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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Posts posted by faithfulone

  1. Q1. Why does the New Testament condemn Esau for selling his birthright? (Hebrews 12:16-17) What did selling the birthright represent? What does this transaction say about Esau's character and values? What does it reveal bout Jacob's character and values?

    The New Testament condemn's Esau's love for earthly pleasures. The author of Hebrews is showing what can happen when one gets too attached to their worldly goods; that one bad choice in a moment of weakness can throw it all away.

    Esau's selling of his birthright... being of a spiritual nature, his undervaluing it, was the greatest profaneness imaginable. It is egregious folly to part with our interest in God, and Christ, and heaven, for the riches, honours, and pleasures of this world.

    - Gen 25:31

    This transaction tells us that Esau didn't value his faith or relationship with God and that he was thinking more of his own immediate desires. It shows us that Jacob is very shrewd but also very intelligent. To gain his brothers' first-born inheritance rights would help to ensure that he would fulfill the prophesy that God had given Rebakah when she was pregnant, and had certainly told Jacob about numerous times.

  2. Q1. (Matthew 5:3-11) Each Beatitude consists of two parts. What are these parts?

    Each of the Beatitude starts with a character trait, and finishes with the results and rewards that will be given to each person who has these characteristics on Judgment Day.

    Why do you think Jesus made each Beatitude a paradox?

    I believe Jesus wanted us to understand what it will be like when He comes back. All of these character traits will be laid before the Lord Jesus, and He will reward His faithful with His promises right here!

    What is the relationship of the Beatitudes to the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)?

    This could very well be a cause and effect kind of circumstance. Perhaps the more we endure and persevere through "they revile you and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you for my sake.".. the more that we shall grow into a person who i has more "love, joy, peace, patience", etc, around us that all the suffering that we had once gone through makes us appreciate everything that God has given us every day, no matter how much or little we may have!

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