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Posts posted by greatanne

  1. Q4. (Psalm 40:17) In this verse David combines both humility and faith in his prayer to God. Why are both humility and faith necessary? What happens when one of these qualities is missing?

    While Davids humility shows his act of total surrender and trust to God, His Faith shows Gods willingness to answer his prayers because of his total hope and trust in God.

    When one of these qualities are missing God's hand are not moved to answer our prayers.

  2. Q2. (Psalm 69:30-32) Why does this lament (and nearly all laments in the Psalms) end with an upswing of hope and praise? What does this teach us about our own laments and prayers? Why is praise, the language of faith, so important in our prayers, especially prayers of desperate pleas for help?

    This lament and nearly all laments in the bible end with an upswing of hope and praise because God inhabits in the praises of his people. So when you praise God sincerely, there is a kind of assurance you receive that God is with you and your prayers have been answererd.

    This teaches us that God is with us when we call upon Him and we are been assured that whatever we ask in His name, we shall receive. This goes further to say that in God, there is deliverance and restoration.

    Praise the language of faith is so importent in our prayers because without faith, it is impossible to please the Lord. When we ask for help from God and we dont back it up with total trust in God, we are wasting our time. We have to be sure within us that He has answered us.

  3. Q1. (Psalm 69:12-18) How could David dare to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah? How does God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins?

    In 1 Jn1:9, we are made to understand that, ''If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to clease us from all unrighteouness''. With the acceptance of this word, David first acknowledged his sins for laying bathsheba and killing uriah. Then he asked God for forgiveness.

    God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins by HIS compassionate move of forgiveness towards us whenever we sin. Each time we fall to sin and cry out to God, He does not waste time to have us back to HIMSELF. For He said, it is not His wish that any should perish but that we come to repentance. Thank You Lord for this your loving kindness towards us.

  4. Q3. (Psalm 98) What are the reasons given for praise in Psalm 98? Why do you think praise is so exuberant in this psalm? How exuberant is praise in your congregation, in your life? Why or why not is it exuberant?

    The reasons given to praise God in this psalms includes making HIS salvation known to us, Revealing HIS righteousness to us. HIS love and faithfulness toward us. HE has also come to judge d world aright and bring our final salvation.

    Praise is so exuberant in this psalm bc HE has saved us marvelously and the righteous judge is coming who will set all injustice aright and bring salvation our final salvation.

    Praise is so exuberant in my congregation bc we acknowledge that we are adopted children of GOD. So when we remember HIS act of forgiveness of our sins, HIS deliverance from the power of the devil and defeat of satan. all these makes the whole congregation praise God with all their hearts.

    In my life, when i remember the priviledge that GOD has given me to know HIM and to remain in HIS presence, i praise HIM with everything in me. i feel so good praising God and cannot live without praising HIM.ITS EXUBERANT BC I DO IT WITH ALL MY HEART.

  5. Q2. (Psalm 95) In Psalm 95 we are commanded to worship the Lord. What are the reasons why we should worship contained in this psalm? Why do you think the warning in verses 8-11 is included in this psalm? How does this fit with the earlier elements of the psalm?

    The reasons why we should worship the Lord as contained in this psalm are

    1. We are made to understand that God is the rock of our salvation

    2. He is the gerat God

    3. He is the great King above all all gods

    4. He owns the deep places of the earth & the heights of the hill are HIS also.

    5. He made the seas.

    6. He formed the dry land

    7. He is the creator of all things.

    The warning in vs 8-11 is included is to remind us that God is always grieved when we harden our hearts and err. He was grieved with the Isrealites in the wilderness when they tried God by their act of disobedience. In anger God declared that they shall never enter into His rest. This is also a warning to all of us not to grieve God.

    This fits the earlier elements of psalm which states that we should trust God in all things no matter the condition and we should also praise HIM at all times because HE is worthy of our praises.

  6. Q1. (Psalm 150) What does this psalm teach us about praise? Where should praise occur? With what should praise be conducted? Who should praise? What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud?


    This psalm teaches us that everything created that has breadth should praise God for His acts of power and surpassing greatness. And for it to be called it shld be done with instruments and dance. Also, praise should include where it shld be done, why you are doing the praise, how it shld be done and the people that are required o praise. ( everything that has breadth).

