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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Christian Girl

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Posts posted by Christian Girl

  1. Q4. (3:20-21) Various Christian traditions have different practices of baptism -- the mode (sprinkling, pouring, immersion) and the age (infant vs. an age when a person can profess his or her own faith). Let's not argue about that in this forum. Let me ask you the crucial question for you -- Have you pledged your faith in Jesus Christ and promised to serve him as his disciple? How does this pledge relate to your own baptism? (Remember, no criticism of another's understanding of baptism in the forum. No fighting. No setting people straight -- seriously!)
    Yes, I have pledged my life to Jesus Christ and asked Him into my heart to be my Lord and Savior. My Baptism (immersion) was just an outward expression so loved ones (family and church friends) could observe this formally.
  2. Q3. (3:18a) Meditate for a few minutes on this verse: "For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God." Now personalize it to imagine (1) your sins, (2) your unrighteousness, and (3) your reconciliation with God. Each of these ideas is awesome! Which of these three aspects of the verse has God impressed most strongly on you today? Select one of the three and share it.
    Reconciliation because I think how wonderful God is to even allow us to reconcile with Him, considering we were born sinners. And I thank Him for His mercy and His saving grace.
  3. Q3. (3:4-6) How does a person cultivate inner beauty? How does one gain character? Why is true character so important and precious to God? How can character help a Christian woman win and hang onto her husband?
    I think one cultivates inner beauty by focusing on God and walking in His way...having a What Would Jesus Do" attitude, studying their Bible, etc. God looks at the heart and a pure heart is precious to God. The Bible teaches that if a man is not a Christian, he can learn about godliness from his wife's Christ-like manner. Yet I know for a fact there are times when a man, whether he considers himself a Christian or not can know that he has a godly wife and still allow Satan to enter in so in having godly character and cultivating inner beauty, do it for the Lord...your personal relationship with Him. Do not depend upon that to win and hold on to a husband. Good character and inner beauty should be a desired part of a person's Christian life to be peaceful and pleasing to God.
  4. Q2. (3:3) Why should women try to look their best? How can trying to look their best divert women from what is more important? What is the balance?

    I believe a woman should look her best because that honors God and makes her feel her best. But when a woman concentrates solely on her looks or what she is wearing instead of making her inner beauty a priority, she is missing the point of what God wants us to do. God looks at the heart, so if you look beautiful yet act the opposite, your actions would be honoring the devil, not God. The balance is making the effort to be beautiful overall yet remembering that inner beauty radiates out to create, outer beauty. Being clean and neat is a secondary way of honoring God and making ourselves feel good.

  5. Q1. (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?
    I think some may not understand submission. I had an aunt that had a very mentally and verbally abusive husband. He even claimed to be minister and she allowed him to mistreat her and their children all in the name of submission and now everyone has problems relating appropriately in their adult lives. He took advantage and was not submissive to God. I think whether in a marital relationship or work environment, there should be mutual respect and your opinion should be listened to if if the person you are to submit to may feel their way is still the best way. They may have insight, hopefully godly insight, that you may not be aware of which makes their way better overall. We are not supposed to submit ourselves to someone that is asking us to live inappropriately or do something illegal or in a marital relationship-if they are not submissive to God themselves..
  6. Q4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mean?
    Well, maybe for some, sin does not have power but in general, man was born with free will and just like God's grace is new every morning, Satan tries to trap and hurt God's people everyday all day. In our human selves, temptations and other sin can catch some off guard and Satan can bring things to us in subtle ways so we don't even know sometimes that we are engaging. That is why we must make every effort to keep our eyes upon Jesus, pray daily and ask for His guidance, protection and forgiveness. When we die to sin, we are simply recognizing that our sins died with Christ and in Christ, we have freedom. To live for righteousness means we must make the effort to do the right things and embrace the examples that Jesus showed us. It is a struggle and the Bible speaks of long suffering but the promise that Jesus is with us always and will never forsake us is a major blessing...a wonderful covvering/hedge of protection.
  7. Q3. (2:24a) This may seem like a simplistic question, but give it thought before you answer, and then answer thoughtfully. What is the significance to you personally that Jesus bore your sins in his own body on the cross?
    I am ultimately EXTREMELY GRATEFUL but on the other hand, it makes me sad that I was born sinful and needed saving. It hurts me that He bore my shame, pain, that He took such abuse on my behalf. But then again, that was the plan and because He did, I should be MORE THAN WILLING EVERY DAY AND IN EVERY WAY TO HONOR HIM. We must never forget for a moment what He's done. And in that, my life must be a living example...I must be a living sacrifice to Him.
  8. Q2. Why is Jesus' sinlessness important to understanding your salvation? In what way do you think Jesus suffered when your sins were poured into his soul? How could a sinless Man stand this kind of corruption?

