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Posts posted by nerradb

  1. God alone is worthy of our praise, he created us then sent His Son to rescue us and know continually cares for us. Our continual praise brings attacks from satan as the righteous man has many troubles, but God rescues him from all of them. I am now doing my devotions every morning instead of at night which I find is setting up each day with God in forefront of what happens during the day, which helps with training to praise continually.

  2. Our savour Jesus is the capstone the builders rejected the rock of our salvation. Jesus was rejected by the people of the time, due to sin of people putting themselves first (jealousy, envy, hate, afraid of the unknown, lead astray by others etc) Jesus was thrown aside and hung on the cross. Jesus is the light given to us sent to us from our Father in heaven to be our salvation and save us.

  3. The predominant emotion is joy and happiness. I have this same joy because I am His and one day I will be with the Father in heaven. This is part of the reason for praise mentioned in in verse 3 that we are His and under His care and in verse 5 we have the promise that His mercy and faithfulness will last forever. We are commanded to tell others about the Lord and to serve cheerfully. We also need come into His presence and sing joyfully, praise and worship Him.

  4. A broken and contrite heart comes from being guilty of sin, knowing you have done something you can not take back that will have been displeasing to God. A sin that consumes your thoughts because of the guilt and hurt to God and Christ our savour. One you are heart felt sorry for and not just saying it. Humility brings you in front of God in repentance, knowing he is the one to turn to ask for true forgiveness.

  5. To become washed and have a pure heart we need to go to God and ask sincerely with faith for clensing. We need to be united in God's ways by putting Him first and the things he loves first (people) and do things that will please God out of love. We need to keep away from sin, as our sin effects others that God loves (so in this, we hurt God). We ask God to purify our hearts, by His Spirit through Jesus our savour.

  6. Sin is sin and when we sin we end up hurting someone, somewhere, sometime. God is love and sin (hurting people), is against Gods ways and we will be accountable to Him. We are sinful from the fall of man, but we need to be aware of this and hand it over to God for His help and His salvation bringing victory over sin. David knows God is merciful and coming to God with a truely repentive heart he will be forgiven, before reaching heaven and being to late.

  7. As people we can fall into sin, we try to justify it, we fall into self-deceit and say its not that bad, no one will know or we say its too late, it wont matter or we say we are only human, thats the way I am. Sometimes we can think it is easier to sin. satan uses these lies intentionally to bring us down. The fact is we have sinned and satan has power over the situation and he will push it as far as he can a little more each time. By confessing our sin, we give the power of the the situation over to God, he washes it away. We need to pray for God to show us the truth and also pray against any further situations and ask God to keep satan far away. God does not put us in a situation we can not handle, especially with God on our side.

  8. Gods own son is prophesised in His coming, how the leaders plotted to kill Jesus, but God knew what was to happen before time, He sent His own annointed Son to be King. God sent His Son into the world and who ever believes in Him will not die but will have eternal life and be blessed. Who ever does not believe would be beter off not being born. These things the apostles saw in the passage about Jesus were coming to pass, and only Jesus could bring down the rulers of all the world and be true ruler. If we do not submit to Jesus we will truely die

  9. God loved his people that he continually provided for them ways to come back to Him through many acts of love and reasons to put their full trust in God. In the new testament, we see the ultimate show of love, where He gives His one and only son Jesus. For God so loved the world He gave His only son and anyone who believes in Him will live with Him in eternity. Once again giving a way to come back to God. God wants us to take on these characteristics give up everything in love and trust Him in all we do.

  10. God is a great provider, He provides our gifts and talents to praise, He provides people and scripture to lift our head when we are down (vs 14), He provides His protection against evil (vs 20). We can not fathom Gods plan, He is greater than we can imagine and He is creator of all, therefore only He is worthy of praise. God wants to see His children grow, so I am slowly learning His ways, reading the word, lifting God and others up in prayer, being an active part in the body of the church and hopefully people I have contact with everyday are seeing a little of God shining through from me.

  11. Gods mercy and the way he forgives our errors of our ways, that as unworthy of forgiveness, we are loved so much that upon asking with a humble heart we are forgiven. God wants to see the best for us and even though we stumble, He wants to bless us with His love, supply our needs and be a part of His plan expanding His kingdom. God wanted to reveal Himself to His people, bring deliverance and salvation to them. He wanted them to form a community of Godly people and learn His truth, the knowledge of God. God has no limits in anything as He is God, creator of all. His is not interested in payback or the likes, He wants us to be His people, His children, learn His loving ways and have a heart for people. God will have mercy on those that ask. Amen for that

  12. The Lord God created us and everything around us and for that fact alone He is above all and King, let alone all the other things He has done for us and freely given His son so we might live. Because the love shown in this act, we can put all our trust in God. God wants people who put others before them, who are role models for the kingdom, who are not hypocrites and live to the law and people that are driven by love. God is bigger than any person and any plan we may have, we need to lift our heads to God and invite Him to be sovereign. Only with God can the enemy be scattered and His kingdom be expanded.

  13. They knew God was (and is) capable of anything and that God looks out for their every need (providing it is in the His plan) they have seen it in the past and given praise. They ask in faith that this will once again happen. They want ask that it may happen quickly as the river rise during a desert storm. It could even be a time of waiting for the full harvest to come, that it all happen in Gods time. In things are happening in my life I need to lift them up in prayer, praise Him for the things He has done in the past for me, and wait for Gods perfect timing, while I keep labouring on for Him.

