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Posts posted by amy_m

  1. Q4. (Matthew 5:13-15) How do verses 13-16 relate to verses 10-12? How does hiding our light affect the glory of God? Why must glory and suffering go hand in hand? Was Jesus' suffering necessary? Is ours? What does this have to do with Romans 12:2?

    They are the same idea put into different terms. Terms that those hearing could understand. A parable if you would.

    When you hide your light the word of God is hidden and not shared as the Great Commission would have us to do.

    It must go hand and hand beause of our sinful nature. that nature must die..suffering in the flesh and mind..so our Spirit may lead. That is the glory of the Lord.

    he had to suffer so the children of God could make it to Heaven. Without his great sacrifice we would be lost to sin and hell, no doubt.

    And our suffering is inevitable. We suffer for this world is not our home. We are merely here to gather and add to the Lord's harvest.

    The scripture Romans 12:2 applies to the rule we are not of this world and should not comform. We should be the outcast's and not hold the ideals of this world as our own.

  2. Q2. (Matthew 5:13) What might be the symptoms of a Christian who has lost his "saltiness"? Is it possible for a believer to detect such symptoms in himself or herself? What do secular people notice about a "de-saltified" Christian? What do other Christians notice about you? Is it possible to "resaltify" your life?

    No longer salty as a Christian would be to show a bitter side of one's self. Examples could be the uplifting of others and the love of Christ shown to others would be demished, and possibly non existent.

    Absolutely. the Spirit of God keeps us aware of our "fallen" states, as long as you listen.

    Secular people recognize a de-satisfied Christian very easily, much more so than a fellow Chrisitan. The world is consistently looking for unhappy Chrisitians. They walk aroud with this bitterness and harshness that exsists in the world.

    Other Chrisitans should notice the unhappiness in your spirit. Most are to busy worring about theirselves though. And that would be what is wrong with your "modern Christians". Christianity is so much more about the other person. When you find God is it an experience that allows you to know your taken care of, as the birds of the air or the flowers of the field. Yet Sunday after Sunday, Christians retrace the steps of lost souls seeking a new experience. The best experience is reaching out the hurting and dieing that find no comfort in the world. Sheperds...teach like Jesus!

    It is most definently possible to resaltify your life. God never leaves you or forsakes you. He is a God of His word. His word says He will finish that good work He started in you. The question is do you want to be resaltified.

  3. Q6. (Matthew 5:10-11) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted?

    The world will always persecute believers of Christ. The world is fallen and full of sin. It is not acceptable to be a believer of Christ in our world. And it will not be until the day of His return. Therefore, we shall be prosecuted for our beliefs and moral high standings, (that Christians should have and hold dear.)

    Unfortunately, many Christians do have a woe is me, I am always being persecuted or put through fire attitude. Not really finding pleasure in pain, but in attention. The way believers should feel about persecution is finding the "light at the end of the tunnel" and having a mentality that Christ's glory is found in the attitude you have while being persecuted. You reflect Christ in this time.

    Knowing that your endurance of persecution will ultimately lead you to the kingdom of Heaven and Communion with Christ is the greatest reward..

  4. Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?

    A pure heart allows the Holy Spirit to dwell within you allowing open communication to Christ.

    As your heart becomes corrupt you drown out the "voice" of God's spirit making it impossible to hear, see, or know God and His direction.

    To obtain this pure heart, you must do as Proverbs 3:3-6 has directed us:"Let love and faithfulness never leave you;bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor in the sight of God and man. Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

  5. Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude?

    Being righteous in our time has lost all meaning. It is tough for others to accept truth and honesty. By no means is anyone perfect, but to stand for your Biblical morals is almost hilarous to those who do not know Christ. An outcast you can become. But thats ok. "And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, "Only in his hometown and in his own house is a prophet without honor."

    I think He is speaking of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God keeps us on track. Without this amazing comforter, we couldn't stand for what Christ spoke and taught. The Spirit is refered to as water many times in the Bible, so hungering and thirsting for it makes sense. And then we will be filled!!

  6. This world does not know this kind of gentleness because it is out for itself and expects you to be the same. They cannot see the love of God. We as Christians have to be humble like our Lord or the world will never see Him as their Lord and Savior. That means showing love when you are hurt so bad you just want to lash back at the person, or when someone is making fun of you or your salvation. When we show the love of Christ in every thing we do or say, we are being like Him.

    What a great answer. Your everyday walk is what is important. The things you do in silence and alone count sometimes more than a public oration or a giant gathering. Imagine, if every person did what you have said...show love when you hurt...would we eventually evolve into a peaceful world?

  7. Q3. (Matthew 5:5) How does this sort of gentleness contrast with the world's ideal? How is humility important to Christlikeness?

    Gentleness is viewed as weakness in America. Two attitudes co exsists: either I am too good to help you or I will take everyhting you have.

    Knowing that you are just as loved as the souls that fill the prisons, or the crazy Hollywood elites, that non is better whether you created this study or are just being introduced to it, Christ loves us all, perfectly and not according to works should humble you above all else. What an awesome God! This is important because Christ never held an attitude of superiority. Therefore, to be Christlike is to be a humble servant to everyone you meet, see, or run into on this planet.

  8. Q2. (Matthew 5:3-4) Why is it necessary to be aware of your spiritual poverty before you can become a Christian? What kind of mourning is necessary for a person to become a Christian? What kind of mourning is a common experience of Christians? (See Isaiah 61:2-3; Ezekiel 9:4.)

    We must know that we need Christ before we can experience Him.

    Mourning for the darkness of our world and the evil that resides all around us.

    Christians should mourn the chasm (that we sometimes experience) between God and ourselves, the sin we commit, and the darkness of the world.

  9. Q1. (Matthew 5:3-11) Each Beatitude consists of two parts. What are these parts? Why do you think Jesus made each Beatitude a paradox? What is the relationship of the Beatitudes to the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)?

    The two parts consist of a condition and a promise.

    Christ was changing the ideas of the times. He went against teachings that had been handed down from generation to generation. The "religious teachers" were to "holy" for the common people to even reach therefore many believed God could not or would not reach them. Christ's teachings opened the way for all to reach the Lord.

    The fruit of the Spirit and the beatitudes are a mirror image of one another.

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