? What is the command in this verse?

    When I read this passage, I hear Jesus speaking with such encouragement as He trains

    my mind to think his way about God's provision;

    my eyes for "present" focus;

    and my soul to rest in the peace of trusting God.

    I can hear the play on words in verse 34 and the see the lift of his brow, the sparkle in his eyes and tilt of his head as he surveys the gathering seeking those who were amused, puzzled or concentrating so hard that his/her eyesight became blurry.

  3. Q3. (Matthew 5:23-24) What's wrong with worshipping while a brother has something against us (or us against a brother, Mark 11:25)? What is the appropriate action for us to take? How far should we go to bring about reconciliation with someone whom we have offended? Are there any situations that we shouldn't try to resolve? Or that we can't resolve?

    My worship would be vain repititions trapped by the sin of the offense. If I am aware that I have offended someone, and dismiss it as inconsequential, I have not understood my Lord's instruction to love one another. To quote Francis Frangipane, "Pride is the armor of hell". And an indifference to my brother's pain definitely smacks of pridefulness. Humility is the antidote. I can't control how the person receives my apology, but I can control how I approach him to seek his forgiveness.

    I have experienced situations that were potentionally volatile and I knew "we" couldn't bring it to a healthy resolution but would be wholly dependent on God.

    I believe I heard the Lord call us out from a beloved church. I presented my discernment to my husband. He confirmed it. We loved our church family but the time had come to leave. I knew this action of leaving could easily be perceived as an "offense" against the church by some of the leadership. (Based upon struggles others had when they left the congregation).

    And so I prayed and prayed for Godly timing and expression and for the church leadership's protection from the deceits of the enemy. I prayed there would be no rending or tearing in the relationships. God is good and faithful. He guided our words and actions and he guarded our hearts. We still managed to hit some rough patches but that was due to all those pesky flesh-natures still in play.

    The enemy was persistent and even five months after the separation, the enemy was still at work trying to drum up hurt between some of the church leadership and this family.

    So, is this a situation that can be resolved? I believe so with prayer and petition and forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness.

    I know I must be resolved to seek Christ's heart for the situation. His Holy Spirit has brought me up short several times for entertaining resentment for the "skirmish" we endured because we tried to separate. I am now often called to pray blessings for this church leadership. (I probably pray more for the leadership now than I ever did as a member of the congregation.... go figure. Praise God!)

    The reconciliation will come when the Holy Spirit is "allowed" to bring healing and our being called away is viewed through the light of God's truth rather than the darkness of that leader's personal woundings.

    And so can this ever be resolved? With God's help, YES! AMEN!

  4. Can you see any tendencies in the church today to effectively "abolish" the Old Testament from our Christian faith?

    Reflecting on this question, I can't think of examples from the congregations in which I have been active. Two congregations followed a liturgy which included weekly readings from the old & new testaments and the teaching from the pulpit included both old and new testament scriptures.

    The sunday school curriculum followed a cycle of study where both Old and New Testament books were taught. In another congregation, the teaching is chapter-by-chapter through each book in the Bible with age-appropriate Sunday School lessons on the same track.

    What does a "Christian" legalism look like in a church?

    attitudes rooted in man's natural inclination rather than Godly understanding.

    "Ranking" of members based upon "natural" observations & prejudices (i.e. The false presumption that a woman who makes her living as a maid should serve as a custodian at the church rather than a healing prayer minister or teacher. Or a woman who serves as a VP at her company should naturally be an elder, not "just" a Sunday School teacher.).

    Churches that produce servants-of-man rather than disciples of Christ.

    What does it look like in a church where there are no moral standards and no obedience expected of Christians?

    Like a social gathering where folks who like to be around others come and are gratified to be noticed and lauded for good works. Where self is confirmed and affirmed and the rewards of earth are sought and the rewards of heaven are unrealized.

  5. I admit I didn't see any warning at all in the "Light of the World" analogy.

    Salt that has lost its saltiness is cast down. Just so, I began to think about what would be the use of a city set upon a hill that is not shining forth light... it is even more vulnerable in its apparent lifelessness because although it is occupying desirable high ground, it's not making USE of it and its occupants attacked and cast out. Darkness is Satan's dominion. Jesus is the Light of the world. As a Christian, I am a "Child of the Light". To hide my LIGHT under a bowl is doing the enemy's work. It's forgetting WHOSE I am. It's not knowing who I am in Christ Jesus.