  14. God has given us everything, including His precious son, all that we may live. He deserves all the glory and more. We need to be mindful of God in all we do and thank Him as he has provided and created everything. If we start to neglect doing this we become more selfcentred and more easily tempted by satan. It is all part of our relationship with our Father in heaven. God alone is worthy.

  15. We are selfcentred humans with emotions, we get brought down easily, stress and happenings wear us down and then praise is hard to do. When we get down, we need to be like David a bring it to the Lord, we need to praise Him for all He has done already and remember He is there through it all. Praise to God helps lift my spirit, helps me remember that our loving God is in control and everything happens for a reason, even trying times are there to build me up, for other things to come and helps to me remember its not all about me me me.

  16. God is the calm in the storm. Even though the world around us is falling down, He is there, He is the only thing that stays the same (being still). He is unchanging, He is the same God today as yesterday. We could blame God for not stopping turmoil around us, but it was man that started it. God wants us to be still so we can see God in the things around us, see through the turmoil and rely on Him. We have our Lord when times are tough, He is our stronghold.

  17. Into Your hands I entrust my spirit. In committing to God you are putting your trust in Him. This is giving yourself over to God to do His will as with confidence you know God will use you in the best way to do His will. In doing this you you are at peace, in the knowledge you are in the best hands, doing the best work.

  18. God is our shepherd (We are comforted to know He is there for us)

    We are never in need (We are comforted to know He will not let us go without, does a father give their son a stone to eat...)

    He makes me lie down in green pastures (We are comforted in the word of God)

    He leads me beside peaceful waters (We are comforted with wisdom from God when things could be raging around us)

    He renews my soul (We are filled with the Spirit)

    He guides us along the paths of righteousness (We are directed in Godly living, through biblical teaching)

    Even though we walk through the dark valley of death, we fear no harm (We are comforted with His protection)

    Your rod and your staff give courage (We are comforted as God goes before us and knows what danger is coming and prepares us)

    You prepare a banquet for us, while my enemies watch (God lives in us, which our enemies see making them curious to eat and drink from the same place)

    You anoint my head with oil (We are anointed and trusted by God, which lifts us up)

    My cup overflows (God wants the best for us, as he loves us, we we quiet in awe)

    Goodness and mercy will stay close with us all the days of our lives and we will remain in the Lord's house for days without end (We are comforted in the knowledge that one day we will be with Him in heaven)

  19. David is humble before the Lord, he knows he can do nothing in his own strength, he fully trusts in the Lord. He does not worry himself, as they will take care of themselves with God there beside him. He is content in where God has placed him and where he is being used as his hope lies in the Lord.

    Elements raised are: trust, being content, humility, hope and faith

  20. Since the Fall of mankind we our destined for the world to break down around us, this includes sickness and disaster, but in all this is a master plan. It is for us to pray for protection, as we are mere humans feeble in comparison. We need to have faith that anything that does happen is for the greater plan. Our need for God in times of troubles brings us closer to Him and the need of the Father, we relise that He is our strength and refuge. Having God, all things fade in comparison, the victory already won, praise the Lord

  21. God is the creator of all things, he created the heavens, mountains and he created the birds and other living things with intricacy and detail, and we mean to Him than those things. He is our gaurdian 24/7, He does not want to see us fall and He picks us up when we are down or when we are not close to God (when we come and go). And this promise is for now and forever. Thankyou God for the security you give and being there in times of trouble and looking back on my past, thankyou to all the answered prayer when I have been in deep yogurt. Thankyou Lord

  22. The Lord Gord is the only one we can call upon for protection against anything life throws at us (He is our shelter) from things that trip us up day to day (hunters traps) or the worst kinds of issues, sickness and disease (deadly plages). This protection we can call upon 24/7. This promise is our shield and our armour and having faith in this and faith in His love for us, we have the victory and authority to vanquish our enemies. Without it we are like the thousands that fall beside us, for without God the enemy will surely take us down. This is encouraging to know we have a God that loves and cares for us and does not want to see harm come to us.

    God I call for your protection in all things I do, that the evil one would be kept far from me and you would hold me close under your wing when danger is near and yet hold me up with courage when in battle for Your kingdom. Lord thankyou for your protection.

  23. In this Psalm the way David cried out is a sign of seeking God for a protection he once knew and felt to be seeking it again. He wants to be lead to on high with God the immovable, impenetrable rock, the strong tower, who can see all enemy approaching and defend. He would like to be a guest in His tent forever, this reminds me of the tabinacle and holy of holies where you would have the Spirit for protection, as people not entering obeying the specific guidelines set down by God would die upon entering the holy of holies. And then we come to imagery of loving protection under His wing like a bird protecting her young.

    Its great to know that God is there to call on in the good times and the bad (although it is generally the bad that people call out as their last port of call instead of Him being their first). I feel like David and cry out in frustration for God to listen to me and I wait and I learn some more. I see Him working mightily in those around me healing people, moving people and giving protection, which gives me hope that He is very near and real. And through this learning, I thank Him that he is doing a work in me. It gives me hope that a man of God like David had dry spells and he too had to cry out to God and wait.

  24. 1 Cronicles 4:10

    And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, "Oh, that you bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me, and that You would be with me, and that you would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!" So God granted him what he requested.

    This may sound like a selfish prayer, but no, this is praying for spiritual blessing that Gods territory is enlarged by using us, we are guided by God as it is impossible to do this without God (humbling ourselves before God), that evil is diverted before we encounter it (This giving God the power to help against sin which tempts us) and that we have wisdom not to cause pain with the people we are meeting. So this prayer is a very daring prayer, not selfish at all.

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