    I pretty much answered this previously but regarding How could a sinless Man stand this kind of corruption and the importance of Him being sinless only boils down to one word HOLINESS. Only the Holiness of God could have withstood this type of pain, this type of pressure, this type of love for His people. It goes beyond understanding and now because of Him we an have a peace that goes beyond all understanding. OH I AM SO THANKFUL!!!

  9. Q1. (2:21) According to 2:21, in what sense did Jesus suffer for you personally?

    Jesus suffered for me personally in the sense that He took every sin upon himself so there is nothing that I have done or will do that has not already been covered by his blood. Yes, I want to live like Jesus and for Jesus but I must acknowledge Him every step of the way because I can only live for Him because He took my sin to the cross. He is the only perfect One. I will never be perfect but I can do my best with the strength of the Holy Spirit to follow His example. From there, there is NO MORE NEED FOR ME TO SUFFER. THE SUFFERING HAS ALREADY TAKEN PLACE. IT IS FINISHED! I have asked Him into my heart to be my Lord and Savior and now I am guilt free!!!

  10. Q2. (2:18) If we are to submit to our employers and respect them, what is that saying about God's expectation that we do a good job? In what sense do we dishonor God when we don't give our full effort to our jobs?

    I have always been taught, and it is probably in the Bible, to do every job as if you are doing it for the Lord so I do my best to put my best effort into everything. If I have difficulty, I pray for the Holy Spirit to give me the wisdom or strength to complete these tasks. If a person does not give full effort or engge in other ungodly activity, they are dishonoring God in many ways including being dishonest.

  11. Q1. (2:15-16) In what way is God's glory dependent upon us living submissive, obedient lives? How is God hurt when we get rebellious?

    When we as live submissive lives, it glorifies God because it shows not only that we are being obedient but that we are dependent upon Him, communicating with Him, reaching out to Him because otherwise we could not be submissive in ourown selves. Rebellion hurts God because it shows we are not listening to him, that we are not concerned enough about our relationship with Him to follow His ways. Great study Pastor Ralph!!! Thanks for everything.

  12. Q5. (2:12) How can the good deeds we commit by living openly as Christians increase God's praise. How does our "blending in" detract from God's praise?

    The Bible says Approved Workmen Need Not Be Ashamed. By living openly for Christ, by praising Him literally and figuratively, and following His examples, others will see Him through us and want to know what makes us different. Like the guard at the prison, they will want to know the One that leads and guides us. God is pleased as we share the Good News with all.

  13. The mindset of a priest towards God is one of action. That is active worship and sacrifice to God. It is giving to God and others. It involves not only worshipping God, but permitting God to minister to others through us.

    It inspires me to want to act as a priest in the Biblical sense.

    I am loving this study and today the system is allowing me to answer BUT all answers I have seen thus far are from 2007. I can't seem to join my class for 2008. However, I have enjoyed reading the 2007 answers and I feel the same. As a priest, as a lover of Christ and someone in total awe and appreciation to the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, it is my heart's desire to serve and to make my life a ministry unto itself. I know Jesus is the only perfect one but I want to strive to be as much like Jesus as I can, knowing I will always fall short. But I WANT to make the effort to consider His way as my way. I love Him...He loves people...Therefore I should love people and do what I can to show that I know Him and to tell others I know Him so they in turn can come to know Him or if they already know Him, I hope to encourage them to have a servant's heart & spirit.

  14. Dear Friend,

    Welcome to the online Bible study forum for the Sermon on the Mount Bible Study.

    It's exciting to meet other people who are involved in this Bible study. Why don't you check in and share a bit about yourself, and what state and country you are from. Please do NOT include your e-mail address. Be discrete about sharing private things about yourself.

    Yours in Christ,

    Pastor Ralph

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