  6. Q2. (Matthew 5:13) What might be the symptoms of a Christian who has lost his "saltiness"? Is it possible for a believer to detect such symptoms in himself or herself? What do secular people notice about a "de-saltified" Christian? What do other Christians notice about you? Is it possible to "resaltify" your life?

    One symptom of a Christian who has lost his "saltiness" is that this person would not stand out in a secular crowd. There would be no distinction in attitude, word, or deed.

    I don't know that the believer can actually detect it in himself. I believe it takes God to reveal this.

    I believe the Holy Spirit will convict the believer once the believer humbles himself and asks Jesus to be Lord of his life. For example, praying the scriptures: "Search me Oh God, and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me to life everlasting." (Psalm 139)

  7. Individuals come to Christ one at a time, and each generation must hear the Gospel of Jesus in order to be saved. Using the preservation analogy, Christians "hold the ground" or "stand in the gap"preserving what the Lord has gained so that the next sinner can be saved, and the next generation can as well.

    I think the seasoning analogy, is that salt is truth, the spark which brings light and life into the darkness of fallen human nature. The woman who was salt to me when I was seeking to find Truth, was just an ordinary Mom of a kindergartener who walked her daughter to school with my daughter and I. But her conversation always had that spark of life, and hope, and truth, not preaching, but a calm confidence in the Lord. When I totalled my car in an rollover accident on an icy road, she literally brought delicious food to sustain us when I was in bed, and yes, it was seasoned with salt, but again, her encouragement and words of comfort, were the salt which led me to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior, when I accompanied her to a Bible study later on. I have thanked her for being salt to me....and for not "staying safely in the salt shaker", but for sharing truth with me....so that my life was preserved from destruction and hell.

    Thanks for sharing. Your specific example of "Christian-as-salt" is inspiring and has helped me to sit back and ponder God's gracious application of salt in my life in the form of those he sent to me. Praising God from whom all blessings flow.... Rosemary NoVA

  8. Q1. (Matthew 5:13) In what sense are Christians the "salt of the earth" using the preservation analogy? In what sense are Christians the "salt of the earth" using the seasoning analogy?

    Salt-as-preservative: We are called to intercede with prayer and fasting.

    Salt-as-seasoning: We are called to:

    Preach the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ

    Teach one another (Speak the truth into a situation)

    Heal the sick

    Set the captives free

  9. Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?

    When I think on a 'pure heart' I am reminded of offering the heart as Jesus' throne. Also, the scripture/song, "Create in me a pure heart O God / Let me be like you in all your ways" & Psalm 24 "Who can ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in the holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart" and one more comes to mind, "Search me o God, and know my heart..."

    These "heart" scriptures reveal how to grow in intimacy with God. I believe the condition of a "chronic sinner" is one of a precious child who has not yet learned to submit to God. She has not yet learned to trust God more than she trusts her own determinations and whims in that area.

    Jesus has been asked to save, but has yet to be given Lordship in the area of the chronic sin.

    I believe obtaining a pure or clean heart is the work of the Holy Spirit in a submitted life.

    A pure & clean heart is the result of a prayer life where the sheep is:

    quiet before the Master and receives His rest ("Come away with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest" Mark 6:30);

    feeding on the Word of God,

    seeking & receiving the Shepherd's healing touch &

    participating in the life of the Body of Christ as he/she is equiped by the Holy Spirit.

  10. Q2. (Matthew 5:3-4) Why is it necessary to be aware of your spiritual poverty before you can become a Christian? What kind of mourning is necessary for a person to become a Christian? What kind of mourning is a common experience of Christians? (See Isaiah 61:2-3; Ezekiel 9:4.)

    When a person is feeling satisfied & satiated in life, he or she may not realize or even be concerned that God desires his or her fellowship. Wealth, popularity and other abundances can mask a person's innate need for a relationship with God. But Jesus died for all while we were yet sinners.

    Often a crisis will spark the realization of spiritual poverty. Another catalyst to a Godly spiritual awakening is being served by someone from whom God's love is flowing. It is compelling to seek God when his servants are observed serving quietly with GODLY love, joy peace, patience kindness goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and temperance.

    And, Jesus promises that for whoever knocks, the door will be open to him. Whoever seeks, he will find...

    Regarding mourning -- the Ezek 9 scripture seems to be the mourning of the intercessor crying out for MERCY.

