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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Kimberly Grant

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Posts posted by Kimberly Grant

  1. What convictions has God formed in you through this "Vision for the Church" Bible Study that will make a difference on how you think about, value, and act toward your own local congregation? Towards the greater Church around the world?

    Eph. 3: 10 summarizes my thoughts: "His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God whould be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms according to His eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord."

    Our church is going through some hard times, as our organist retired and out minister has given his 1 month notice. Now, more than ever, as an elder of the church, I need to focus on three things.... 1. What does God intend the church to be. 2. What is the result we are trying to produce, and 3. What are God's standards for measurement. Ephesians has clearly defined those answers for me. I have not taken the time to post answers very often, but I have enjoyed having the comraderie, and knowing there are other Christians out there who are learning and reading along with me. Thank you and please pray for our little church in Leeds, Maine!

    A sister in Christ, Kimberly

  2. As I read the replies of my brothers and sisters in Christ, I'm reminded that for me, my vision is restrained by my control. I need to surrender to the will of God and listen and see as He wishes, rather than hearing and seeing only MY wishes! I pray for vision and insight and the discipline to hear/see God's reply!

  3. I'm with you, Patty Heard. This posting is all new to me, but I could not resist a resounding agreement that, yes, sin is costly, and we as a society have become numb to so much of it. The sacrifice of our savior should repulse us more than the death of some animal, as we are to blame for Christ's death. Thank God that through it we are forgiven. This topic made me really realize the horror of what Christ did for us, for me! I will not take this for granted. I owe it to respond as his disciple.

  4. Hi, My name is Kimberly, but more often referred to as "Nana." I came to know Christ in 1973. I had a reawakening to my faith two years ago and have returned to my home church where my grandchildren will be the 6th generation of my family to worship there. Our church here in Maine is very reserved and historically people have considered their faith to be "private," not something to be shared. I spent many an evening on my knees praying for change, and it has been happening! We now have a Thursday evening Bible study at my home with approximately 6-8 attending, and an adult Sunday School class of about the same number. I am struggling with my teaching abilities, but have put this in God's hands. We need prayers! I want my church to resound with the salvation message and my 6 grandchildren and 5 children and their spouses to know Christ. A strong, Bible centered church, and much prayer is my mission! This is my first study, however I have used the Ephesians study in conjunction with a couple of other studies for our evening Bible study. It has been a huge help! God bless you all!

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