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Posts posted by diane120164

  1. Day 1 Meditation (Psalm 120). In what ways does stress pull us away from God?

    I think that sometimes we are drawn away from GOD when our stresses are not resolved quickly or not in the way we want.  It's amazing how we know what should happen and how and when....I am forgetful that HE is GOD and I am not.

     In what ways does stress draw us closer to God? 

    It makes us rely on HIM and not ourselves.  I immediately turn to HIM when I am in need.

    Have you given your stress points to God fully?

    Some yes and some no.....sad really....it should be all yes!

     What are you asking him to do about your stresses?

    I really just want them taken away wheb instead I realize I should be asking HIM for the strength to endure....asking HIM to be glorified in my trouble and thanking HIM for his perfect will!

  2. thank you Pastor Ralph for another excellent study with all praise and glory to our almighty GOD who sent HIS SON and who gave us the HOLY SPIRIT once we believed on HIM.....praise and honor to HIM above all........

    I am only going to reply to the last question - it is time we, the BODY of CHRIST, repent and turn from the pride we have in our lives - asking our heavenly FATHER for forgiveness for our sin of works through the law and not by the SPIRIT.........praise be that we serve a merciful GOD who will forgive us - may HIS HOLY SPIRIT fill us with HIS love and a desire to live as HE has called us to live - to do HIS will and to spread the good news of salvation through JESUS CHRIST.....AMEN!

  3. Q4. (Colossians 4:17) Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you describe Archippus? In what ways does he remind you of yourself?

    I think that, speaking of myself as an example, there are some who know what it is that they are suppose to be doing, but they don't for whatever reason. Or, they are hit and miss-a little here-a little there.

    I don't go to church, and this is a sore spot with me, because I know I should go, but I can't find a church that preaches the truth. Or I get a church that puts on entertainment to get people in. I don't go for "Saturday Night Live"-I go for the truth being preached. So I have to find ways to serve God Without going to church. I don't endorse not going, however. I miss fellowship badly!

    I hope you do get this as I am late in responding per usual! Please be encouraged and pray to our heavenly FATHER to lead you to the fellowship (church) HE would have you at............perfect or not perfect - exact truth or not exact truth......what am I crazy????? NO. Think about JESUS.......HE went to synagogue every day amidst a religious group that was not teaching truth - twistings of the truth - many man made laws and much appearance of righteousness without any real mercy, grace or love! HE is our example to follow.

    Wherever the HOLY SPIRIT leads you - follow HIM! Trust HIM! Love as HE loves, speaks as HE tells you to speak.....and pray, pray, pray for the people that HE has put in your midst! HE is absolutely able to bring truth to those who are in need - and that is anyone who is not walking in truth in or out of a church.....and HE will use you but only if you are willing.

    YES! Expect satan to attack but remember that in HIM we are protected - satan has no power unless we give it to him - and it is as easy as saying to that sly devil to GO!!!!! Prepare yourself for spiritual battle and thank GOD that you are HIS servant in CHRIST JESUS!!!

    Now here is the amazing part - GOD will give you fellowship! Perhaps not at first within the church HE has you speaking HIS truth in but HE will provide fellowship through other believers in the checkout stand, at the food bank, at the park, standing at the bus stop............always be ready to speak HIS name and HE will send amazing people for you to fellowship with - you will feel alone at time like Elisha after having done incredible work for GOD in showing HIS power by beating and killing the prophets of baal. Elijah thought he too was alone - was it 800 who had not worshiped baal.......there are many believers around - it is satan who wants us to think we are alone!

    I am in this place right now in my fellowship - but I live in hope and am seeing GOD work in those around me and I know HE has not yet given up - I may but HE doesn't. Yes there are times I see things that make me grieve and cry but the HOLY SPIRIT gives me the will to go on - if and only if I seek HIM. Trust me - there are too many times I have wanted to run away but GOD always brings me comfort and strength and joy and hope and peace but mostly love in HIM alone!

    Later in scriptures you see the hearts of many Jews and the religious leaders being turned toward CHRIST - praise GOD that the HOLY SPIRIT was at work and for those who persevered......remember through HIM we seek fruit that lasts and it is an inward heart change not the outward behavior........

    I need to go - may you trust GOD's lead and HIS love for you and for all - may HIS love be in you and flow through you IN CHRIST JESUS- AMEN!

  4. Q2. (Colossians 3:5) Why is sexual l u s t so difficult for people, especially males? Though we cannot deny that we are sexual beings, how can we keep sexual desire from controlling us and causing us to sin?

    I have not read all of the entries as of yet but I do thank those I have read. Also, I am behind in my study so this response is late but I am right where I need to be in this study and I thank GOD for all of you and for this tool!

    Sexual **** is a sin and that is all it is. I as a woman have struggled with it, before I knew the loving grace and mercy of our LORD JESUS CHRIST and even so afterwords - which was (is) very difficult for me because I now walk in the truth but yet I am still tempted in this way. No matter though, GOD has and is working in me to look to HIM for all my fulfillment - to treat others as I would have them treat me.....in humility, considering others better than my self - looking not only after my own interest but after the interest of others.......being of the same mind as CHRIST who humbled HIMSELF even to death - death on the cross............

    The repercussions of these lusts are found in proverbs and many other places in the WORD of LIFE - put on CHRIST - what beauty is there in that statement alone. In James 1:14 - 15, it says, " But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own ****, and enticed. Then when his **** hath conceived, it brings forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth for death."

    We are going to be tempted - but it is through CHRIST, HIS SPIRIT in us, HIS WORD which dwells in us, that we may stand firm against the temptations which come our way - HE, HIS word will guide us into all righteousness - but we must stand fast in the LORD - abide in HIM and HIM alone...........only by considering the temptation before us has the battle been lost but through HIM we can at any time ask our GOD for help and mercy and grace......PRAISE HIM!

    This is my personal experience of GOD's love toward me - yes I am always tempted but HE, through HIS wonderful SPIRIT is teaching me to not enter into the way of the wicked - not even a step through HIS WORD!


  5. Genesis 48:13 says, "And Joseph took them both, Ephraim in his right hand toward Israel's left hand, and Manasseh in his left hand toward Israel's right hand, and brought them near unto him."

    now matter what I do agree that it was GOD's will that Ephraim was to receive the first born blessing but there seems to be something about how Ephraim and Manasseh are placed at their father's side before being placed beside Jacob.........Jacob's eyesight was dim but no doubt he could see the two sons where they were at their dad's side and the switch that had taken place when Joseph moved them along his side.......

    the word 'displeased'(yara`)means to tremble, quiver - this is a little different than our English definition of displeased - although we may tremble when we are displeased.

    The questions I have have are many - I wait upon the HOLY SPIRIT to teach - praise GOD for HIS WORD - it is truly living...AMEN!

  6. Q1. (Genesis 28:3-4) Why does Isaac bless Jacob, especially after Jacob's deception? To pass on the blessings that he was blessed with by his own father Abraham. The promise of heirs, the promise of an inheritance for those heirs and the land inheritance for all of them to live on, where ever they sojourned. He may have been waking up to the idea that his son Esau had married outside of the blessing and since his son Jacob had not yet married, maybe he remembered that the blessing would come to this son who had not yet chosen a wife, but would choose one from with in the family clan who were non-idolaters.

    How does this blessing compare to other blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? The original blessing that Isaac spoke over Jacob when he was dressed as Esau, sounds to me as if Isaac is speaking and declaring a prophecy over his son rather than praying and asking God to bless Jacob. This one, Gen 28:3-4 is now asking God to intervene in Jacobs life with Yahowah

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