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Sherylle Ladner

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Posts posted by Sherylle Ladner

  1. Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden lus+?

    The good and natural sexual desire is what you save for your future husband or wife. If you desire, like Adam and Eve, that is bad desire. This is the type of desire that God wishes for us to stay away from. But sometimes that is so hard, because that "bad" desire is all around us. In the music, movies, and even on the radio, we are surrounded. The best way that I can tell you to avoid these temptations is to pray, and let that prayer be your one and true. Believe it, and it will happen.

  2. Q1. (Matthew 5:27-30; Exodus 20:17) What is the point of similarity between adultery and lus+? What is the difference? How does lus+ break the Tenth Commandment?

    Adultery in the sinful act that takes place between a married man (or woman) and unmarried man (or woman). **** is a craving between what someone wants from someone that has it. They both are sinful in the eyes of God, and that it is wrong. **** begins in the heart of a person and burst to a ungoverned selfish desire.

    It breaks the 10th commandment.

  3. Q5. (Matthew 5:21-26) Verses 21-22 are about murder, anger, and insult. Verses 23-24 discuss some fault against one's brother. Verses 25- 26 discuss settling a civil suit before going to court. What is the overarching theme of Jesus' teaching in our entire passage, verses 21-26?

    The overarching theme of Jesus' teaching in our entire passage, verses 21-26 is that we must love the Lord with our whole being. You cannot give half and half, you must give the whole. We must always remember that Jesus came to bring us the law and the love that flows from it.

  4. Q4. (Matthew 5:25-26) What is the point of Jesus' parable of settling out of court? Who are we supposed to settle with, according to this parable? What does "settling" entail? What are the reasons that we should settle?

    If the court has to decide the matter, you will be thrown into debtor's prison and won't get out until every last cent is paid. We are supposed to settle with our accuser. Settling means owe the money that is supposed to be collected. To see that we don't have harsh punishment from man or God.

  5. Q3. (Matthew 5:23-24) What's wrong with worshipping while a brother has something against us (or us against a brother, Mark 11:25)? What is the appropriate action for us to take? How far should we go to bring about reconciliation with someone whom we have offended? Are there any situations that we shouldn't try to resolve? Or that we can't resolve?

    We must be willing to reconcile with our "brothers and sisters." Without reconciliation, we cannot worship God if we don't reconcile with our fellow "brothers and sisters." In order to take action, we must humble ourselves and seek forgiveness we are snubbed. We may be snubbed, but we must still go and seek reconciliation. Even if it is not possible, we must make a sincere attempt if we would seek to fulfill the spirit of the Law. After all, the Law is not really about murder and stealing. It is about love and reconciliation. Thatis the spirit of the Law.

  6. Q2. (Matthew 5:21-22) Why does Jesus treat calling someone a fool in the same classification as murder? Does this mean that murder is no worse than an angry insult in God's eyes? How would we act differently if we actually believed that angry attitudes towards others are viewed by God as murder?

    1. Calling someone a fool, kills the action and brings into the light what that person did.

    2. Yes; in God's eye, all life special because God created us to special.

    3. Anger is a sin, and sin is against God therefore Anger/sin is a murder in God's eyes.

  7. Q1. (Matthew 5:17-20) Can you see any tendencies in the church today to effectively "abolish" the Old Testament from our Christian faith? What does a "Christian" legalism look like in a church? What does it look like in a church where there are no moral standards and no obedience expected of Christians?

    The Bible is both the Old and New Testaments. When Jesus spoke, he took from the Old Testament to bring His point across to the people. If a church "abolish" the Old Testament, then they are going against the teachings of Jesus. We must reflect on both Old and New Testaments. Without them, where are we going.

    Since Legalism is man-made, not God-made, then it has no place in the church. BUT you do have those who like to become the legalist of the church. Always telling the pastor of church what he/she can do and not talking to the people who it effects. A church that has no moral standards and no obedience, it reflects in their attitude towards people of the church. It creates choas in the church and keeps the people guessing.

  8. Q4. (Matthew 5:13-15) How do verses 13-16 relate to verses 10-12? How does hiding our light affect the glory of God? Why must glory and suffering go hand in hand? Was Jesus' suffering necessary? Is ours? What does this have to do with Romans 12:2?

    First we should expect presecution because Jesus was persecuted. Hiding our light will upset God and He will not like this. Why does glory and suffering go hand in hand? They just do--without suffering we cannot Glorify God. Yes, for that was his purpose to come and show us the suffering that we must go through. In Romans 12:2, it means that our witness must consist of both deeds and words that point to God the Father and bring glory to Him.

  9. Q3. (Matthew 5:14-15) In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable?

    Cities are usually situated on hilltops for protection against attack. It is much more difficult to storm a walled city running uphill, and defenders have always know that victory must be claimed by capturing and holding the high ground. The point is not a city's defense, but its visibility because of its elevated position. To be "the light of the world," Christians must be elevated so that the world around may follow the light. Many people don't hide a light a under a bowl, but to let the light shine to everyone that is in the house.

