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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Tracy m

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Posts posted by Tracy m

  1. Q3. (Matthew 1:21) What is the significance of the name Jesus? Why do you think the angel gave the name to both Mary (Luke 1:31) and Joseph independently?

    In these times naming carried a lot more power than it would nowadays, that's why several name changes happened I guess - like Jacob became Israel, Saul became Paul to demonstrate transformed natures...

    In this case the name by definition determines the exact and deliberate purpose of the individual... the fact that the prophesies had promised a messiah to save the people from their sins and an angel speaks to both Mary and Joseph telling them to call the Holy Child Jesus is absolute proof of the nature and purpose of the baby.

    To tell them both independently may be for proof, for emphasis but also, although they were called for a joint purpose, to nurture, protect and bring to maturity the expected Son of God, they were also called as individuals, each role was vital to the overall outcome... it was equally important that Joseph played his part as willingly as Mary... to be given instructions by an angel would certainly ensure compliance, surrender, service no matter what.

  2. Q2. (Matthew 1:19) What were Mary's options being pregnant and carrying a baby not her husband's? What kind of character did Joseph exhibit by deciding to divorce Mary quietly and leniently?

    To be honest I choose to believe Mary didn't even consider alternatives... I think she just heard and responded with a servants heart... she said yes and was prepared to trust in her God and let the chips fall.

    On a practical level I guess she was looking at death by stoning on the one hand but as Joseph was the type of man he was, she would have been abandoned to parent the child alone as a divorced woman finding work as a servant or as a prostitute...?

    Joseph demonstrates a noble, generous, honourable character... he planned to protect Mary, release her quietly. He was indeed a righteous man.

  3. Q1. What would Jesus have learned as the son of a carpenter? What experiences would this have exposed him to?

    Jesus might have learned how having a skill/talent can contribute to the overall sustainability of a community, were each part is vital. He probably appreciated Joseph's work ethic, his delivering a service... Maybe he learned to appreciate the creative process of taking something flat and formless and making soeting functional and purposeful from it. He expect he developed a love and appreciation for his earthly father, Joseph also had soething to teach his son! Jesus would have respected his father's ability and witnessed how to work with focus and commitment, stick-to-itness to see the project through...

    Also the satisfaction of a job well done...

  4. Q5. (Luke 1:42-43) In what sense are the titles "Blessed Virgin Mary" and "Mother of God" appropriate for Mary? Why are we sometimes hesitant to exalt her as "blessed among women"?

    1. 'Blessed by God to be chosen

    2. 'Virgin' was simply a statement of fact

    3. 'Mother of God' is in reference to the human aspect of being a chosen vessel carrying Jesus

    - all just actual and appropriate according to scripture...

    2nd part of the question is tricky, more subjective I feel...

    I guess we hesitate for fear of setting her apart from humanity... she was not divine, but she was indeed blessed to be chosen by God for this mighty task.

    Her compliant willing heart is what set her apart... merely mortal, but God did set her apart for this purpose. I expect it's as troublesome to see her as blessed as it is to truly see Jesus as human?!

    Really I dont know, but the hesitancy is undeniable.

  5. Q4. (Luke 1:38) What is the essence of Mary's positive response to the angel? What can we learn from her response for our own lives? In what sense was Mary's response an "informed consent"? When we respond to God, what do we consent to?

    Mary responded with total submission and absolute surrender... she knew what was being asked of her and the consequences of her choice she simply put in God's hands... she was totally present in the moment and willing to say Yes to her God... no matter what the outcome, she believedher Heavenly Father would allow everything to unfold according to His will... When she said 'I am the Lord's servant' she sees her King as Lord and Master and her choice is to obey... that's where the power is, in the choice to say yes and trust...

    So much courage...

  6. Even though both Mary and Zechariah question what Gabriel is saying they are coming from 2 different premises... Mary is a young maiden in every sense of the word and asks from a place of wonder and curiousity, she is not challenging the possibility... Her heart is open to it...

    Zechariah has had a lifetime to reinforce his faith and yet when he hears what Gabriel has to say he questions the possibility- asks for proof to confirm its truth - and gets it... "and now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens..." NIVLuke 1:20

    ...froma human perspective I can have compassion for old Zechariah but I think if an angel showed up to tell me about it, I'd (like to think I'd...) be prepared to expect the unexpected?! ;):)

  7. Q1. (Luke 1:31-34) What did the angel's announcement say about who Mary's Child was and who he was to become?

    Who He was:

    Mary would give birth 'to a son' and she should call him 'Jesus' (v.31)

    Who He will be:

    He will 'be great', will be called 'the Son of the Most High', (v.32)

    God will give him he 'throne of his father David' - so as a direct decendent, a 'son' of King David, he will become a dynastic King and will 'reign over the house of Jacab forever' (v.33)

    But he was also the 'Holy One' the 'Son of God' so he will be king due to His divinity not just His lineage. (v.35)

    oh and His Kingdom will have no end!!!

  8. I'm glad you've signed up for the Gideon study. Please tell us something about yourself.

    I'm the director of the study, Ralph F. Wilson. I'm the Ministry Development Pastor at Community Covenant Church, Rocklin, California. I have been developing online Bible studies since 1996.

    Hi my name is Tracy, writing from Northern Ireland. I'm 37, married with two kids, Courtney 13yrs and Ethan 10yr.

    Grew up connected with church from childhood baptism through to confirmation at 14 but from 16 to 26 walked pretty much in the opposite direction... certainly explored various cultures and religions.

    However as of the past 18mnths I have come 'home' to my roots in Christ and the family of the church. Feel excited to embark on structured study, grateful to be included.

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