    The Isaiah passage speaks to the rescue of the persecuted. Evil will be judged and the oppressed will then be freed from captivity.

  11. Q1. (Matthew 5:3-11) Each Beatitude consists of two parts. What are these parts? Why do you think Jesus made each Beatitude a paradox? What is the relationship of the Beatitudes to the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)?

    Both speak to transformations that will happen when we submit to God through Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit will transform us into Christ's image.

    The beattitudes in Matthew are expressed as a characteristic, then what will happen when that characteristic is given over to God.

    The fruit of the Spirit are those Christ-like characterstics which change us from the inside out when we "die to ourselves" and our way of doing things and let the Holy Spirit lead us.

  12. Hello. My name is Rosemary and I live in Northern Virginia in the United States. This is my fourth online Bible study.

    I hope to grow in my love and knowledge of and service to the Lord. Blessings for my fellow travelers.

  13. Q1. (Luke 2:1-2) Why does Luke name the rulers in 2:1-2? What point is he making?

    I think by referencing the rulers, Luke is speaking both to current and future generations who would read this account. The current generation would know first-hand the government and event (census) that Luke references. Future generations would find references to the ruler and census in the written records of the government and historians.

  14. Hi I'm Rosemary and I live in Northern Virginia. This is the third Bible Study I've attended and I'm grateful for this opportunity. I was baptized as a youth but I believe Christ has been the Lord of my life for about 17 years.

    My family and I recently set out from the church we attended for about 5 years. We are visiting many local churches here in Northern VA and it is quite an experience. We hope to hear the Lord instruct us to join a congregation soon. In the meantime, we're enjoying different worship styles and 'character' of local congregations. Thankfully, we're hearing the Gospel solidly preached in several of these local congregations. Although scary at first, this is a true blessing. I am eager to settle down and start serving in the next body of Christ to which this family is called.

  15. Q1. (Psalm 100) What is the predominant emotion in Psalm 100? How does this psalm make you feel emotionally about God? What are the reasons for praise given in verses 3 and 5? What are the commands in this psalm?

    1. predominate emotion: "joy of the Lord" (no matter the current circumstance on the earth)

    2. This Psalm reminds me of how safe I am in God's fold. I feel God's overwhelming love for mankind, His hospitality, the goodness of His heart in this psalm.

    3. Reasons: We are made to be in relationship with Him. We are his people. He is faithful.

    4. Shout for joy to the Lord...

    Worship him with gladness...

    Come before him with joyful songs...

    Know that the LORD is God...

    Enter his gates/thanksgiving... his courts/praise...

    Give thanks to Him

    Give Praise to his name

  16. 1) The annointed King is given the nations to rule, the earth to inherit.

    2) The resurrection of Jesus and the promise to come again to judge.

    3) Jesus will come again to judge sin. The promise is to repent of -- to turn away from -- our sin, ask Jesus to forgive our sins, and we will be forgiven. We are covered in his righteousness.

    Romans 3:22This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe."

    These verses:

    12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry

    and you be destroyed in your way,

    for his wrath can flare up in a moment.

    Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

    remind me that Jesus, the son of God has the Father's heart. Jesus doesn't tolerate evil, pain and disease. It reminds me of how quick he was to heal, to deliver, to comfort, to speak the Father's great heart to his people. He did not placate or "reason with" evil spirits. He commanded "Legion" out of the demoniac, for example (Mark 5). Jesus will most certainly come again-- we don't know when that "moment" is -- so the time is now to take refuge in HIM.

  17. Q1. (Psalm 103) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you? Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God? According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness?

    Which aspects of God's character stand out...? I am particularly grateful for verse 4 "who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion."

    Regarding the Exodus: I think one aspect was that Israel was being transformed from a slave population to a faithful, chosen people. They left a land of idol worship and occult beliefs for a desert where they were commanded to put their trust in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

    For those who ask to be forgiven, there is no limit to God's forgiveness.

  18. Q1. (Psalm 57) Why is praise difficult in the midst of trying circumstances? How does praise affect our faith? Our attitude? Our motivation?

    Trying circumstances can keep our eyes off of Jesus, as it were. I try to remember Peter sinking into the waves as he began to fear the wind (circumstances). Chosing to praise God rather than sink into fear strengthens my faith. It affirms that God is who I trust (not my own devices). My attitude is more hopeful, watchful and trustful. My motivation becomes obedience to God rather than seeking a "happy ending" of my own devices.