  10. Q2. (Matthew 5:13) What might be the symptoms of a Christian who has lost his "saltiness"? Is it possible for a believer to detect such symptoms in himself or herself? What do secular people notice about a "de-saltified" Christian? What do other Christians notice about you? Is it possible to "resaltify" your life?

    As a Christian who has lost his "saltiness," the symptoms are we become bland, no taste at all. Yes, sometimes if you are intune with yourself, those around, and with Christ. The world would see a "de-saltified" Christian as person who no longer stand boldly and faithfully for Christ and Christian values, they would become worthless to him. To pont where that Christian would as as a counterfeit to the real salt. I think they see in a person who is constantly at work. I may bring suggestions to the pot, but that is what they are--suggestions. But sometimes I see that other Christians see this as an opportunity to "take over" or become the boss--Now their salt has gone from their life. Their faith has turned away from the real purpose of "being the salt of the earth."

  11. Q1. (Matthew 5:13) In what sense are Christians the "salt of the earth" using the preservation analogy? In what sense are Christians the "salt of the earth" using the seasoning analogy?

    :rolleyes: As many of us know that salt is used for preserving. It is also essential to sustain life. That is why the ancient people traded whatever was required to obtain it. In Palestine, most salt would come from salt caves in the area around the Dead Sea. Both ancient and modern peoples have used salt as both (1) a food preservative and (2) to bring out the flavor of goods. It was also used to make covenants and mixed with sacrifices. But what does it mean as Christian the "salt of the earth?" We say that Christians by their very presence help preserve the world and hold back the wrath of God against it. As a Christian, I believe that God's mercy on our sinful world is due to the prayers and presence of the saints on earth. But our presence is not only a shield against the wrath of God upon the earth, we also serve as those who by their wholesome presence bring about change and healing in a corrupt society. Our greatest "saints" like John and Charles Wesley, William Wilberforce, and John Newton (author of AMAZING GRACE), was the wakened conscience that force a change in society in Eighteenth century England.

    But the phrase "salt of the earth" as double meaning: "salt of the earth" also means that as Christian, we must witness and conversation. We must remain intact that we must witness what God has done in our lives, not my telling but by doing.

  12. Q6. (Matthew 5:10-11) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted?

    1. Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? By looking beyond it to the goal. Men and woman of character have always done this. They have endured the pain of the moment for the fulfillment of the promise. The principal of delayed gratification is grounded by exprience in both the physical and spiritual realms.

    2. What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Our laughter. When we laugh, this means that presecution has seen us. That we have been heard. That our actions have been taken note of by the powers that be and have made their mark. Sometimes that puts us in the same class as Jesus himself, who suffered persecution.

    3. Why is the blessing "for their is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted? We are blessed when we are persecued in that we receive a prophet's reward. No, we have not been elevated here by our own bline and selfish zeal. But by God's grace we have enabled to enjoy a wonderful privilege, to be counted among the choice ones of God. We must remember that Paul was once a persecutor, but now he counted it an immense privileged to share "the fellowship of Christ's sufferings" (Philippians 3:10), to "fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afficitions" (Colossians 1:24).

  13. Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?

    Because we see purity of heart in Jesus. For those who are filled with compromise and conformity, **** and licentiousness cannot see God. They cannot know him. Since we all have a flawed heart, we must reach out to God himself to purify our hearts and cleanse them.

    God is able to puge the corruption of our hearts and make them pure. And, like Isaiah, give us that holy vision of God. The Book of Revelation closes with the promise of intimacy with God: "They will see his face!" (Revelation 22:4).

  14. Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude?

    It shows the world that we tend to follow what Christ has set before us. A righteousness that changes the heart as well as the soul. That all that we have been through Christ will be there to help us through.

  15. Q3. (Matthew 5:5) How does this sort of gentleness contrast with the world's ideal? How is humility important to Christlikeness?

    It comes into conflict with what Christ wants us to do and what the world expects us to do. Humility is very important. Christ set the picture into motion, now it is up to us to follow. Those who trust in themselves rather than God will be left with nothing, blessing-less, while the meek, the humble, the trusters-in-God, will inherit the earth and God's blessing.

  16. Q2. (Matthew 5:3-4) Why is it necessary to be aware of your spiritual poverty before you can become a Christian? What kind of mourning is necessary for a person to become a Christian? What kind of mourning is a common experience of Christians? (See Isaiah 61:2-3; Ezekiel 9:4.)

    A) The more that we are aware of spiritual poverty, the closer we try to get to Christ. The more closer we get the more we seek.

    B) When we have reached the very bottom of the pit, then we turn to Jesus. He is waiting for us to turn to him and say, "Help me!"