    Praise shloud be conducte with instruments (trumpet, lyre, strings, cymbals, flute etc) and dance.

    Everything that has breadth should praise God. Both animals, birds of the air, fishes of the sea and even trees.

    This psalm makes me feel that praises is important and God values it alot. I also feel that everything in me and in my environment should start praising God.

  7. PSALM 139

    In our everyday battles of life, we may hate GOD unknowingly and speak ill of HIM. That is why it is neccessary to make the above prayer i made. Most times, we have murmured and asked God uneccessary questions just because our expections have not been met. We should all know that in all our situations and circumstances GOD is ther with us.

    The modern day synonyms and thoughts that correspond to the thoughts in this psalm are perfection, finished and completeness.

    God is good in all ramifications.

  8. Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (www.jesuswalk.com/psalms/psalms-exercises.htm). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others.

    PSALM 139:

    PSALM 139 moves me spirit a lot. So i chose to paraphrase it and relate it to me personally.This psalm is talking about how well GOD knows me. He knows ume too well to the extent that HE understands my thoughts and comprehend my paths. God knows when am sitting down, rising up, lying down etc. Infact, HE is aquainted with everything that concerns me. His all knowing, ominipotent, ominiscience nature is overwhelming to me that i lack the right words to explain it.

    I respect, fear and praise the Lord God Almighty because i am fearfully and wonderfully made. He formed me even right from the womb, so HE knows me intimately well more than i know myself.And for this reason, i cannot go away from HIS spirit, because even when i hide myself in darkness, the night shall be light about me. The darkness and the light are both alike to GOD.

    If i add together HIS thoughts and care for me, i will boldly say that they are important, precious and great.

    As many that have hated the Lord and speak ill against HIM, are my enemies. I hate them dearly.

    Father, i pray that if there is any such wicked act in me, please guide and lead me aright to life everlasting.

  9. Q3. (Psalm 139). In what way does the wonder of creation in the psalm seem to affect the psalmist? In his concluding prayer in verses 23-24, what does he ask God to do?

    The wonder of the creation humbled the psalmist so much that he realised that God is Ominipresent and ominiscience and ominipotent. He realised that he cannot hide away from God, with this he surrendered totally to the Almighty God. God knows each and every one us intimately so we cannot run away from HIM.

    In his concluding prayer in vs 23 - 24 the psalmist asked God to guide him against sin and if there is any sin in him, God should cleanse him, give him a pure heart and lead him back to the path of righteousness to have eternal life. We should all ask God for the same.

  10. Q2. (Psalm 19) Verses 1 to 6 seem very different from verses 7 to 13, but there is a common thread that relates the first part to the second part. What is it? In what way does the psalmist seem to bask in God's Word? Have you ever felt that way? How does the psalmist's wonder in creation seem to affect him in this psalm? In the classic prayer of verse 14, what is David asking God to do?

    In what way does the psalmist seem to bask in God's word?

    The psalmist basks in God's word by making out time to meditate on the word of God. Aa he does this, he is overwhelmed by the character, attributes, laws, testimonies, status, commandments and judgement of God.

    I have felt that way several times.

    His wonder in creation makes him see the reality and the majestic nautre of God. Thus his love for God grew higher.

    In the classic prayer of verse 14, David is asking God to be his redeemer and the source of his strenght.

  11. Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

    This psalm teaches us about the majestic, nobleness, execellency and superiority of God over all in the earth and His glory, splendor and honour above the heavens.From this psalm you can also see the greatness of in His creation - the heavens, the moon and the stars. It also teaches us thet upon the vast of His creation, God still have time to care for man. What a faithful God we have.

    For Human beings, it teaches us about the weakness of man. That even in our weaknesses, we have abundant strenght when we draw God closer to ourselves.

    It teaches us about the humility of Christ. How He humbled Himself to die a shame ful death in oder to reconcile man to God.

    Finally, from this psalm, we learn't that it is our responsibility to have dominion over the works of His hands thereby serving the Almighty God. And this dominion should never be done independent of God.

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