  19. Q1. According to Psalm 131, just how does David quiet his inner person before the Lord? What are the elements mentioned in this psalm?

    The first verse tells of what the psalmist is not -- proud, nor haughty. (I love the sound of the word ' haughty' because just saying it I instantly see the coldness of the word "huffed" out of the mouth and the tilt of the head allowing the eyes to skate derisively down the nose.) Next, the psalmist seems to be saying that he doesn't distract himself with issues outside of his purview.

    So it seems he is neither looking down upon anyone or any situation, nor is he looking beyond his own horizon. His eyes are focused and clear "here and now". Therefor, he is like a weaned child -- close to his mother, anxious for nothing and trusting he is loved, watched over and cared for.

  20. Q1. (Psalm 61:1-4) What images does the psalmist evoke to communicate his trust in God's protection? How do the first four verses of this psalm make you feel?

    [A "rock that is higher than I" connotes strength, protection, position greater than himself.

    "Strong Tower agaisnt the foe" further defines refuge.

    "I long to dwell in your tent forever" reminds me of being a part of someone's household or family. And as Pastor Ralph explained, intimacy with God.

    "I long to take refuge in the shadow of your wing" -- reminds me of being obedient. Running to the shelter of the mother's wing implies also that she has authority over the chick. I see obedience, recognition of authority and trust in that phrase.

    I responded to the first four verses of this psalm with a resonating heart. It is good to run to the shelter of God's protective wings. It is good to stand upon the rock and have that peace and security even while the trials of regular, everyday life are in full swing.

    (" on Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.")

    It is good to be close to God and receive his correction and instruction and be kept safe from the enemy that would kill and steal and destroy. /font]

  21. Q2. (Psalm 95) In Psalm 95 we are commanded to worship the Lord. What are the reasons why we should worship contained in this psalm? Why do you think the warning in verses 8-11 is included in this psalm? How does this fit with the earlier elements of the psalm?[/font

    I am to worship "for the Lord is the Great God" and I am one of his people.

    The warning is a very real reminder of what happens when I am lost in my circumstances ("where" I am rather than "whose" I am). The Israelites in the desert could not surrender their "slave" identity which resulted in stubborn hearts and inability to trust in God though His love abounded and overflowed. Am I daily surrendering to God? Am I allowing the world to define who I am, how I think, what I believe?

    Am I submitted to the Holy Spirit's work in me that I might be transformed to be like Jesus in my thoughts and actions? Am I still "of this world"?

  22. Psalm 150, Q. 1

    (Psalm 150) What does this psalm teach us about praise? Where should praise occur? With what should praise be conducted? Who should praise? What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud?

    This psalm reveals that praise to Yahweh belongs throughout his creation, in all time, and in all places. We are to praise God for what he does "2Praise him for his acts of power; " and we are to praise him for WHO he is: " praise him for his surpassing greatness." We are to praise him with all that we have and all that we are -- withholding nothing.

    I personally felt like "shouting" after reading this Psalm. Shouting out praise and honor. Since it is only 6 a.m. this Saturday morning, I'll "whisper-shout". God can hear me anyway.


  23. I have put off answering because you all have answered so beautifully, and I feel so inadiquite. I pray that you can all forgive me, I feel that if I don't praticipate then I might as well not taken the study.

    The Light

    O my Father, my heart aches, the beauty of your world is to great for me.

    Like a lighthouse I try to stand tall and shine.

    The stormy seas lap at my feet, I feel I might crumble.

    I shine my light all around looking for you, with fear,

    The other side is written on with grafitie,

    and hit with stones trying to tear down my walls

    then I cry, where is my father?

    I hear a whisper in the breeze,

    Be still my child, I am with you.

    As My beacon light is raised, and shines outward.

    There you are, you have turned me around, and lifted my eyes upward

    There you are, in the diamonds that shine in the sky at night.

    There you are, in the stormy seas to cleanse me.

    There you are, in the people who surrounding me are seeing a brighter light.

    I pray that you will help my light grow brighter,

    I pray that you will help my light grow stronger,

    I pray that you will purify my light,

    I pray that you will lead my light to be warmer and more inviting each and every day,

    till it is time for me to come home, where my heart longs to be.

    I love you my Father with all my heart

    In Jesus name I pray, Amen

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