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Posts posted by judeshere

  1. The commandments to love the Lord your God, and to love your neighbour as yourself, cannot be done naturally. They are conditions of the heart that will only come with a changed life of renewing our mind, submission to the Father of our will and desires. The Bible tells us " Be angry and do not sin, do not let the sun go down on your wrath." Ephesians 4:26. Until we are made perfect we will sin, and we will get angry. We are to work out that anger quickly, maybe with the person who we believe has offended us, if possible. Else it turns into hate and bitterness. We are not to keep it in our heart. I know in my life I have often had to cry out to the Lord HELP ME ! AS i CANNOT DO THESE THINGS WITHOUT HIM. Yes I believe they are the same in God's eyes, because of the injury we can do to others with our tongue. We would all act differently if we fully realised how serious our anger can be.

  2. I have noticed that a lot of churches, act like God is there to serve them. The gospel is how much God loves us, with sin thrown in occasionally. People can believe anything they like as long as they profess Jesus, no matter how unbiblical it is. Don't expect any holiness, dying to self or accountability because that is classed as being legalistic. In churches like this, the worse things are according to the leaders, not the Bible, they can also pick and choose what they will allow, and everyone has to agree with them. I see this as legalistic and no moral standards. We need to have the whole counsel of God, a balanced gospel, or we will end up with the extremes. We desperately need to allow the Holy Spirit to be in charge.

  3. As Christians we are to reflect our light to the world. People should be able to notice something different about as, if we let our light shine by clearly standing for Jesus, and not compromising to fit in. We let our light shine in everyday situations in our jobs, socially, and in our homes. We must always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us. I am becoming very convicted by this study, as I do not usually witness. I am so grateful that as I am doing this our heavenly Father, is showing me what I should be doing.

  4. If we lose our saltiness, we lose our joy, power to witness, live an overcoming life. We will not read the Word, or do much praying. It is possible to detect these symptoms in ourselves if we desire not to be this way. We will ask the Lord to search our hearts and bring conviction in areas of need. Non Christians will notice that we are no different from them, and if we speak about our faith, there will be no authority only empty words. Other Christians will notice, and encourage and pray with and for us.

  5. As Christians we hold back judgment with prayers. As we stand for our beliefs, be a good witness for Jesus, people do take notice, whether for good or bad. I think without Christians in the world it would be a lot worse than it is. There is nothing worse than a Christian who talks right, and lives exactly like the world, then we have truly lost our saltiness. Most of the positive changes have been because Christians have stood up and said " We will not put up with this, change is needed." As I study bible people and church history, I am amazed what God can do, with willing people. They have truly changed the world. ;)

  6. The world scorns righteousness. Christians desires walk with Jesus, shun certain books, movies, opinions, popular trends and modern thinking are seen as narrow minded and bigotry.Jesus is talking about His righteousness. He was and is one with the Father,and He sought to do the Father's will above all else.The promise is we shall be filled. Maybe not completely, all the time till the end of this age

  7. Jesus was telling them the difference between the religion of the Pharisees, compared to the new covenant relationship we could now have with him. Happy or blessed is he-- then the result. Paradoxical as Christianity always is. Give our life to receive life. I think he was stressing, how the inside must change, not external. Fruits of the Spirit, are the same, changing the inner person. We cannot possibly live these qualities without the Holy Spirit. If we truly belong to the Father, we will develop these.

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