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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Posts posted by lawsy40

  1. :angry:

    Q3. (Matthew 5:39-42) What do Jesus' examples or tiny cameos in verses 39-42 have in common? Someone has said that if we were to carry out verses 39-42 literally, we would aid and abet evil. Do you agree? How should we take these examples: As case law? As hyperbole? As a series of aphorisms or adages? In another way?
    So how are we to apply the laws governed by the land ??? Does this mean we are to let our enemies run all over us ???? How do you walk in love to those who have offended you ? Some offenses are more easily resolved than others. I can forgive a person who takes the life of a loved one but that does not mean I will not expose the offender to the proper authorities . I guess this question is very conflicting with the human soul. I face a situation in which someone forged the deeds to my parents home, took out a mortgage and now the house is jeopardy of foreclosure. Although I forgave the offender and tried to work something out to prevent this from happening , they continued to lie and manipulate the situation until I was forced to report their actions. This was a sibling. Am I to just let my parents home they worked so hard to pay off go to auction ?
  2. :):wub: Hello Everyone! Sorry I'm a little behind with the introduction. I am Lawsy40. I'm a couple days behind with the study and hope to catch up. I am enrolled in a couple of other studies as well and am enjoying them ! Somehow I missed the Introduction e-mail when it arrived in the inbox. Anyway, although I have a very busy schedule I am looking forward to participating in the forums on the studies with everyone.

  3. Hi Jacob I'm Lawsy40 and like you I am trying to enrich my walk with God through His Son Jesus Christ. Welcome I m sure you will be enriched
    2007, 08:11 PM' post='30567']


    My name is Jacob Cherian. I am originally from India, currently residing in Toronto, Canada. I hail from a protestant background (CSI). I know this bible study will help me strengthen my faith and grow in spirit .

  4. Greetings ! This is lawsy 40 and I am excited about being a part of this on-line community. I am originally from Tennessee and have lived in Texas for almost 15 years. I am looking forward to this study in the Psalms and developing spiritully through the forums on this site. :)

    Thank you all for your warm welcome. You'll have to be patient with me I am very new to online communication. As stated previously I am originally from Tennessee and have lived in Texas about 15 years. I have attended large and small churches. At present I am a part of a nondenominational ministry that is small and growing. I am married and have no children.

  5. I'm glad you've signed up for the Gideon study. Please tell us something about yourself.

    I'm the director of the study, Ralph F. Wilson. I'm the Ministry Development Pastor at Community Covenant Church, Rocklin, California. I have been developing online Bible studies since 1996.

    Greetings ! This is lawsy 40 and I am excited about being a part of this on-line community. I am originally from Tennessee and have lived in Texas for almost 15 years. I am looking forward to this study in the Psalms and developing spiritully through the forums on this site. :)

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