    C) When we mourn we see degradation, unrighteousness, and injustic around us. We cannot afford to interfere, so we accept it. We cannot physical mourn outward, so we mourn inward or to be untrue to the values of our Master. If we don't mourn, then Jesus will turn from us.

  17. The first part of the question is this: What are these parts of the Beatittude--it contains a blessing for those who found favor and what they will received in the end (i.e: those that mourn--comforted). The ideal of a blessing is an idea of conferring or imparting something. This is what Jesus tries the tell us--We are blessed.

    B. Why did Jesus make each Beatittude a paradox? He was making aware of the people spiritual proverty. After they discover they are poor in the spiritual aspect, they would seek more--they would seek the riches of Christ--AND those that seek will possess His Kingdom.

    C. The Beatitude commands us to be happy what ever happens. And the Fruit of the Spirit are the rewards that we win after we follow.

  18. What do they have in common? It has Jesus give us a command to go out and preach about the gospel, and making disciples of all people. It was the same for the Magi and the shepherds. When they left the manger, they must have told of the wonderful sight they had just witnessed. To go and take action, prophecized, and command. Jesus underscores that the gospel must be preached to--and will be embraced by--the Gentiles.

    How should we apply this mandate to our lives? By seeking Jesus in prayer and listening to his voice. Don't give up on the ones that "get away" but be prayerful that they return to ask questions about Jesus and his teachings and what he did and is doing for us.

  19. Even though Jesus was still a child, the Magi still recognized that they were presence of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. According to history, where a foreign dignitaries would appear before a great king, they would birng gifts as a sign of obeisance and honor. By doing this, the Magi recongized that Jesus was/is a "king."

    The gift:

    Gold--was the most precious and valued metal know. It was highly prized. This was used to reflect that Jesus was/is king.

    Frankincense--is derived from three species which grows in southern Arabia, India, and elsewhere. The gum has a bitter flavor and a strong balsamic order when heated. The Israelties used it in worship in the Holy Pace of the tabernacle and temple. This was used to reflect that Jesus came to endure suffering as a man.

    Myrrh--is valuable as a perfume and a consitutent of sacred anointing oil. It was also used by Egypians in embalming. This was used to reflect Jesus humanity and later his death.

    Each Magi knew who Jesus is and they provided it through their gifts.

    Jesus just wants us to bring our hearts to Him. He came to earth as a baby, he grow up to be man, But he died to save us--He was us to know that he loves us.

  20. What do we learn from seeing the Magi prostrating themselves before the child Jesus? That even though Jesus is a child, they recognized that Jesus was also Messiah, the King of the Jews. Therefore, you do not stand in the sight of royalty.

    How can we emulate this kind of worship? by kneeling in full prayer and understanding that Jesus is still the Child of the Manger and King of our Hearts.

  21. What is the significance of the Star of Bethlehem that the Magi saw? The Magi were well-versed in the stars of that era. They were looking for many months for a strange new sight that was in the sky. They watched, they waited, and they followed.

    Why do you think the Magi came to find the Christ-child when they saw the star? Not a babe born in a stable, but like the Jewish people--a King born in a palace.

    In what way does prophecy prefigure this event? At the time, Magi were wise men. They studied the stars and interpret dreams. If one the wise men was from Babylon, he could have heard about Daniel. Daniel was a interpreter of dreams and visions who gave the predicted dates about certain events in Jewish history as well as our own time.

  22. Great joy, praise, curiosity, amazement, telling others, thoughtful meditation. Which of these responses to the Good News are present in your life? All these. As a Child of God, it would be difficult for me not to be all these things.

    In what manner do they show themselves? In the way that I treat others and the way I help others in need. If some are missing, then I find a way to show the ones that I missed. By faith, I can help with others that need help or in need.

  23. The reason why the message about Jesus' birth comes to the shepherds is this: At the time of Jesus' birth, the shepherds were the lowest of the low. They did the dirty work like feeding the sheep. They people of the city would look at them as the outcast. Plus this was example that Jesus came into the world for all people not just for the rich but also for the poor.

    Jesus born in a manager to show that even though He was king of Heaven, he was mankind in flesh. He came to live among man and to take on our sufferings as well as our sins.

  24. The journey to Bethlehem was difficult to Mary because at the time she was pregnant with Jesus and riding a donkey over some very rough terrian. But Mary was made of sturn stuff, she put her faith in God and that God will guide and lead them through the rough areas. Through her example, we are also made of sturn stuff. When we are down we pray for and answer to God's attentive voice when He calls.

    Extra Credit: Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow. It does causes hardships especially from non-believers. They are always joke about Christians, and they don't know one thing about being a Christian. They joke about us, but I always say I KNOW WHERE I AM GOING, DO YOU!? It really gets them to stop and think. No conversions yet, but I am still praying.

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